In anticipation of new accessibility-related requirements coming into force through U.S. and European laws, the Library Publishing Coalition’s Professional Development Committee focused this year’s Documentation Month on accessibility-related documentation and processes! Good documentation can preserve institutional memory for yourself and for future colleagues. But between deadlines and day-to-day tasks, finding the time can be a challenge. Creating effective accessibility workflows can also involve some specific and technical know-how, which may make it feel even more challenging to get started.
The first webinar was held on February 12, entitled It’s Not Just Alt Text: EPUBs and Accessible Digital Publishing and presented by Laura Brady, an accessible publishing expert who works with eBound Canada, the Accessible Books Consortium, and Adobe, among other organizations. Brady has more than 25 years of trade publishing experience, working in digital publishing for the past fifteen years, creating and converting ebooks, training publishers on accessible workflows, and consulting for services organizations about how to publish inclusively while worrying about everyone’s reading experience. She teaches about ebooks, publishing, and accessibility at Simon Fraser University and Toronto Metropolitan University. Her website is
Watch the meeting recording and view the slides.