February 19, 2019
Advancing Open is an opportunity for the Canadian academic library scholarly communication practitioner community to convene and explore refreshed strategies to foster open scholarship in Canada. Practitioners, who have constant immersion in the open access space, are uniquely positioned to consider activities, supports, and priorities at local, regional, and national levels that will advance open access and related open scholarship activities across Canada.
This 1.5-day highly interactive workshop will be led and facilitated by members of our open access practitioner community and is timed to immediately precede the Library Publishing Forum in Vancouver. We welcome participation from anyone from a CARL or non-CARL institution. We invite not only scholarly communications librarians but any and all working in areas of the library that also directly support scholarly communications, especially those working in collection development, systems, and subject liaisons.
This workshop, organized by the CARL Open Repositories Working Group (and led by its Community-Building and Engagement Task Group*), will result in a synthesis document that builds on previous CARL initiatives and can be used by the Canadian community of open access advocates, leaders and practitioners as an instrument to strengthen our collective ability to match strategy to tactical implementation.
The Public Knowledge Project will be holding its spring sprint in conjunction with the Library Publishing Forum. PKP sprints run “unconference” style, typically focusing on rapid code development for our open source publishing applications. Small, self-organized teams work together to solve common software issues or make enhancements that benefit everyone.
As good software development also involves requirements gathering – UI (user interface) prototyping, UX (user experience) evaluation, and other non-coding tasks – you don’t need to know PHP or MySQL to contribute to the future of PKP software. To learn more, check out past PKP sprints by searching their blog.
**This workshop has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience.**
The Library Publishing Coalition and the Educopia Institute are excited to host a hands-on “Policy Lab” workshop at the 2019 Library Publishing Forum based on our IMLS-funded Developing a Curriculum to Advance Library-Based Publishing project. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, May 7th (the day before the Forum) at Simon Fraser University’s Harbour Centre campus. While this workshop is affiliated with and will complement the Library Publishing Forum, please note that you do not have to attend the Forum to participate in the workshop.
Note: This workshop is based on the the freely-available Policy Module of the Library Publishing Curriculum, created by Sara Benson and Merinda Hensley (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Janet Swatscheno (University of Illinois at Chicago); Harriett Green (Washington University in Saint Louis); and Melanie Schlosser and Katherine Skinner (Educopia Institute).
As the use of OERs continues to grow throughout the academy, this preconference will address the growing need for distinctive practices for developing, supporting, and hosting OERs as part of library publishing. The morning will consist of a hands-on textbook publishing workshop (planned in collaboration with the Open Textbook Network), and the afternoon will include panels and presentations (planned in collaboration with BCcampus).
7:30 AM – 8:00 AM: Breakfast
8:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Open Textbook Publishing Workshop
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM: Lunch break (on your own)
1:00 – 5:00 PM: Practices and Possibilities (mini-conference)
Morning workshop: US$25 registration fee (limit 50 participants, includes breakfast and AM coffee/snack break)
Update, March 15: The morning textbook publishing workshop is full. To be added to the waitlist for this workshop, email contact@librarypublishing.org.
Afternoon mini-conference: US$10 registration fee (limit 100 participants, includes PM coffee/snack break)
Registration for the morning and afternoon sessions is separate; attendees can register for just one session or both. The registration deadline is April 19.
In this hands-on workshop, you will learn effective project management for supporting open textbook publishing. Working at tables with experienced open textbook project managers, attendees will develop strategies for setting expectations with authors, guiding textbook development, creating project timelines, and supporting editing, design and production based on local capacity. Prior to the workshop, some preliminary work will be required to establish a shared understanding of open textbooks.
Instructor: Karen Lauritsen, Open Textbook Network
Table facilitators: Karen Bjork, Portland State University; Michelle Brailey, University of Alberta; Corinne Guimont, Virginia Tech; Inba Kehoe, University of Victoria; Mark Konecny, University of Cincinnati; Amanda Larson, Penn State University; Carla Myers, Miami University; Anita Walz, Virginia Tech
In this series of presentations, you will engage with OER publishing from a programmatic and community perspective. Presenters will share their experiences developing and maintaining OER publishing programs, identify opportunities to collaborate and learn from OER stakeholders, and recommend future directions for the OER publishing community. Through activities and discussions, attendees will leave with practical next steps for their own programs, whether those programs are well-established, brand new, or merely in the conceptual stage.
Today libraries are seeking new creative partnerships with faculty in open textbook and OER creation. This workshop will review two case studies at libraries that do not yet have established open textbook publishing programs.
At Kwantlen Polytechnic University, the Library started small with an internal open education grant to test the concept of ‘Library as Open Publisher’. Based on that small success, they followed by extending the service through an expanded granting opportunity with the library taking on publishing projects in larger and various capacities. At University of British Columbia, the Library used faculty subgrants to explore what open publishing partnerships are possible, followed by program assessment with both faculty and students. Both libraries based their projects on the BCcampus Pressbooks platform, and found that services, once offered, evolved in unexpected ways. Just when we think we’ve sussed it, has the open textbook morphed into new entities not yet imagined?
In this changing landscape, what are we seeing and how do we recommend starting up these services? What will be our capacity to sustain them? What strategies accelerate or hinder progress? Rounding off the session, a learning technologist will shed light on what else might be in Pandora’s box that we will need to consider in a library-led publishing program. What new tools will instructors pull out of the box in 2020?
