Day/time: Monday, May 5, 2025, 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. EDT


  • Valrie Minson (she/her), Associate Dean of Research and Executive Director of LibraryPress@UF, University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries
  • Tracy E. MacKay-Ratliff (she/her), Director of LibraryPress@UF, University of Florida Smathers Libraries
  • Kat Nguyen (she/her), Publications Editorial Coordinator, University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries
  • Ella Terran (she/her), Design and Publishing Assistant for LibraryPress@UF, University of Florida Smathers Libraries

Description: The importance of accessibility in library publishing cannot be understated, as indicative of recent legislative mandates. This proposal outlines a session designed to highlight current accessibility legislation, best practices, challenges, and sustainable solutions within the realm of library presses. The session begins with a concise conversation emphasizing why accessibility matters, its impact on readership, and the role it plays in upholding the values of library publishing.

Following the introductory discussion, participants will be directed into specialized breakout rooms tailored to specific publishing formats and accessibility: Journals, eBooks, and Print Books/Print on Demand. Each breakout room will serve as a collaborative space where attendees can share insights, exchange strategies, and reflect on practical questions such as: What accessibility best practices have you implemented and what challenges did you face? What are the barriers preventing the implementation of desired accessibility practices? What tools (AI or otherwise) do you use to facilitate accessibility? Are the current solutions sustainable long-term, or do they need adaptation?

By fostering dialogue and sharing experiences, this session aims to build a collective understanding of what is achievable, spotlight gaps, and inspire actionable steps to advance accessibility in publishing practices. Participants will leave with a clearer vision of shared challenges and innovations that can be adapted or developed to enhance accessibility in their own work environments.