National Library of Australia

National Library of Australia

Public Library · Australia

NLA Publishing


Program Overview

To build a high-quality, sustainable publishing program that showcases the depth and diversity of the Library's collections and connects them to Australian audiences.
  • Publishing activities began: 1972
  • Stage of publishing efforts: 3 - Established
  • Open access focus: Not central
  • Portion of Open Access publications: None
  • Publishing Languages: English

Program Organization

  • Organization of publishing services: Centralized library publishing unit/department
  • Advisory/editorial board: No
  • Total staffing in Full Time Equivalents (FTE): 4
  • Individual people: 4
  • Funding sources: Charitable contributions; endowment income; library operating budget; sales revenue

Publishing Activities

  • Monographs
  • Multimedia

Monograph/Book Publishing:
  • Monographs published: 12


Top Publications:
  • Sorry Day (monograph)
  • Wiradjuri Country (monograph)
  • A Maker of Books (monograph)
  • Journeys into the Wild: The Photography of Peter Dombrovskis (monograph)
  • Mapping Our World: Terra Incognita to Australia (monograph)
Disciplinary Specialties:
  • Australian History
  • Children's Literature (including Educational)
  • Australian Natural History
  • Australian Cultural History (biography, letters, etc.)


  • Other publishing entities administered by your library: No
  • Other publishing entities within your library’s parent institution: No
  • Program’s openness to working with external partners: Open to working with any external partner
  • Types of publications should other publishers refer to your program: Monographs on Australian history, where there is a clear link to items in the Library's collection.
  • Part of a consortium which provides support for publishing? (e.g. platform, funding): No

Technologies & Services

Media Formats:
  • multimedia
  • text

Additional Services:
  • author advisory - copyright
  • analytics
  • applying for Cataloging in Publication Data
  • audio/video streaming
  • budget preparation
  • cataloging
  • digitization
  • hosting of supplemental content
  • marketing
  • outreach
  • training


Additional Information

Last Year:
Re-entered e-book publishing after break of some years. Exploring audio book publishing in a desire to be more accessible to different types of readers.
Future Plans:
Audio book publishing, rural and regional Australians, and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) audiences.