Tuesday, May 22, 4:00-5:00pm
Room: Memorial Hall

Presenters: Paul Royster, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Roger Weaver, Missouri Science and Technical University; Marilyn Billings, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Phillip Fitzsimmons, Southwest Oklahoma State University; Terri Fishel, Macalester College

Description: Since the acquisition of the Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) by Elsevier last summer, there has been much discussion online, in listserves, and elsewhere about what that development means for the future of open access and scholarly communications. The people most directly affected are the users of the bepress DigitalCommons repository hosting service. Some have recoiled in horror at the new ownership situation, others are waiting to see what happens next. This is a panel discussion by current users concerning what they see in the road ahead, including what they regard as essential services, possible options, functionality requirements, and necessary safeguards.