May 16, 2024 | 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. | Ski-U-Mah Room

Title: Library Publishing Coach-A-Thon!


  • Melanie Schlosser (she/her), LPC Community Facilitator, Educopia Institute
  • Rachel Mattson, Senior Consultant & Project Manager, Educopia Institute

Description: Practice peer coaching skills while workshopping challenges with colleagues! Attendees will learn how to use two “liberating structures” ( that support peer coaching, and have a chance to practice them in small groups. The session will include an introduction to the two structures (Troika Consulting and 15% Solutions) and guidance on how and when to use them at work. Attendees will then break into groups of three and spend the rest of the session in structured peer coaching. Each attendee will have a chance to share a problem or challenge, as well as to coach others. No experience with peer coaching is required, and challenges shared can be big or small.