
March 19, 2021

Panel Th1b

Day/Time: Thursday, May 13, 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM

‘Opening the Future’ – a new funding model for open-access monographs: introducing an innovative approach to publishing OA books through library membership funding


  • Martin Paul Eve, Professor of Literature, Technology and Publishing, Birkbeck (University of London), Open Library of the Humanities, & COPIM
  • Contact info only: Tom Grady,


We outline the work of a university press, with assistance from the COPIM Project (Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs), in launching an innovative revenue model to fund open access monographs at a traditional scholarly publisher. Building on library subscription models, we present a sustainable OA publishing model that gives library members access to a highly-regarded backlist, with the revenue then used to make the frontlist openly accessible.

Given the current global library environment and existing budget pressures that have been exacerbated by Covid-19, a consortial model of funding promises a cost-effective solution for OA that means no single institution bears a disproportionate burden.  This model, then, appeals to both those who wish to pay for subscription-access content (more traditional university acquisition models) and those who support OA initiatives. It brings many institutions together under one roof for an affordable route to open-access books.

The potential of Library Publishing Services to transform scholarly communication in Ireland


  • Dr. Johannah Duffy, Marino Institute of Education


Libraries need to move beyond traditional roles of purchasing and distributing scholarly literature, librarians need to strategically position themselves and take ownership of improving access. As a direct result of Covid-19, there is a new level of urgency to transform the scholarly communication process and there are enormous opportunities for an expanded and inclusive library publishing service which addresses access to knowledge and literature.  This rich discussion will stimulate the drive to make library publishing a mainstream service within Irish libraries.

The purpose of this study is to provide a vision for how academic libraries can assume a more central role in a future where open access (OA) publishing has become the predominant model for disseminating scholarly research. This work will analyse existing trends related to Open Access policies and publishing with an emphasis on the development of repositories managed by libraries to publish and disseminate articles. These trends, coupled with emerging economic realities, will create an environment where libraries’ will assume a major role in the Open Access publishing environment. This paper will provide an insight for academic libraries and their institutions to consider a dramatic shift in the deployment of subscription financial resources from a largely closed scholarly communication system to one that provides open, unrestricted access to research.

Given the importance of scholarly publishing, a number of Irish Third level libraries have launched library publishing services including the establishment and management of high quality library published peer-reviewed open access journals to support formal and informal scholarly communication. Librarians are also upskilling in the area of library publishing. A number of Irish Librarians have completed the Library Publishing Coalition’s Library Publishing Curriculum. There is also a newly formed Library Publishing Group as part of the Library Association of Ireland. This study aims to identify and examine the factors of library publishing services that facilitate scholarly communication. The clear message from this discussion is that libraries need to include publishing in their services, advocate for open access and serve their communities and societies.

The Evolving Scholar rethinks the publishing and publication processes


  • Frédérique Belliard, Open publishing (open access) advocate and open scholarly communication lead, TU Delft Library
  • Nicoleta Nastase, Innovation Consultant, TU Delft Open


Open science, combined with new technologies, is triggering innovation within the publishing ecosystem, from infrastructures to research outputs. The process of publishing research outputs is somewhat standard, but a growing number of researchers no longer adhere to the traditional way of publishing. Nowadays, publishing open access is becoming the norm worldwide. Furthermore, open science increases researchers’ visibility by making not only their final publications but their whole work transparent. For its final publication, every researcher has conducted studies that contributed to the final output. It could be literature surveys, experiment failures, developing new methods or generating new ideas, many of which are hidden. Why not bring these research output “by-products” to light? To fill in this gap in the publication journey of the researcher, we launched at TU Delft the open access journal The Evolving Scholar (ThES). It is an initiative of TU Delft OPEN Publishing with Orvium (a CERN spin-off, specialized in accelerating scientific publication for all researchers’ needs). We made ThES a collaborative, interactive and experimental environment for creating new forms of publication and publishing. The publication process managed by the author and the reviewers follows an open peer-review system. While any member (expert or non-expert) of the community can interact with the content by leaving comments, the quality check is done by moderators. We aim that ThES grows with the needs and engagement of its community, whether authors, reviewers, readers or moderators, so it becomes an environment for professional (and personal) development. It’s simple: by deconstructing the publication journey of the researcher, we want to create a path to the reliability of the researchers and trust in science.

