Wednesday, May 23, 1:15-2:15pm
Room: Memorial Hall

Presenters: Jennifer Kemp and Shayn Smulyan, Crossref

Description: Everybody has some familiarity with DOIs but using them and creating them are very different roles. Fortunately, libraries are in an excellent position to do both. You may know Crossref from OpenURL linking. We also provide infrastructure that makes research outputs easy to find, cite, link, and assess using DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers).

This session will introduce tools and resources to help attendees get to grips with Crossref so that they can register content, link references and ensure that content is easily discovered and cited.

The workshop will focus on “Working with DOIs,” walking participants through the process of understanding: How to create a DOI, deposit metadata with Crossref, add to or edit the metadata that Crossref holds for your publications, what types of content can be registered and how metadata is used in systems throughout scholarly communications. It will also cover how to find DOIs for reference lists and the importance of linking these references to other scholarly content in a persistent way.

If you publish anything or plan to, please join us for this workshop –– ’stupid’ questions welcome!