LPC Blog

The Library Publishing Coalition Blog is used to share news and updates about the LPC and the Library Publishing Forum, to draw attention to items of interest to the community, and to publish informal commentaries by LPC members and friends.

LPC’s Strategic Affiliates Program connects our community with peer membership communities working in libraries, publishing, and scholarly communications. LPC’s leadership has regular touch base calls with each of our affiliates and occasionally invites their leadership to group discussions on topics of broad interest. This work helps us to support the ‘community of communities,’ to align our work and to avoid duplication of effort. However, it is largely invisible to LPC’s membership. To recognize our affiliates’ contributions to our community, and to connect our members to resources and opportunities in peer communities, we are publishing a series of Affiliate Spotlights on the blog in 2024.


Website: https://pkp.sfu.ca/
X (Twitter): @pkp
Mastodon: mastodon.social/@PublicKnowledgeProject
Strategic affiliate since: 2017

A core research facility of Simon Fraser University, the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) is the world’s most widely used free and open source software for scholarly publishing. Open Journal Systems (OJS) is used by more than 44,000 active journals publishing in 148 countries, and more than 12 million articles have been published in journals using OJS. The 3.4 version of the software works with 70 languages, and journals themselves are publishing with OJS in more than 60 languages.

PKP is more than free software. We believe in community-led, scholar-owned publishing, and for this to be possible we provide the tools to do the work – PKP Community Forum, GitHub, open documentation, PKP School, free and open events, development news webinars, annual PKP Software Sprints, community governance, interest groups, research, and more. This means that scholars can download the software, and then have the knowledge and power to use it. Upon request from communities who prefer to have PKP host their platforms, we also provide PKP Publishing Services.

There is no open access without open infrastructure, and we’re pleased to be part of Coalition Publica, in partnership with Érudit, to advance research dissemination and digital scholarly publishing in Canada. Together, we are supporting the social sciences and humanities journal community in the transition towards sustainable open access.


We asked our affiliates to identify some of their resources that may be of interest to the LPC community.

Our resources are free and open to the community. Some examples are the PKP Community Forum, GitHub, open documentation, PKP School, free and open events, developer updates, the Archipelago Community Newsletter (click on the “Community Newsletter” category), annual PKP Software Sprints, community governance, interest groups, research, and YouTube.

Sign up for security announcements, developer updates, or our community newsletter, to stay up to date!


The LPC brings together library publishers from around the world, many of whom make extensive use of PKP software applications. PKP is a proud affiliate of the LPC, regularly attending LPC events, and participating on LPC committees and working groups. PKP recently hosted a very successful sprint and preconference alongside the Library Publishing Forum in Minneapolis.