Day/time: May 7, 2025, 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. EDT
Title: Brazilian Institute of Information on Science and Technology (Ibict)
- Lucas dos Santos Souza da Silva (he/him), Post-Graduate Student/Researcher, Brazilian Institute of Information on Science and Technology (Ibict)
- Fabio Gouveia (he/him), Professor, Brazilian Institute of Information on Science and Technology (Ibict)
- Nanci Oddone (she/her), Professor, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)
Description: In recent decades, Brazilian academic libraries have been envisioning opportunities in a new digital context for academic publishing, therefore they’ve been carrying out a variety of practices to support services for their community, among them, the creation, editing and dissemination of publishing projects in their campus. This presentation aims to expose the perspectives of academic librarians engaged with library publishing services in Brazil, among planning, provision of these editorial services, and training. It shows that the tendency is for unawareness about this field among Brazilian academic librarians, even though there are practices being carried out and blooming in more recent years. Characterized by isolated practices that are not yet integrated into international discussions, this presentation intends to recommend the development of a community of practice in Brazil for Library Publishing, in other to share the knowledge and experiences on scholarly publishing as part of the professional duties of academic libraries, provide training in editorial services and management of library publishing initiatives for Brazilian academic libraries staffs. At last, aims to discuss the opportunity to include Brazil into the international Library Publishing landscape, promoting the widespread dissemination of the actions undertaken by academics libraries in the global south, benefiting an open, inclusive, and sustainable scientific communication system in the region.
Title: Stronger Together at the Big Ten: Library Publishing Collective Action
Presenter: Kate McCready (she/her), Program Director for Open Publishing, Big Ten Academic Alliance
Description: Tasked with serving extremely large populations, with limited resources and little chance of realizing increased capacities, the Big Ten Academic Alliance libraries are realizing opportunities to work together through collective action. With a goal of strengthening our work, and expanding our capacity, the library publishers of the Big Ten Academic Alliance have aligned our resources in order to build a cooperative, aggregated collection of BTAA-published works on the Next Generation Library Publishing’s Meru platform. The short term goal of this project is to evaluate Meru’s capacity to support the display of a variety of publication types, regardless of the platform they were created on. The longer term goals are to determine Meru’s capacity to produce metadata for all publications (or selected publications) for use in discovery systems and preservation systems, and to identify options for the Alliance to work at scale.
At this presentation, members of the project team will share information about the functionality of Meru and the process used to ingest content from Janeway, OJS, DSpace, and Pressbooks into a unified, structured display layer. The interactive, community engaged process used to identify the common product requirements, and to evaluate the implemented multi-publisher display platform will also be explored. We will also outline our efforts to assess the potential for reusing the newly compiled, aggregated publication data for discovery (via third party vendors such as ExLibris, EBSCO, and OAPEN), preservation (via third party vendors, Portico and CLOCKSS), and accessibility testing. These activities will be shared within the context of the challenges and opportunities present when bringing together disparate programs; We aim to identify our differences in order to strengthen all our publishing programs and see what synergy comes from working together.