March 19, 2021

Panel Th1a

Day/Time: Thursday, May 13, 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM

Library Publishing and Scholarly Bibliographies: A Case Study


  • Ally Laird, Penn State University
  • Angel Peterson, Penn State University


The Pennsylvania State University Libraries Open Publishing Program publishes scholarly annotated bibliographies in partnership with units/departments within Penn State and editors across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Since early 2020, we have almost doubled our production of bibliographies with both published and in progress projects, bringing our catalog up to twelve publications. We use the Drupal Biblio module to publish these annotated and searchable bibliographies, some of which are used by libraries and organizations around the world. We have learned a lot about scholarly bibliography publishing over the past five years and have used that knowledge to create a bibliography publishing workflow that ensures a timely and thorough process from the initial consultation to the final publication launch. In this session, we wish to highlight some of our bibliographies and discuss the publishing process, including the proposal review by our publishing board, consultations process with the editors, the content review and proofreading process, pain points in content organization and keyword searching, the creation and addition of content to our Drupal bibliography websites, and final publication. The publications we will highlight range in topic from indigenous knowledge for agriculture and rural development; utopian literature in the English language; and memoirs and primary sources documenting Polish Jews fleeing the Soviet Union during World War II. Attendees will come away from this session with an understanding of the scholarly bibliography publishing process at Penn State and proposed metrics for success.

Analyzing the content of the publications of the National Library and Archives of Iran and examining the degree of compatibility of their subjects with the approval of the Publishing Council of the organization: a study of books published between 2009-2019


  • Foroozan Rezaeinia, Publishing Expert in National Library and Archives of Iran
  • Somaye sadat Hashemi, Reference Librarian at National Library and Archives of Iran

Description:The National Library and Archives of Iran (NLAI) are a scientific, research, and service providing institution which was established in 1937. The Publishing Institute of the NLAI is one of the affiliated institutions of this organization, which was established in 1990.

Among the duties of publishing are reviewing and approving authorship, translating and publishing printed and manuscript works on Iran and Islam, especially the Islamic Revolution, research resources and library and information sciences, and publishing works compiled by different departments of the NLAI, including bibliographies, researches, and journals.

One of the goals of the organization’s publication is to provide a national model for library and archival publishing through the publication of scientific research resources; planning, ‌ coordinating and creating unity of procedure in the field of publishing activities of the organization; preparing of specialized works in the fields of knowledge and information sciences, ‌archival and documentary studies and researches such as subject headings, classifications, thesauruses, handbooks, sources of oral history, etc.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the content of what the NLAI has published during the years 2009-2019. The number of books published in these years is 64 which will be reviewed by qualitative research method and using checklist. The subject of the book is based on the information of the Iranian National Bibliography.

Data For Good: Open Journals @ Appalachian


  • Agnes Gambill, Appalachian State University


Data journals provide the academic community with high-quality, peer-reviewed datasets, data analyses, and data standards, yet few are in existence compared to the extensive number of traditional scholarly journals. The value of data journals is immense as it provides contributors and researchers with the ability to build upon openly published data sets, something that is integral to robust open science practices.

This presentation will discuss a case study of launching an open access publishing program to support the publication of two new open data journals at Appalachian State University, an R2 institution in the University of North Carolina System. The new initiative is a joint collaboration between Appalachian State University, the University of Arkansas, and SAS Institute. The data journals in question aim to publish articles and associated datasets that support one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This presentation will cover project timelines, costs associated with getting started, legal considerations, data storage options, and using the PubPub platform.

March 19, 2021

Panel We4

Day/Time: Wednesday, May 12, 4:00 PM to 5 PM

Choosing Formats for Accessible E-books and E-journals: An EPUB3/HTML5 Case Study


  • Race MoChridhe, Atla


While PDF remains the industry standard for preparing print outputs, changes in publishing technology and in legal frameworks have increased the demand for other formats. Despite widespread acknowledgement of the accessibility and mobile device compatibility advantages of XML- and HTML-based file types over PDF, however, there is little guidance available for library publishers for selecting among these alternatives. Based on Atla Open Press’s recent accessibility self-audit, this session will present key factors to consider in choosing a digital-first publication format—including accessibility compliance, device compatibility, portability, and differing reading cultures across books and journals among the academic disciplines—and share reasoning and results from Atla Open Press’s deployment of EPUB3 and direct HTML5.

Open Access(ibility): Collaborating with Editors to Ensure Accessible Content


  • Josh Cromwell, University of Southern Mississippi


Many library publishing programs rightly laud the value of Open Access in their endeavors, but this largely focuses on paywalls, and paywalls are not the only barrier to access. For example, users with visual impairments may need to rely on screen readers or other tools to utilize a publication, and if the document has not been optimized for these technologies, such readers may still be left out. It is essential that library publishing programs take these users into account when developing their workflows.

