LPC News

July 16, 2024

LPC welcomes a new strategic affiliate: the Library Accessibility Alliance



The Library Publishing Coalition is delighted to welcome the Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) as a new strategic affiliate! A statement from LAA:

The Library Accessibility Alliance (LAA) promotes equitable access to library services and electronic resources. Our member libraries are committed to providing equal access to information for all library users, and we work together to improve vendor products, educate our community, and advance digital accessibility.

And a statement from LPC on the new relationship:

We have already started partnering with LAA to incorporate more accessibility-related education into our programming, and we’re grateful for their help with this challenging but critical topic. As library publishers struggle to meet accessibility requirements, LPC hopes to serve as a resource for both professional development and advocacy. This partnership is supporting that work and our community.

June 4, 2024

Understanding the Revised ADA Title II: Implications for Library Publishing


Accessibility is a critical issue for all library activities, but library publishing has a unique set of opportunities and challenges in this area, including web accessibility and production workflows. With ADA Title II regulations going into effect by the end of June, it is important for library publishers to understand what role they will play. The Library Publishing Coalition and the Library Accessibility Alliance will co-host a webinar on this topic on Tuesday, June 18, at 12:00 p.m. Eastern time.  

Join Pete Bossley, former Deputy ADA Coordinator at The Ohio State University and current Senior Manager of Accessibility at Thomson Reuters for a 60-minute webinar (30-minute presentation followed by Q&A) about the revisions to ADA Title II and its implications for library publishing. He will discuss what public entities need to know about their obligations under the new regulations, and what organizations serving these entities can do to support them in meeting those requirements. Angel Peterson, Production Specialist and Accessibility Coordinator at Penn State, as an expert in both digital accessibility and library publishing, will facilitate the Q&A. 

This webinar is critical for all library publishers LPC and LAA members as well as the broader library community to understand these revision requirements and what’s at stake. 

LAA will host the webinar and include American Sign Language interpretation and captioning. A recording of this event will be shared publicly for those who aren’t able to attend.  

This collaborative effort between LPC and LAA is just the first in an ongoing partnership. While libraries and library publishers are beholden to publishers and their platforms, this new partnership seeks to set a path to meaningful collaboration and action toward ensuring our content and systems are accessible.


Peter Bossley is an experienced digital accessibility leader, having spent 17 years professionally in the technology field. He currently leads accessibility specialists at Thomson Reuters, working to make products accessible to the widest audience possible. Prior to his role at Thomson Reuters, he led the digital accessibility compliance program at The Ohio State University. He has also provided consulting services to customers in the private and public sector including nationwide retail and food service, state and local government, as well as being an expert witness in federal court for a national disability rights organization. As a person with a disability himself, but with a strong understanding of the challenge of implementing accessibility at scale, he brings a unique and balanced perspective on accessibility issues. He is a Certified Professional in Web Accessibility by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals.

Angel Peterson is the Production Specialist and Accessibility Coordinator with Penn State University Libraries Open Publishing program. She provides production support for monographs and bibliographies as well as document and web accessibility support and training for all publication types. She has been on the Board of the Library Publishing Coalition since 2023.

Webinar Details

Understanding the Revised ADA Title II: Implications for Library Publishing

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 12 PM EDT

Register for Understanding the Revised ADA Title II

May 30, 2024

LPC welcomes Érudit as a new strategic affiliate


The Library Publishing Coalition is delighted to welcome Érudit as a new strategic affiliate! A statement from Érudit:

With over 5 million users a year, Érudit is Canada’s leading platform for disseminating research in the humanities and social sciences. Supported by an inter-university consortium, it provides French and English research communities with a range of services in digital publishing and dissemination. Érudit works with the Public Knowledge Project in Coalition Publica, a partnership to advance research dissemination and digital scholarly publishing in Canada. Together, we are supporting the social sciences and humanities journal community in the transition towards sustainable open access.

And a statement from LPC on the new relationship:

This new relationship with Érudit builds on our existing partnership with the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and our ongoing support of the Canadian community of library publishers (most recently via the Canadian Community Development Working Group). Having both PKP and Érudit as affiliates will allow us to continue to develop our relationships with each community and with their joint endeavor, Coalition Publica. The Canadian library publishing community is a developing model for other regional and consortial publishing efforts, and it is one that LPC is excited to learn from.

Strategic affiliates are peer membership associations who have a focal area in scholarly communications and substantial engagement with libraries, publishers, or both. See our list of strategic affiliates or learn more about the program.

