The Kudos program recognizes impactful work done by community members on behalf of the Library Publishing Coalition community.

This Kudos recognizes members of the 2021-2022 Library Publishing Curriculum Editorial Board for their excellent work on collaboratively writing a whole new Introductory module for the LP Curriculum:
For the last 18 months, the editorial board of the Library Publishing Curriculum has been spending their monthly 90-minute meetings, as well as (some months) multiple meetings in between, crafting an entirely new module for the Library Publishing Curriculum. In a thorough review of the Curriculum during the first six months after the Board came on, board members pinpointing a critical need that would introduce the curriculum to a range of audiences (students, new librarians, new-to-publishing librarians, and administrators). Despite this work not immediately falling within their charge (it’s optional for them to agree to *write* new/revised content), they unanimously agreed that they wanted to take on this work and began mapping out exactly what this new Introduction module might look like. A brief outline turned into a massive outline, taking into consideration all of the new trends, research areas, genres, and production processes that library publishing has taken on disciplinarily and practically in the half-decade since the original curriculum was published. Our meetings then turned into writing sprints, with the nine board members working in coordinated effort to shepherd different sections of the new introduction into existence. It was a challenge to be brief in some instances, where we knew serious work had been done in recent years, such as DEI efforts in library publishing, but we didn’t have the space to fully expand on those points in the intro (knowing, too, that additional revisions and/or modules might be needed elsewhere in the curriculum to bolster the introductory work of this new module). They co-wrote in a massive Google doc, reviewed each others’ writing on a monthly basis, provided suggestions and citations when they could help others in the group, and showed up week after week the closer we got to the internal deadline to release the first draft to the LPC community for feedback. The intellectual labor and initiative that this editorial board has delivered has gone beyond anything I’ve witnessed in my publishing career. Each and every member of the group should feel a huge amount of pride for their accomplishments, doubly so for doing all this work and showing up consistently during an on-going pandemic. They made my job as Editor-in-Chief easy, and I am eternally grateful.
This Kudos was submitted by Cheryl E. Ball.