In late 2020, our library-led publishing program began the process of reviewing the journals published through our repository to see if all of the publications met accessibility standards. After identifying any needed changes, we began collaborating with editors to identify necessary workflow changes and provide training sessions tailored to each journal depending on its needs. This presentation will highlight the steps we took to identify needed changes, the process for training and remediation thus far, and a discussion of next steps.

March 19, 2021

Panel We1

Day/Time: Wednesday, May 12, 2:45 PM to 3:45 PM

How DOAJ disseminates metadata from your open access journal to key discovery services worldwide


  • Dom Mitchell, Operations Manager, DOAJ


DOAJ works with all the major discovery services. All article metadata uploaded to DOAJ is available for free. It is collected and disseminated around the world. Why is this important? DOAJ is the world’s most diverse directory of open access journals. We have a long tail of small single journals that represent the true nature of open access publishing globally. Visibility for these journals is key to survival and being in indexed in DOAJ can help with that. This short presentation will show how this is achieved and why this is important.

Save our Search: Ways to improve online journal discoverability


  • Jennifer Kemp, Head of Partnerships at Crossref
  • Brian Cody, Scholastica CEO and Co-founder
Publishing journal articles online is like releasing them into an ocean of content brimming with discovery opportunities — but also some potential perils. To prevent articles from getting lost at sea and increase overall journal visibility in the overcrowded scholarly landscape, publishers must ensure readers can easily find their content when surfing the web and online databases. How can you improve the discoverability of the journals you publish? During this session, Crossref’s Head of Partnerships Jennifer Kemp and Scholastica CEO and Co-founder Brian Cody will discuss:
  • Steps to assess your current article discovery status
  • Tips to enrich your article-level metadata for better indexing outcomes
  • Search engine optimization dos and don’ts

Not a Needle in a Haystack! Increasing Journal Discoverability


  • rachel lee, eScholarship Publishing, California Digital Library


The key goal of open access is the widest dissemination of research, unrestricted by a paywall. Simply making content freely available, however, does not guarantee a broad readership. Ensuring that articles are easily findable should be a necessary component of any OA journal’s long-term sustainability plan. With readers resorting to a small selection of search tools (Google Scholar, JSTOR, Web of Science, library finding aids), what steps must a journal take to ensure that it is ‘in the mix’ for researchers?

On a practical level, building out a discoverability strategy is a significant effort. Under-staffed and thinly-resourced journals may not be able to dedicate additional time to delving into the broader mechanics of discoverability and understanding reader behavior. So what can be done? 

While this session will ask more questions that it answers, its aim is to surface some of the unique challenges of discoverability for OA journals, to suggest some steps to take to increase visibility, and to discuss whether such activities can, or should, be scaled. 

Questions will include: Which are the most important discovery venues? Could these efforts be coordinated and scaled across multiple publishers or journals? Are there technical hurdles that can be overcome with best practices? 

The presentation will offer food for thought as well as practical steps to improving the discoverability of your journal content for researchers. 

March 19, 2021

Panel Tu4b

Day/Time: Tuesday, May 11, 4:00 PM to 5 PM

Migration and More: Moving from DigitalCommons


  • Laura Baird, Systems & Applications Librarian, Pacific University
  • Johanna Meetz, Publishing & Repository Services Librarian, The Ohio State University


Pacific University transitioned from BePress’s DigitalCommons to Ubiquity’s Hyku and publishing platforms between 2018 and 2020. We migrated journals that were published in Digital Commons as well as the content in the institutional repository itself. When the transition was made from DigitalCommons to Ubiquity’s publishing platform, Pacific also reduced the number of journals published from 7 to 3. This presentation will share the entire process of that transition including selection, design decisions, migration, and user adoption. We will discuss the lessons learned, workload commitment, and recommended roles for similar migration projects. We will also share a brief overview of differences between the platforms and how these changes impacted user experiences. As one of the first institutional users of Ubiquity’s Hyku, these experiences may inform future migrations.

After the migration: What editors like (and miss) after moving from bepress to OJS


  • Kristin Hoffmann, University of Western Ontario
  • Emily Carlisle-Johnston, University of Western Ontario


Between 2017 and 2020, librarians at the University of Western Ontario migrated 26 journals from the bepress Digital Commons (DC) platform to PKP’s Open Journals System (OJS) platform. We moved journals to OJS largely because we, and some editors, were concerned about potential implications of Elsevier’s acquisition of bepress in August 2017, but we also expected that OJS would give editors more flexibility and autonomy.

Have editors experienced the benefits we anticipated with OJS? How has their work changed as a result of the move? What new challenges do they face? Our session will draw on a post-migration survey of editors to answer these questions. Because some editorial teams now have several years’ experience working with OJS, while others have only a few months (due to turnover or when they migrated), we will address the learning curve that editors may experience over time as they adjust to a new platform.