LPC Strategic Affiliates icon

April 29, 2024

Announcing the winner of LPC’s first ever Service Leadership Award


We are delighted to announce the Library Publishing Coalition’s first ever Service Leadership Award. Part of our 10th Anniversary celebrations, this award is designed to recognize a community member who has made multiple, sustained contributions to the community through service and leadership over the last five years. Nominations for the award were sought this past fall from current and former Board members, and the winner was selected by the Board.

The awardee

The award goes to Joshua Neds-Fox (Wayne State University). Over the last 5+ years, Joshua has demonstrated ongoing, unwavering commitment to LPC through service. He has stepped into leadership roles when needed, but has also been happy to follow others’ lead and work quietly in the background. Some highlights of his service include his contributions to and stewardship of the Ethical Framework for Library Publishing, his substantial contributions to LPC’s first Strategic Plan during his term on the Board, his consistent presence on and interim leadership of the Curriculum Editorial Board, and his service on the DEI Committee.

Joshua was nominated for this award by multiple people; here is a quote from one nomination:

“Joshua has given so much of his time and expertise to the LPC community and helped advance the profession in so many ways. He has participated in and/or led multiyear efforts to create and improve the Library Publishing Curriculum and to update the Ethical Framework for Library Publishing. These two LPC resources are among the most comprehensive ones freely provided to the library publishing community, and they raise LPC’s profile in the scholarly communications ecosystem. LPC is incredibly lucky to have such a dedicated and talented individual who is willing to give so much back to the community!”

A statement from Joshua:

“I’m so grateful for this honor and without discounting it, I recognize that most of my colleagues in library publishing have given just as much to this first decade of the coalition, and many have given more. I’m so grateful for this coalition, and the inventive, thoughtful, generous, skilled women and men who make it the unique professional community it is. Perhaps you serve so consistently because your fellow librarians and publishers consistently model service, each of you pushing each other to be the best versions of yourselves. I think that’s what you’ve done with/for/to me, and someone decided to pin an honorarium on it, and I celebrate you for it. Thank you for including me in your remarkable decade, building a new professional coalition, an exemplary body of practice, and a mutually supportive and generous community. I’m so grateful.”

The award

The award consists of a $1,000 honorarium and travel support to attend the 2024 Library Publishing Forum.

Please join us in congratulating Joshua and celebrating 10 years of the Library Publishing Coalition Community!

April 1, 2024

March 2024 LPC Update


The March 2024 Library Publishing Coalition Update has been published! In it you’ll find recent news from the Library Publishing Coalition including

2024 Library Publishing Forum News

  • Registration is open
  • Keynote announcement
  • Affiliated event (PKP Sprint & Pre-Conference Event)
  • COVID policy released

Community News

  • LPC’s new 5-year Community Plan
  • 10th Anniversary Membership Special
  • Call for entries for 2024 Library Publishing Directory
  • New Board members and updates to the LPC Bylaws
  • Much more!

Blog Post Spotlights

  • The first half dozen Strategic Affiliate Spotlights
  • The newest consortial publishing profile: Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI)

Read the Update

March 25, 2024

Announcing the new LPC Board members and Bylaws update


LPC Board Election Results

We are delighted to announce that incoming LPC Board members, with terms running from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027 are:

  • Leigh-Ann Butler, Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa
  • Sarah Frankel, University of Louisville Libraries
  • Erin Jerome, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Annie Johnson, University of Delaware Library, Museums, and Press
  • Regina Fisher Raboin, University of Mass Chan Medical School

They will join the returning Board members:

  • Janet Swatscheno, University of Michigan, jswatsch@umich.edu President (2022-2025)
  • Amanda Hurford, PALNI, Past President (2022-2025)
  • Liz Scarpelli, University of Cincinnati Press (2022-2025)
  • Sonya Betz, University of Alberta (2023-2026)
  • Harrison Inefuku, University of Iowa (2023-2026)
  • Angel Peterson, Penn State University (2023-2026)
  • Melanie Schlosser, Educopia Institute, melanie@educopia.org (ex officio, community facilitator)

The Library Publishing Coalition Board oversees the governance, organizational structure, Bylaws, and the review and direction of the membership of the Library Publishing Coalition. As your elected representatives, you are welcome to contact them at any time with questions, comments, or suggestions for LPC.

Many thanks to outgoing Board members Justin Gonder and Emma Molls

LPC Bylaws Update

This year’s election was especially important as we worked to update the LPC Bylaws to ensure they are in accordance with our current organization, activities, and values in practice. The Bylaws are our organizational governance document, outlining what the organization is and how it is run. While the Board reviews the document annually, proposed changes accumulate until they reach a significant quantity or bear a significant impact on the daily activities of the organization. The LPC Bylaws were last updated in March, 2022.

