Day: Wednesday, May 6, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Room: TBD
Presenters: Hugh McGuire, Pressbooks; Jessica Egan, The American Women’s College at Bay Path University; Tim Clarke, Muhlenberg College
Description: Open licenses and emerging technology are enabling a revolution in instructional design and educational publishing. Traditional approaches to both publishing and instructional design often relied on the static, linear format of the printed book. Now that it’s possible to create and distribute learning materials digitally under open licenses, there is both an opportunity and a mandate to apply apply the findings of learning science to improve both teaching & learning materials and the learning experience of the learners served by institutions of higher education.
By offering no-cost digital and low-cost print alternatives to expensive proprietary content, open, collaborative content creation platforms (like Pressbooks) make it easier for librarians, instructors, and learners to collaborate in low-risk experiments in teaching and learning, including faculty/student co-authorship of learning materials, enriched digital-first textbook publishing practices, modular open content adaptation, and more.
There’s no better way to lead than by example; in this panel, two experienced instructional designers working on OER development and open pedagogy projects will join the founder of a popular open content creation platform to showcase successful projects at their institutions that are being put to use in real classrooms today. The intention of this showcase is to share lessons learned and proven development workflows, foster a greater exchange between the professional domains of library publishing and instructional design, and provide generative models and opportunities for collaboration among institutions interested in building new resources or adapting existing material better suited to meet the needs of learners.