We will draw on our experiences working with editors to share what our publishing support looked like with DC and how it has changed since moving to OJS. For example, with DC, bepress staff provided most of the technical and operational support for editorial teams. With OJS, library staff provide more direct support. We will discuss the implications this has had for our work as a library publisher, and how it informs the development of our publishing services.

Sessions at previous LPFs have discussed platform migrations, including migrations from bepress to OJS. Those sessions have focused on the processes involved in migrations. While we will briefly do the same, our presentation will largely emphasize the experiences of journal editors and librarians with the two platforms. This will also inform library publishers who are determining which platform is best for their publishing program, based on their resources and objectives.

A Consortium Approach to Library Publishing Via the Open Journal System and the Texas Digital Library


  • Taylor Davis-Van Atta, University of Houston
  • Lea DeForest, Texas Digital Library
  • Susan Elkins, Sam Houston State University
  • Bruce Herbert, Texas A&M University
  • David Lowe, Texas A&M University
  • Alexa Hight (chair), Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
  • Laura Heinz, Texas Tech University
  • Kristi Park, Texas Digital Library
  • Denyse Rodgers, Baylor University
  • Laura Waugh, Texas State University
  • Justin White, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
  • Amanda Zerangue, Texas Woman’s University
  • Adrian Shapiro, Texas Woman’s University
  • Alex Suarez, Texas Digital Library
  • N. Woodward, Texas Digital Library


The Texas Digital Library is a collaborative consortium of Texas universities that builds capacity among its membership for ensuring equitable access to and preservation of digital content of value to research, instruction, cultural heritage, and institutional memory.  The Texas Digital Library supports the TDL Electronic Journals, where faculty members, libraries, and universities can produce refereed, open-access scholarly journals, ensuring the availability of important scholarship to researchers across the world. TDL Electronic Journals are powered by Open Journal Systems (OJS), an open-source journal management and publication software produced by the Public Knowledge Project.

In 2019, the TDL OJS User Group was formed.  TDL’s OJS Users Group is comprised of library liaisons for campus journals. The group works to create an active community among TDL’s users of the Open Journal System hosting service in the following ways:

  • By facilitating mutual support among library managers of the OJS hosting service, including the sharing of resources about library publishing policies and good practices to benefit from distributed expertise
  • By facilitating better communication between TDL staff and libraries using this service to identify emerging needs on specific campuses
  • By identifying areas of work that could be undertaken by member-led working groups

The goals for 2019-20 were to:

  • Use monthly meetings to develop knowledge around OJS 3
  • Develop two toolkits for journal managers including decision-making toolkit for prospective journal managers and a toolkit for starting a new journal

The user group benefited by reduced costs through shared IT resources and distributed expertise to better support the creation and management of open access journals.  In this talk we will discuss the function of the user group, as well as the costs and outcomes associated with a consortium approach to library publishing through the OJS system.

March 19, 2021

Panel Tu4a

Day/Time: Tuesday, May 11, 4:00 PM to 5 PM

Taking Open Textbooks Beyond Gen Ed: Building a New OER Publishing Model to Support Career and Vocational Education


  • Robert Hilliker, Rowan University
  • Marilyn Ochoa, Middlesex County College


In renewing the Open Textbook Program grants this past year, the U.S. Department of Education updated their Absolute Priorities to focus on addressing gaps in the “Open Textbook Marketplace.”  This reprioritization reflects the success of initiatives such as OpenStax and the Open Textbook Network in providing for general education courses as a way to maximize the financial impact of their efforts.  Our (now-funded) proposal to create a Community College-led, state-wide Open Textbook Collaborative in New Jersey seeks to fill an important need for Open Textbooks that support Vocational and Career Education programs, reducing the burdens borne, in many cases, by students from historically-disadvantaged groups and providing them with pathways to remunerative career opportunities in growth industries.  In this session, we will discuss our plans to develop a new model for career-oriented Open Textbook publishing based on a library-led collaboration between educational institutions, professional associations, and industry partners.

Scribbling in the Margins of the Scholarly Communication Notebook


  • Maria Bonn, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
  • Josh Bolick, University of Kansas
  • Will Cross, North Carolina State University


Open education presents the opportunity to build participatory pedagogical communities. As DeRosa & Jhangiani (2017) observe, “embedded in [open education’s] social justice commitment to making college affordable for all students is a related belief that knowledge should not be an elite domain. Knowledge consumption and knowledge creation are not separate but parallel processes, as knowledge is co-constructed, contextualized, cumulative, iterative, and recursive.” That same inclusive principle should apply to teaching and learning about publishing.

