Library Publishing Directory
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University Libraries
Academic Library · United States https://openresearch.okstate.eduMatt Upson, Associate Dean, Research and Learning Services
Phone: 405-744-9755
Program Overview
Mission/Objectives:The Oklahoma State University Library publishing programs serve as a catalyst for new learning opportunities. They fulfill and further OSU’s academic and research mission as a land-grant institution by providing innovative resources for teaching and learning, made possible through robust partnership with the campus and community. This includes open educational resources, digital scholarship support, ejournals hosting, digitization, preservation, and curation of OSU theses and dissertations, digital exhibits, and oral histories.
- Publishing activities began: 2012
- Stage of publishing efforts: 3 - Established
- Open access focus: Central to mission
- Portion of Open Access publications: All
- Publishing Languages: English
Program Organization
- Organization of publishing services: Services distributed across library units/departments
- Advisory/editorial board: No
- Individual people: 8
- Students: Graduate student(s), Undergraduate student(s)
- Funding sources: Charitable contributions, Endowment income, Library operating budget
Publishing Activities
- Conference papers or proceedings
- Databases
- Datasets
- Electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs)
- Expansive digital publications
- Grey literature
- Journals
- Monographs
- Multimedia
- Newsletters
- Open educational resources
- Posters
Disciplinary Specialties:
- agricultural cooperative extension
- educational technology
- library instruction
- Internal partners: Campus departments or programs, Individual faculty, Graduate students, Undergraduate students
- Other publishing entities administered by your library: No
- Other publishing entities within your library’s parent institution: Yes
- Program’s openness to working with external partners: Open to working with any external partner
- Part of a consortium which provides support for publishing? (e.g. platform, funding): Yes
Technologies & Services
Media Formats:
- audio
- data
- images
- multimedia
- text
- video
- visualizations
Software & Platforms:
- DSpace
- Omeka
- Open Journal Systems (OJS)
- Pressbooks
- WordPress
Additional Services:
- assistance with journal application for DOAJ)
- Indexing services (e.g.
- Compiling indexes and/or tables of contents
- author advisory - other
- author advisory - copyright
- DOI distribution
- analytics
- applying for Cataloging in Publication Data
- audio/video streaming
- cataloging
- contract/license preparation
- data visualization
- dataset management
- digitization
- DOI assignment/allocation of identifiers
- graphic design (print or web)
- hosting of supplemental content
- image services
- ISBN registry
- ISSN registry
- marketing
- metadata
- outreach
- typesetting
Digital Preservation Strategy:
- PKP Open Preservation Network
- DuraCloud
- HathiTrust
- In-house
Highlighted Publication