LPForum 2019 Vancouver

Friday, May 10, 1:15-2:15pm
Room: Joseph & Rosalie Segal Centre (1400-1430)

Presenters: Kyle K. Courtney, Copyright Advisor, Harvard University; Will Cross, Director, Copyright & Digital Scholarship Center, North Carolina State University; Christine Fruin, Scholarly Communication and Digital Projects Manager, Atla; Kevin Hawkins, Assistant Dean for Scholarly Communication, University of North Texas Libraries; Carla Myers, Coordinator of Scholarly Communications, Miami University

Description: Copyright considerations permeate almost every aspect of the library publishing process. This conference session will prepare participants to better identify and address copyright issues that library staff will encounter when they offer publishing services. The conference session will start with a discussion among the panelists and session participants on common library publishing and copyright issues according to US law, and then session participants will break out into small groups facilitated by panelists to explore the most common and pressing copyright issues their programs currently face. The conference session will conclude with an open Q&A session where conference participants will have an opportunity to ask any copyright questions they may have of a panel of copyright experts.