We are developing an openly-licensed textbook that introduces and engages with issues in scholarly communication, to be released in 2021 by ACRL. As we undertake this work, we are aware that any static text will be hierarchical and limited. To open doors to the multiplicity of approaches and perspectives in the field, as well as reflect the dynamic nature of both open education and scholarly communication, we are developing a companion online community hub: the Scholarly Communication Notebook (SCN).

This session introduces the SCN, an IMLS funded project (LG-36-19-0021-19) aspiring to be the locus for an inclusive community of practice for teaching scholarly communication to emerging librarians. This LPF session will invite participants to bring their expertise to teaching and learning about publishing, with a particular eye to making an inclusive open resource.

We will offer a guided tour of the first version of the SCN and lead discussion about: ways to build a community that is open to and inviting for participants that reflect the diversity of scholars and scholarship; how the SCN can meet the needs of those scholars and benefit from the expertise of scholarly communication professionals; What is needed to make the SCN what DeRosa and Jhangiani call an “empowering, collaborative, and just architecture for learning”?

Community, Storytelling, and Good Metadata: Marketing Advice for OER Librarians


  • Leigh Kinch-Pedrosa, Pressbooks


Marketing in the open education world requires ethical practices that often conflict with the impulses of many traditional marketers. Installing a zillion cookies to track smartphone use and sending out targeted social media ads might prompt the usage of a product, but that would be unethical and out of place in higher education. Instead, marketers (in this case OER librarians) need to focus their efforts on community building, telling stories, and celebrating the hard work of OER creators. Telling the story of a new OER in a clear, honest, and vibrant way gives potential readers something to connect with and encourages them to share the product within their networks even if they are not directly invested in that book. This method is far more organic than a social media ad, and that honesty shines. In this presentation, Leigh Kinch-Pedrosa will share practical advice about how librarians and other OER practitioners can market OER to increase their adoption and extend their use, thus encouraging the enactment of the 5Rs (retain, remix, revise, reuse, redistribute). Drawing on her experience working with non-profit organizations (Rebus Foundation, Confabulation) and ethical edtech companies (Pressbooks), Leigh will explain key approaches to marketing education products and services in ethical, culturally respectful, and effective ways.

March 19, 2021

Panel Mo4b

Day/Time: Monday, May 10, 4:00 PM to 5 PM

Meet Rebus Ink: An open, values-driven research workflow tool for the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences


  • Zoe Wake Hyde, Rebus Foundation


Rebus Ink is an open source research workflow tool, designed to support arts, humanities and social science researchers to manage and draw insights from their collected sources. With funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the project team is developing the tool and its supporting structures in line with open values. This includes facilitating open research practices, modelling organisational practices that are central to progressing an open agenda (releasing code with an open license, publishing reports and research findings openly etc.), and engaging with expansive notions of openness, transparency and community engagement to guide our way.

This session will begin by sharing our research into the problems facing researchers as they construct makeshift workflows for their digital and print content, then introduce Rebus Ink tool and its key features. It will then explore the design principles and guiding values for the project as a whole, and detail the ways in which the project team is seeking to contribute to the open ecosystem beyond the tool itself.

This starts with actively pushing against accepted “conventional wisdom” and the reproduction of existing patterns of research behaviour, instead taking a non-hierarchical approach to source collections, and creating output-neutral working spaces that value thinking and reflection as much as a journal article, book chapter or podcast script. It is furthered by a design approach that centres user agency, prioritises privacy and offers transparency to users around decisions made by the project team. It continues with a commitment to creativity and experimentation in business model design, prioritising sustainability and access over profit and exclusivity. And finally, it is underpinned by an organisational structure that models transparency and ethical labour practices.

Let’s Get Packing: How the Laurier Library partnered with the Bookstore and Printing Services to take over Coursepack Publishing


  • Lauren Bourdages, Copyright and Reserves Supervisor, Wilfrid Laurier University Library
  • Melanie Ross, Copyright and Reserves Associate, Wilfrid Laurier University Library


Course readings are of vital importance to university students. They’re a central element of teaching and learning. As traditional proprietary textbooks become more and more expensive instructors are trying to find ways to move away from them. Enter printed course packs and electronic course reserves, two overlapping services provided by most post-secondary institutions. These services are even more important in light of the current move to widespread remote and online learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the 2018 academic year, the Course Reserves office at the Laurier Library became a publisher for the first time as a partnership between the Library, the campus Bookstore, and the University’s Printing Services department was realised. After a year of work building a process, the Library took over the copyright clearance and publication of the university’s print course packs intending to transfer as many course packs from print to digital using the library’s course reserves service. After almost three full years what have we learned from this partnership? In this presentation, we’ll cover those lessons along with why we took on the publishing role, how it worked, and how things stand during the pandemic.

