March 10, 2020
Full Session: Ask the Editors: Expanded Uses for Faculty Needs Assessments
Day: Tuesday, May 5, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Room: TBD
Presenters: Matthew Hunter, Florida State University; Laura Miller, Florida State University; Camille Thomas, Florida State University; Devin Soper, Florida State University
Description: The first portion of this presentation will share initial findings from a survey of faculty members engaged in editorial tasks (n = 44), conducted at the Florida State University Libraries in the Spring semester of 2018, and discuss how FSU Libraries utilized the survey to accomplish growth in our own library services. The research questions we sought to answer included the perceived values of commercial publishing services and publishing platform functionality as well as faculty perceptions of library-based open access publishing initiatives. In addition to providing data that informed the development of our services, the survey also served as a valuable marketing device to promote existing services and begin building relationships with supportive faculty members.
This presentation will describe the survey itself, including the research design, methodology, and results, and will also report on the initiatives that followed the survey. For example, our team used the results to inform the development of a library publishing strategic plan, a series of forums for faculty editors, and a number of publishing projects, including two open textbooks and two new journal publications. In order to make the session as engaging as possible for attendees, an interactive component will be provided to help participants get started on their own research design, including identification of key research questions and methodological considerations. They will also create a strategy to use the survey as a marketing tool at their own institution.