Thanks to everyone who voted, we surpassed the required 2/3rds threshold of member institutions voting in favor. Thus, the proposed changes are approved and have gone into effect. You can find the new bylaws on the LPC Website’s About page.

March 4, 2024

2024 Library Publishing Directory: Call for Entries


Library Publishing Coalition logo

The Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) and the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Library Publishing Special Interest Group (LibPub SIG) are partnering to survey the landscape of scholarly publishing in libraries across the globe. LPC is seeking submissions for the 2024 Library Publishing Directory. IFLA’s Library Publishing Map of the World is a first-of-its-kind online database of global library publishing initiatives. Together, we invite you to share information about your library’s scholarly publishing activities.

PLEASE NOTE THIS SIGNIFICANT CHANGE: Beginning this year, we are moving from an annual publication schedule to collecting data and publishing the Directory every other year. That means that if you miss the 2024 Directory survey, you won’t have another chance to be included until 2026. This change in schedule will allow us to undertake more focused topical surveys in the off years, and will allow for more time in the publication schedule for data analysis and writing.

Libraries who fill out only the brief profile will be included only in the IFLA map. Libraries that wish to be included in the print, PDF, and EPUB Library Publishing Directory can go on to fill out the full questionnaire (20-30 minutes to complete). Get started at https://librarypublishing.org/lpdq-2024/. You will be able to save your in-progress submission and return to it, but you may also want to preview the questions. (If your library has had an entry in a previous edition of the Directory, you should have received an email with instructions on how to access information from your previous submission. Email contact@librarypublishing.org with questions.)

Responses in English are strongly preferred; we may not be able to include responses in other languages.

The call for entries will close on March 31, 2024.
Note: The deadline for submissions has been extended to April 25, 2024.

Thank you for joining in this great international collaboration. We look forward to your participation.

The Library Publishing Coalition Directory Committee

Allison Brown, SUNY Geneseo, Co-chair
Briana Knox, University of North Texas, Co-chair
Jody Bailey, Emory University
Emily Carlisle-Johnston, Western University
Ryan Otto, Kansas State University
Ted Polley, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Angel Peterson, Penn State, Board liaison

IFLA Special Interest Group on Library Publishing Subcommittee

Grace Liu (Canada)
Ann Okerson (USA)

About the Library Publishing Directory

The Library Publishing Directory is an important tool for libraries wishing to learn about this emerging field, connect with their peers, and align their practices with those of the broader community. Last year’s edition featured over 150 libraries in almost a dozen nations.

The Directory is published openly on the web in PDF, EPUB, and as an online database. It includes contact information, descriptions, and other key facts about each library’s publishing services. A print version of the Directory is also produced. The 2024 edition will be published in late 2024.

About the IFLA Library Publishing SIG Library Publishing Map of the World

The goal of the LibPub SIG map is to document more fully the publishing activities to which IFLA’s members contribute, in order to facilitate a global community of interest and support. While in its first year the focus was on scholarly/academic library publishers, now the SIG is opening submissions to all types of library publishers: academic, public, and others.

Submissions will appear in the IFLA Library Publishing Map of the World, easily accessible by IFLA members and friends, including LPC members.

Submit an entry to the 2024 Directoy

February 13, 2024

LPC 10th Anniversary Membership Special


As part of our 10th Anniversary Celebration, the Library Publishing Coalition is excited to offer a membership special for the upcoming program year. New members who join the Coalition in time for the July 2024-June 2025 membership year can do so at the original 2014 membership rate: just $2,000 for the year!


  • Criteria: As with all LPC memberships, this opportunity is open to academic and research libraries and library consortia who are engaged in or planning scholarly publishing activities. 
  • Duration: July 2024 through June 2025
  • Cost: $2,000
  • Benefits: New members will receive all standard membership benefits.
  • Renewal: As with all LPC memberships, new memberships started as part of this special will be automatically renewed, and full membership dues will apply for the 2025-26 membership year. (For our regular membership dues schedule, see the membership page on our website.) 
  • Fill out the application form (.docx).

Learn more about LPC membership.

January 31, 2024

Full COVID Policy for the 2024 Library Publishing Forum


[Updated 24 June 2024 to add the short version of the policy at the end of this post.]


LPC’s goal for the 2024 Library Publishing Forum is to encourage the safest possible in-person conference environment through careful planning and mutual care. 

