
The LPC’s Professional Development Committee coordinates a regular webinar series to provide opportunities to share knowledge, discuss on-the-ground experiences, and build on community expertise. Webinar recordings are made openly available here.

December 12, 2017

Creating Accessible PDFs

Date and time: Tuesday, December 12, 12:00pm Eastern/9:00am Pacific Presenter: Carli Spina, Boston College Libraries Moderator: Amanda Makula, University of San Diego (LPC Professional Development Committee)

This webinar covers the requirements for PDF accessibility, including how to create an accessible PDF and how to evaluate and confirm the accessibility of existing PDFs. In addition to the video above, the presenter has made her slides available.

About the presenter: Carli Spina is the Head Librarian, Assessment and Outreach at the Boston College Libraries. She holds a J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School, an MLIS from Simmons GSLIS, and an M.Ed. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has extensive experience working, writing, and presenting on topics related to accessibility, Universal Design, and services for patrons with disabilities. She was the inaugural chair of LITA’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee and has also served as the leader of the ASCLA Library Services to People with Visual or Physical Disabilities that Prevent Them from Reading Standard Print Interest Group. She regularly teaches courses, workshops, and webinars on topics related to accessibility, Universal Design, and technology. You can contact her on Twitter where she is @CarliSpina.

September 7, 2017

Hypothes.is for Web Annotation

Presenters: Hypothes.is staff Heather Staines (Director of Partnerships) and Jeremy Dean (Director of Education) Organized by: LPC Professional Development Committee

July 27, 2017

ORCID in Publishing Workflows

Presenter: Alice Meadows, ORCID Director of Community Engagement & Support Organized by: LPC Professional Development Committee

April 26, 2016

Analytics for Library Publishers


10 Altmetrics Trends to Watch if You are a Library Publisher
As scholarly communications have moved from print to online, the ecosystem of tools to quantify engagement and impact have evolved as well.  We will discuss trends affecting publishing in our digitally connected world, and how data can be mined and analyzed to both inform publishers and attract and engage authors.

Demonstrating journal impact with PlumX at the University of Pittsburgh
Academic publishers are facing increasing pressure to document the impact of the research they publish, and library publishers are no exception.  Discover how the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh is using Plum Analytics to demonstrate impact for its 40 scholarly journal titles.   We will show aggregated analytic data at the journal level as well as metrics demonstrating the impact of individual journal articles.  We will also discuss our development of an Open Journal Systems (OJS) plugin for embedding PlumX into any OJS journal, and our proof of concept with the NISO SUSHI-Lite Working Group to show how this new standard can be used with a journal publishing platform like OJS to provide article-level usage data to any altmetrics system.


Andrea Michalek, President of Plum Analytics, an EBSCO company

Andrea Michalek co-founded Plum Analytics, with the vision of bringing more modern ways of telling the stories of research to individuals and organizations that fund, perform or publish research. Previously Andrea founded and was the Chief Technologist of EchoFactor, a spin-off division of Infonautics, that auto-categorized the open web into thousands of topic-based news feeds. In 2001, Andrea founded Topular LLC, a consulting practice where she served as an interim technology executive for software companies. Through her consulting, she has helped dozens of startups successfully launch their products. In 2007 Andrea helped launch the Summon® web-scale discovery service at Serials Solutions where she was Director of Technology. In 2013, Andrea and her Plum Analytics team joined EBSCO Information Services as a wholly owned subsidiary. Andrea earned a Bachelor of Science degree in computational biology from Carnegie Mellon University and a Masters of Science in computer science from Villanova University.

Timothy S. Deliyannides, Director of the Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing and Head, Information Technology, University Library System, University of Pittsburgh 
As Director of the Office of Scholarly Communications and Publishing and Head of IT, Tim Deliyannides is responsible for the extensive electronic publishing initiatives of the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh. Tim has spent the last 15 years working with academic units and scholarly associations to promote Open Access to research and to help transform models of scholarly publishing. Tim oversees the publication of 40 scholarly peer-reviewed journals in addition to numerous author self-archiving repositories containing conference proceedings, electronic theses and dissertations, pre-print publications, and other grey literature such as white papers and technical reports.

March 9, 2016

Accessibility and Usability for Web Publications


Parallel discussions are currently happening about open access and accessibility but I strongly believe that these two critical topics needs to be viewed as a part of the same discourse. What is open access if its not open to all readers and conversely what is accessible if only to a small number of readers? Libraries have started to develop important strategies to accommodate users with print disabilities but with copyright limitations these materials are only available to a select few. Open knowledge should be accessible to everyone. This talk will focus on “what if?” we looked at open access and accessibility and scholarly communications as one and the same?

About Katya Pereyaslavska

Katya Pereyaslavska (M.A., M.I.) is currently seconded to the Association of Research Libraries as a Visiting Program Officer for Accessibility and Universal Design and tasked with raising awareness of inclusive library practices and accessible publishing. In her day-to day role as the Accessibility Librarian at Scholars Portal, Ontario Council of University Libraries, Katya has been responsible for the development of a service and major research initiatives such as the Accessible Content ePortal (ACE), Accessibility Information Toolkit for Libraries and the Report on Accessible Media (ROAM).  Dedicated to leadership and project management, Katya has completed the Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians and has mentored young professionals through a series of workshops on accessibility and copyright at the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto and Western University.