Library Publishing Directory
Texas State University
University Libraries
Academic Library · United StatesDigital Publishing Van Diest, Digital Publishing Librarian
Phone: +15124081239
Program Overview
Mission/Objectives:Share your research with the world. We help TXST faculty, staff, and students publish original research online.
- Publishing activities began: 2012
- Stage of publishing efforts: 2 - Early
- Open access focus: Central to mission
- Portion of Open Access publications: All
- Publishing Languages: English
Program Organization
- Organization of publishing services: Services distributed across library units/departments
- Advisory/editorial board: No
- Total staffing in Full Time Equivalents (FTE): 3
- Individual people: 3
- Students: Graduate student(s), Undergraduate student(s)
- Funding sources: Grants, Library operating budget
Publishing Activities
- Conference papers or proceedings
- Datasets
- Electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs)
- Expansive digital publications
- Journals
- Multimedia
- Open educational resources
- Posters
Journal Publishing:
- Journals published: 8
- Campus-based faculty-created: 8
- Campus-based student-created: 1
- Peer-reviewed: 8
- Currently inactive or archived: 2
Open Educational Resources Publishing:
- Open Educational Resources: 63
- Peer-reviewed Open Educational Resources: 1
Disciplinary Specialties:
- Social Work
- Nursing
- Psychology
- Mathematics
- Undergraduate Research
- Internal partners: Campus departments or programs, Individual faculty, Graduate students, Undergraduate students
- Other publishing entities administered by your library: No
- Other publishing entities within your library’s parent institution: No
- Program’s openness to working with external partners: Consider external partners if there is a tie to my institution (e.g., local editor of a journal for an external scholarly society)
- Types of publications should other publishers refer to your program: Authors associated with Texas State University, authors wishing to publish open educational resources
- Part of a consortium which provides support for publishing? (e.g. platform, funding): Yes
Technologies & Services
Media Formats:
- audio
- data
- images
- multimedia
- text
- video
- visualizations
Software & Platforms:
- Dataverse
- DSpace
- Islandora
- Omeka
- Open Journal Systems (OJS)
- Pressbooks
- WordPress
Additional Services:
- assistance with journal application for DOAJ)
- Indexing services (e.g.
- author advisory - other
- author advisory - copyright
- DOI distribution
- dataset management
- digitization
- DOI assignment/allocation of identifiers
- hosting of supplemental content
- ISBN registry
- ISSN registry
- metadata
- training
Digital Preservation Strategy:
- Other (please specify)
- Archivematica
- DuraCloud
- HathiTrust
Additional Information
Last Year:Over the past year we focused on building our Open Journal Systems platform, incorporating Crossref DOI services, and supporting journal indexing and ISSN applications. We also expanded our Open Educational Resource (OER) publishing services with Pressbooks and H5P.
Future Plans:
In the coming year we will focus on Digital Exhibits using Omeka S, more Open Journal Systems (OJS) support and training, as well as policy development and implementation. We are also continuing to expand our OER services and planning to launch a digital press to support and house all of these publishing services in one location.
Other Information:
Our library supports open access publishing and allows journals to set their own policies at the publication level.