Wednesday, May 23, 9:45-10:45am
Room: Heritage Gallery
Presenters: Kate McCready, Emma Molls, Shane Nackerud, and Laureen Boutang, University of Minnesota
Description: Over the last quarter of a century, our institutions began library publishing operations through thoughtfulness, but also through a lot of experimentation. Many of our service “offerings” are crafted and shaped on the fly to meet the needs of a single request. Other services came about because our existing services (data management, repository services, or digital humanities) didn’t have the right tools to meet the needs of the requests. But what happens when the demand for those specialized services starts increasing? How can we ensure that we are getting high quality, well developed proposals for new (and converted) publications? How can we be sure that the efforts we make to create publications are efficient, and replicable? As our publications, and our services, gain more attention, and as the open access movement is gaining more traction, there is an increased need to formalize our projects into programs.
Through short discussion sessions, the University of Minnesota’s Publishing Team will go through the process of developing a business and service model plan. We will discuss setting principles, identifying a process for accepting proposals, determining team member roles, and what supporting committees are needed. We will also examine the financial aspect of a business plan and service model and the questions you need to ask at your institution to move your planning forward.