Library Publishing Directory
Heidelberg University
Heidelberg University Library
Academic Library · GermanyHeidelberg University Publishing
https://heiup.uni-heidelberg.deAnja Konopka, Editorial office and proofreading
Phone: +49 62 2154 2569
Program Overview
Mission/Objectives:The mission of Heidelberg University Publishing is to provide open access to outstanding academic publications. We see the opportunities afforded by digital publishing as a way to advance the visibility of research output beyond the confines of academic disciplines. For us, this means that we publish open access, follow a consistent e-strategy, use innovative digital publication formats, and ensure quality through a peer review process (usually double blind).
- Publishing activities began: 2015
- Stage of publishing efforts: 3 - Established
- Open access focus: Central to mission
- Portion of Open Access publications: All
- Publishing Languages: German; English; French; Italian
Program Organization
- Organization of publishing services: Centralized library publishing unit/department
- Advisory/editorial board: Yes
- Total staffing in Full Time Equivalents (FTE): 6
- Individual people: 14
- Students: Graduate student(s), Undergraduate student(s)
- Funding sources: Author fees, Library operating budget, Non-library campus budget, Sales revenue
Publishing Activities
- Conference papers or proceedings
- Journals
- Monographs
- Multimedia
- Open educational resources
Journal Publishing:
- Journals published: 6
- Campus-based faculty-created: 5
- Contracted by external groups: 1
- Peer-reviewed: 5
- Currently inactive or archived: 3
Monograph/Book Publishing:
- Monographs published: 16
- Peer-reviewed: 16
- Required fee to enable Open Access: 16
Top Publications:
- The Mulukī Ain of 1854: Nepal’s First Legal Code (monograph)
- Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung (journal)
- The Psychology of Human Thought: An Introduction (monograph)
- Tooltips for Theoretical Physics: Concepts of Modern Theoretical Physics, Scales and Mathematical Tools (lecture notes)
- Apocalyptica. Journal for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies (journal)
Disciplinary Specialties:
- History
- Art history and music
- Linguistics
- Social sciences
- Natural sciences
- Internal partners: Campus departments or programs, Individual faculty
- Other publishing entities administered by your library: Yes
- Other publishing entities within your library’s parent institution: No
- Program’s openness to working with external partners: Open to working with any external partner
- Part of a consortium which provides support for publishing? (e.g. platform, funding): No
Technologies & Services
Media Formats:
- multimedia
- text
Software & Platforms:
- EPrints
- locally developed software
- Open Journal Systems (OJS)
- Open Monograph Press (OMP)
- PubPub
Additional Services:
- assistance with journal application for DOAJ)
- Indexing services (e.g.
- author advisory - other
- author advisory - copyright
- cataloging
- contract/license preparation
- copyediting
- DOI assignment/allocation of identifiers
- graphic design (print or web)
- hosting of supplemental content
- ISBN registry
- ISSN registry
- marketing
- metadata
- peer review management
- print-on-demand
- typesetting
Digital Preservation Strategy:
- Other (please specify)