Although public concern has waned, COVID-19 is still a serious health risk. Even otherwise healthy individuals are at risk for complications and for long COVID, and those risks increase with repeated infections. For individuals with weakened immune systems or other vulnerabilities, the risks are heightened significantly.

We acknowledge that an in-person event will inevitably carry a higher level of risk than a virtual one, and that even the most careful precautions may not reduce the risk enough for some community members to attend safely. For that and other reasons, we will continue to alternate in-person events with fully virtual ones.  


Our planning team is working to create the safest possible conference environment through attention to the following areas: 

Ventilation and air filtration

McNamara Alumni Center was built to meet the codes that prevailed at that time. The original design of the system dictates maximum MERV capabilities, which currently is use of a MERV 13 air filter. Air changes depend on the number of people and the pressure in the building. Spring and fall typically have the highest percentage of outside air in comparison to the coldest or hottest days of the year that the minimum air requirements were designed for.

Spaces within the venue

Because we are planning for a lower number of attendees than the space typically accommodates, we can have fewer tables and ask to have them spread out. Boxed lunches will be provided on both days, so attendees can choose to take their lunch elsewhere. There are about 12-15 small tables located outside the Alumni Center on a first-come first-served basis. Because meals will take place in the same location as the main conference session, risk of transmission will be heightened at sessions immediately following meal and snack times 

Provision of masks and tests

We will provide masks and rapid COVID self-tests for all attendees.

Reliable information and clear communication

We encourage attendees and potential attendees to reach out to us with questions and concerns by emailing contact@librarypublishing.org

Mutual care

Mutual care will help provide a safer conference environment. Below, we have laid out a number of strategies for mutual care and we encourage attendees to utilize as many of them as possible. We aren’t mandating particular strategies across the board, because there will be community members for whom any particular intervention isn’t possible (e.g., individuals who cannot be vaccinated or who cannot wear a mask for an extended period of time). However, attendees are encouraged to do as many of these things as they are able and to do their best to care for their fellow conference-goers.  Individuals are expected to isolate from other attendees if they are sick.


We will strongly encourage all attendees to receive up-to-date vaccines against COVID at least two weeks prior to the event. According to the CDC (at the time this policy was written), you’re up to date on your COVID vaccine if you received an updated vaccine after September 12, 2023. 


We strongly encourage attendees to wear masks whenever possible. We will make medical-grade masks (KN95 or similar) available throughout the event, and we encourage all attendees who are able to wear them whenever they aren’t eating, drinking, or presenting. 

The venue is part of the UMN campus, and it will include staff, attendees of other events, and potentially members of the public who may or may not be masked.


Although rapid COVID self-tests are not currently a reliable indicator of whether someone is infected (because of the prevalence of false negative results), they are a fairly reliable indicator of whether an individual is contagious on the day they take the test.(1) We will make tests available (one per attendee per day of the conference) and encourage all attendees to test each morning before coming to the venue. Further information will be posted and/or sent to attendees when available.


Individuals who test positive or who are experiencing any moderate or severe symptoms of COVID are expected to isolate from other attendees. This means not attending conference sessions in person, and not gathering for social events with other attendees during the conference. 

Policy updates

This policy was designed based on conditions during early 2024. We are posting it in advance of the conference so that attendees can make an informed decision about their attendance, and we won’t make changes to it lightly. However, this policy is subject to change based on national trends and/or in accordance with CDC updates to guidelines and regulations. We will notify attendees of any changes as soon as possible. 


Questions about this policy? Please email contact@librarypublishing.org


(1)  Lopera TJ, Alzate-Ángel JC, Díaz FJ, Rugeles MT, Aguilar-Jiménez W. The Usefulness of Antigen Testing in Predicting Contagiousness in COVID-19. Microbiol Spectr. 2022 Apr 27;10(2):e0196221. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.01962-21. Epub 2022 Mar 29. PMID: 35348350; PMCID: PMC9045251. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35348350/ 

COVID Policy Short Version

LPC’s goal for the 2024 Library Publishing Forum is to encourage the safest possible in-person conference environment through careful planning and mutual care.

COVID remains a serious health risk, especially for those with weakened immune systems or other vulnerabilities. Because of these risks, we feel that precautions for in-person gatherings are warranted.

Some of the precautions LPC is taking include:

  • Providing masks
  • Providing rapid COVID tests
  • Encouraging community members to have up-to-date vaccinations, to test each morning before entering the venue, and to mask when possible

Please see the full COVID Policy for more details on the venue, scheduling, ventilation, and other COVID-related guidance.

An in-person event will inevitably carry a higher level of risk than a virtual one. For that and other reasons, we will continue to alternate in-person events with fully virtual ones.