Community Espress-ion: the Espresso Book Machine, public libraries, and the development of creative communities


  • Elizabeth Murtough, University College Dublin


The public library plays an important role in ongoing efforts to facilitate civic and creative engagement in connected communities. According to Conrad (2017), the library has the potential to expand engagement efforts especially in the publishing sector. While a lesser discussed area of research relative to university library publishing, public library publishing, as evidenced by Kniffel (1989) and Williams (1987), has a long, dynamic history as a medium for community engagement and the development of richer localised collections. As Conrad (2017) argues, public library programs that make self- or micropublishing available can amplify the role of the library as a ‘true archive’ of its locality. Consequently, public library publishing programs can mirror Stanley’s (2007) claim of the role of scholarly library publishing in challenging the master narrative and creating space for voices and ideologies otherwise institutionally marginalized.

At present, the most commonly used tool for print-on-demand publishing is the Espresso Book Machine (EBM), a 2003 technology spearheaded by publisher and editor Jason Epstein. The EBM is capable of printing a vast catalogue of books on demand through its EspressNet database, but can also be used by self-publishers and micropublishers for small print runs (Koerber, 2012; Espresso Book Machine, 2015). Situating the latter use within the Maker Movement, Koerber argues that the EBM can empower communities through creative collaboration and connected learning. This tool, therefore, has the potential to expand creative community engagement where deployed within, and leveraged by, local public libraries.

This presentation will use program and cost models as well as community responses for extant EBM installations to look forward to a future where such mechanisms are available to expand the range of locally published voices and the role of the library in community development. A bibliography will be provided to interlocutors to facilitate further thinking on the topic.

March 19, 2021

Panel Mo4a

Day/Time: Monday, May 10, 4:00 PM to 5 PM

Publishing Undergraduate Research: From Serendipity to Strategy


  • Sarah Frankel, University of Louisville
  • Rachel Howard, University of Louisville


A combination of ambitious and motivated first-year students, a newly-formed IR Advisory Board including members of a university’s strategic planning subcommittee, and a pandemic led to the rapid expansion of the University of Louisville’s open access offerings of undergraduate research in 2020.

Our small team’s responsiveness to the requests from multiple fronts to showcase undergraduate research meant modifying our institutional repository’s collection policy; adapting author agreements; preparing MOUs; and communicating with stakeholders ranging from the Provost’s office to novice journal editors to software support, all while working remotely.

The juried poster session events and open access journals produced by undergraduates and presented on our repository have brought the library publishing program positive publicity and a mention in the new university strategic plan. The process has prompted us to improve our documentation of other IR procedures and relationships, laying a stronger, more sustainable foundation for the repository as a whole.

Partnering with Student Journals to Increase Visibility and Discoverability


  • Omar Dewidar, University of Ottawa Journal of Medicine
  • Jeanette Hatherill, University of Ottawa Library
  • Zacharie Saint-Georges, University of Ottawa Journal of Medicine


Student-run journals are often significant pieces of an academic library’s publishing or hosting program that offer graduate and undergraduate students valuable experiential learning opportunities related to various aspects of scholarly publishing. However, the student-run nature of these journals can pose unique challenges for their library partners with an often-higher editorial turnover than their faculty counterparts. Since 2013, the University of Ottawa Library and the student-run University of Ottawa Journal of Medicine (UOJM) have been partnering on projects to increase the journal’s visibility and discoverability. This session will highlight some successful past projects and present the progress of a current project that seeks to have the journal indexed in PubMed. Representatives from the journal’s editorial team will share some best practices and current challenges related to managing a journal while pursuing full time studies. Participants will also gain insight into the important role the Library can play as a keeper of institutional memory for student journals.

The Pursuit of High Research Activity Classification: Library/Learning Commons Support for Student Publishing


  • Linda Cifelli, Kean University
  • Craig Anderson, Kean University


As a university pursues R2 Carnegie research classification, the provision of support for publishing efforts by members of its community plays a significant role in the pursuit of that goal. While faculty members are prime candidates for such services, the university’s research classification goals are also well served by support for student publishing.

This presentation focuses on the development and implementation of an integrated set of strategies by one institution’s library and affiliated learning commons units in an effort to nurture publishing by undergraduate and graduate students. These strategies combine outreach conducted through various modalities, ranging from live virtual meetings and workshops to informational text and multimedia content embedded on the websites and other platforms of various university stakeholders.

