Thursday, May 9, 10:00-11:00am
Room: Canfor Policy Room (1600)
Presenters: Jason Colman, University of Michigan Library; Emma DiPasquale, University of Michigan Library; Michael D. Roy, Middlebury College Library; Beth Bouloukos, Amherst College Library
Description: Lever Press represents a collaborative open access library publishing initiative, supported by over 50 liberal arts colleges and maintained by a production partnership between Amherst College Library (editorial leads) and University of Michigan Library (production leads). Over the last several years the Press has built a transparent governance and financing model, set in place editorial and selection guidelines that rethink well-worn publishing practices such as peer review and the publishing contract, and has shaped the development of Fulcrum — a multimodal open source publishing platform. As titles begin to flow, the Press’s sponsors and organizers are taking stock of challenges and accomplishments and looking to the future. In this session, Lever’s partners report on work so far, seek feedback from the community, and describe future plans for keeping the Press resilient and relevant in a changing open access publishing environment.