Day/Time: Monday, May 10, 2:45 PM to 3:45 PM


  • Jennifer Beamer, Claremont Colleges Library
  • Sonya Betz, University of Alberta Library
  • Brandon Locke, Educopia Institute
  • Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University Libraries


Library Publishing Workflows (LPW) is an IMLS-funded research project of Educopia Institute, Library Publishing Coalition, and 12 partner libraries to investigate, synchronize, and model a range of library publishing workflows. Through the first year and a half of the project, library publishers conducted interviews with Educopia Institute staff regarding their workflows and pain points, reviewed multiple forms of documentation stemming from the interviews, and participated in several focused group discussions.

In this panel conversation, library publishers will share how the experience of developing workflow documentation and discussing pain points and gaps as a community has impacted their programs. Panelists will present the varied insights into their practice that participation in the project has revealed, including ah-ha moments made possible by in-depth workflow interviews and documentation reviews, ideas generated in community conversations around shared platforms, and discussions about pain points and gaps.

We will also invite participants to share their own experiences from similar documentation projects, including LPC’s Documentation Month (Feb 2021).