A librarian embedded with programs that facilitate faculty-mentored research accomplishes a number of goals, including helping students access library and other information resources and also guiding students to the writing support that will help them successfully share the results of their scholarly and creative projects. In addition, an online library/learning commons module available to all students via their learning management system provides intrusive engagement through easy access to asynchronous resources that support development of information literacy, communication literacies, and related student learning outcomes when they write papers as the culmination of their scholarly research.

Outreach efforts across the university emphasize the publishing opportunities available to students through the university’s own open-access student journal, published on a digital learning commons platform.

By helping students to understand the academic and professional development benefits of publishing their work and by providing a digital platform through which research conducted by undergraduate and graduate students may be shared, the university will advance its efforts to increase overall campus-wide research activity and to achieve recognition for high research activity.

March 19, 2021

Panel Mo1b

Day/Time: Monday, May 10, 1:15 PM to 2:15 PM

Growing Knowledge in Living Handbooks: The Open-Access Platform PUBLISSO


  • Gregor Schumann, ZB MED – German National Library of Medicine
  • Uta Woiwod, ZB MED – German National Library of Medicine


This presentation introduces the audience to the “Living Handbook” project, an open-access publishing format for academic research in medical science/life sciences. Operated by ZB MED (German National Library of Medicine), Germany’s prominent library for life sciences, the project was designed to provide evolving science with international visibility and a sustainable ‘home‘ within the world of open access: The Handbooks’ architecture allows their content to grow alongside the achievements of the scientific fields they cover – chapters can be continuously added, scratched or updated without much ado.

Thus, our way of open-access publishing enables a fast-track, professional, and long-term exchange of scientific knowledge. By providing individual PIDs and ensuring citability by an accessible version history, it functions as a living host that combines common values and standards for scientific publishing: Quality-management workflows were established on both sides of the publishing process, high-quality academic research is guaranteed by peer reviewing and accompanied by editorial quality assurance. Scientists from all over the world are invited to connect their knowledge to the Handbooks‘ contents, which can be accessed by Internet users without any paywall and at any chosen time.

Based on the Content Management System Drupal, the Living Handbook project was built into the online publication platform PUBLISSO, also hosting ZB MED’s very own repository. The platform has already been in use for more than four years and is subject to continuous development. Genuinely developed as an open-source application, other libraries or institutions are welcome to use the system for their own publishing ideas and even develop it according to their specific needs.

Developing a Press Approach to Omeka S with the Teams Module


  • Alexander Dryden, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Daniel G. Tracy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


This presentation explores user experience challenges faced by authors and library publishers when using Omeka S as a platform to publish digital exhibits curated by scholars, and a solution developed locally and available for reuse: the Omeka S Teams module. Omeka S offers a major advance over Omeka Classic in its ability to host multiple sites, making it possible to publish multiple scholar-created exhibits without maintaining multiple servers and installs. The Illinois Open Publishing Network at the University of Illinois Library began using Omeka S as part of a suite of platforms for long-form publications by authors, in this case for curated exhibits with analytical essays attached. However, a key challenge quickly became apparent: Omeka S assumes that the different sites will still maintain a shared pool of media assets, meaning all authors experience the assets of other authors as back-end “clutter” obstructing their work. Even more seriously it creates circumstances where one author may edit or even delete another author’s assets.

The Teams module addresses these concerns by introducing a new class of object into Omeka S, the Team, through which users, resources, and sites are linked. Various components of Omeka S then filter results based on a shared Team, eliminating clutter and reducing the chances of mistakes. Additionally, to address security concerns and provide greater flexibility, a supplemental access control setting allows administrators restrict user permissions on a Team-by-Team basis. This presentation will discuss the UX and operational challenges researchers and publishing staff face when using Omeka S as a long-form publishing platform, and describe how the Teams module can address those concerns.

State-of-the-art, non-commercial library publishing at TIB


  • Xenia van Edig, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
  • Dulip Withanage, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)


With TIB Open Publishing, the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology – is about to launch a new open-access service on which scientific journals and conference publications can be published. In doing so, it is underlining its orientation towards open science and adding a significant new pillar to its activities to support the transition to open access. As a research partner, TIB is committed to professional, optimally accessible, and widely visible publications. The service is aimed at editors of scientific journals and conference publications who want a library-supported, non-commercial, but at the same time sophisticated, sustainable, and completely open access publication option. Our service is aimed at existing conference publications and journals as well as at new launches and it is open to all scientific disciplines. The scientists who act as editors and reviewers of the individual publications are responsible for the quality assurance of the content of the published articles. On the part of TIB Open Publishing, however, we ensure that formal quality standards are met by the hosted publications. There must be compatibility with the funding criteria („Plan S“) of the research funding agencies that are members of the cOAlition S. Our quality standards are therefore based on the technical implementation guidelines of Plan S, but also on the DOAJ Seal, the OASPA membership criteria, and the COPE guidelines. Our technical services encompass the hosting of journals and conference publications and the distribution of metadata and content to indexing, archiving, and registration systems. We offer a continuously enhanced XML-based publication workflow and engage especially with the OJS developer community in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. We also develop OJS plugins for community use.

March 19, 2021

Panel Mo1a

Day/Time: Monday, May 10, 1:15 PM to 2:15 PM

Capturing Open Access Publishing Efforts in the International Journal of Librarianship by the Chinese American Librarians Association: A Case Study


  • Raymond Pun, Education/Outreach Manager, Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
  • Grace Liu, Systems Librarian, University of Windsor


In this project update, the presenters will discuss publishing efforts and experiences on the International Journal of Librarianship (IJoL) hosted by the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA), a National Association of Librarians of Color (NALoC). Since 2016, IJoL is an open access and refereed journal that focuses on research and discussion in all areas of librarianship and information science globally. Most importantly, the journal centers on global audience and connections and recent issues covered timely topics such as sustainability in libraries and artificial intelligence. This presentation will share the logistical components of setting up the open access publication, the process in quality control and management including benefits and challenges. The presenters include the Chief Editor and a Guest Editor of the journal who will share their experiences in supporting the journal as CALA volunteers and supporting the publication, now reaching its fifth year. The speakers will discuss how the journal serves as an important collaboration to engage with librarians from Asia, particularly in China. Attendees will learn more about this journal platform and its process and be engaged in discussing how libraries and associations can manage and promote and support research in open access publishing.

Poly Publishing: a choose-your-own ideals in publishing


  • jaime ding, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo


Poly Publishing is a publishing program that aims to raise visibility and enhance access to Cal Poly scholarship. In working to create an immersive, interactive digital project, this alternative approach to present and disseminate academic scholarship rethinks accessibility and assessment of such work. The system focuses on collaboration, accessible approaches, and recognition of individual’s places within structural systems, using inclusive and equitable practices to adjust scholarly publishing while centering historically underrepresented identities, perspectives, and creativity. Using past projects from the Cal Poly faculty exhibition program as prototypes, the project aims to ensure scholarship will be transformed into digital publications that integrate with current publishing systems on and off campus. By creating a non-traditional pathway for publishing scholarly research, this pilot project plays an active role in strengthening Cal Poly’s scholarly communication system, with a commitment to amplify underrepresented topics and voices.

This presentation will outline the workflow, concepts, and scholarship of the Poly Publishing program. Using an interactive choose-your-own adventure format, each section of the publishing process (content selection, digital development, assessment, and dissemination ideals) will pose a question to allow viewers to follow various paths of how poly publishing will work, leaving room for feedback and further questions. The ideas and models that the system has shaped itself from include autoethnography, open peer review discussion sessions, critical race theory, contextual citation practices, visual annotation practices, establishing common vocabularies, and more, all designed to rethink the systemic inequities that academic publishing holds.

Revising the Library Publishing Curriculum: Values, Progress, and Possibilities


  • Cheryl E. Ball, Wayne State University Libraries


The Library Publishing Curriculum, released in 2018, includes four modules on Content, Impact, Sustainability, and Policy–each with a set of instructional materials that provide a foundation in scholarly publishing for library units that may be new to various forms of scholarly publishing. Sustainability efforts for this IMLS-funded project included onboarding an editor-in-chief (in 2019) and an editorial board (in 2020), to guide and oversee the continued maintenance of and revisions to the curriculum. Following the editor-in-chief’s curriculum update at LPF 2020, this presentation provides updates from the second year of the sustainability plan for this resource. Key outcomes of this individual presentation include an overview of the work the editorial board has accomplished in the (by then, almost a) year they’ve been advising on the curriculum: a preview of their methodology for making revision suggestions; how those suggestions across the four modules raise questions about the structure and use patterns of the existing curriculum; how those questions indicate framing needs in a revised curriculum; what target audiences the curriculum hits and misses (and how to ameliorate those misses); where equity and inclusion need to be more prominently and explicitly addressed; where global outreach and other non-US library publishing units need better representation; where more kinds of library publishing units including non-academic and single-person shops need inclusion; and what baseline content is still needed to provide foundational instruction on library publishing in accordance with library publishing values and competencies (as indicated on the Library Publishing Coalition’s website). During the presentation Q&A, the editor-in-chief welcomes additional suggestions from the audience for revisions regarding content, values, structure, framing, outreach, etc. And, by LPF, the editorial board will likely have decided upon a strategy for soliciting revisions for the second edition, the process for which we hope to share.