If your library had no new resources, could you pull off an open publishing program? What 15% of resources that you currently have at your disposal could be directed towards it? (Participants will be invited to engage in a “15% Solutions” Liberating Structure activity.)
Whether your library’s open textbook / OER program is longstanding or just getting started, we promise a lively and engaging discussion that will leave you with many practical tips and a few puzzles unsolved.
What do faculty look for when publishing textbooks? While marketing the launch of a new affordable textbook publishing program at Texas Tech University Libraries, most faculty we spoke to expressed interest. But this engagement did not translate to submissions for our initial call for proposals. Since the outline of services and the values that drive our program—affordability, locality, and customizability—did not attract a pilot group, we decided to survey our faculty about which factors they value in a textbook publishing program. With these results in hand, we could shape a publishing program which was guided by these drivers but also had features which would enable it to be competitive with other textbook publishers for our faculty’s patronage.
This presentation will review the results of our survey: what features do faculty prefer when searching for a publisher for their textbook? What features would they value in a textbook publishing program being created in the library? Factors queried about include print vs digital, author retaining copyright, peer review, speed of publication, customizability, and availability of supplementary materials, as well as the value of locality and publisher prestige.
The textbook landscape is changing. Since 1978, the average cost of undergraduate textbooks has increased 810% or 3x the inflation rate. In response to this development, many colleges and universities have begun to make textbook affordability a priority on their campuses, encouraging faculty to use no or low-cost materials instead of expensive commercial textbooks.
University presses are part of the solution when it comes to the challenge of high textbook costs. Presses that publish textbooks generally make it a point to create affordable versions for students. However, while university presses are increasingly experimenting with open access book publishing, involvement in publishing open textbooks has been limited. Why is this? Could university presses and libraries work together to publish high-quality open textbooks? This presentation will report on a survey of university presses about attitudes towards and involvement with the publication of open textbooks. It will explore how open textbooks published by presses are similar to and different from open textbooks published by libraries. Finally, the presenter will give examples of press/library partnerships around the publication of open textbooks and offer ideas for how more of these collaborations might work in the future.
Many publishers are pivoting from selling expensive textbooks to selling expensive courseware (often wrapped around OER content). Changes in their product offerings are often accompanied by marketing campaigns touting personalized learning, inclusive access, and all-in-one subscription models. While library publishers have made important strides in displacing proprietary content with openly-licensed alternatives, fewer inroads have been made in regard to courseware and the platforms used to create it.
In this 60-minute session, we will present our vision of a publicly-owned, open-source publishing infrastructure capable of producing media-rich, interactive, openly licensed books and other educational material. We will present seven guiding principles for publishing platforms that we want to build and use:
Presenters will describe recent investment by SUNY system and eCampusOntario to build a more robust open publishing infrastructure (using Pressbooks and other tools) and how this work aligns with the mission of their library publishing programs. We will explore questions of responsibility (Who funds this work? Who should govern these platforms?), maintenance (Who takes care of the system? Who takes care of the content?), and collaboration (How do diverse institutions work together in pursuit of common goals? How do we know that what build will meet the needs of communities outside our own?).
Sonya Betz, University of Alberta (chair)
Lauri Aesoph, BCcampus
Jonathan Bull, Valparaiso University
Amanda Coolidge, BCcampus
Karen Lauritsen, Open Textbook Network
Matt Ruen, Grand Valley State University
Melanie Schlosser, Library Publishing Coalition
Email contact@librarypublishing.org with questions.
This full-day workshop will give attendees an opportunity to learn more about the landscape of open source publishing software and associated service providers, and give platform developers the opportunity to interact with each other and with the community.
Contact Melanie Schlosser for more information.
Registration for this event is now closed.
Most of the formal program for the day will consist of presentations and hands-on sessions by a selected set of open source publishing platforms, including:
Please refer to the Campus Map for all directions.
From The Graduate Hotel:
If you’re driving:
Wilson Library’s Address is: 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455
The best place to park is in the 21st Avenue Ramp which is across the street from campus. Wilson Library is set back off 4th street (which you cross to get from the ramp to the library) in between the Carlson School of Management and the Rarig Theater.
*This call is now closed.*
We are pleased to issue an open call for participants for a showcase session that will allow attendees to learn more about the broader ecosystem of open source publishing software. This hour-long, mid-day plenary session will be structured like a poster or exhibit session. Each participating organization will have a space to display materials and demonstrate their platform, tool, or service. Attendees will be encouraged to interact with as many participating organizations as they wish.
Showcase session participants will be selected by the preconference planning group based on fit with event goals and available space. Participants are expected to register for and attend the full preconference, and are encouraged to attend the Library Publishing Forum as well.
We especially invite representation from:
Keynote speaker: Catherine Kudlick, Professor of History and Director of the Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability, San Francisco State University
Bio: After two decades at the University of California, Davis, Catherine Kudlick became Professor of History and Director of the Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability at San Francisco State University in 2012. She has published a number of books and articles in disability history, including Reflections: the Life and Writings of a Young Blind Woman in Postrevolutionary France and “Disability History: Why We Need Another Other” in the American Historical Review. She oversaw completion of Paul Longmore’s posthumously published book, Telethons: Spectacle, Disability, and the Business of Charity. She is co-editing The Oxford Handbook of Disability History with Michael Rembis and Kim Nielsen. As director of the Longmore Institute, she directed the public history exhibit “Patient No More: People with Disabilities Securing Civil Rights” and co-hosts Superfest International Disability Film Festival. She has been active in electronic accessibility initiatives, first at UC Davis and more recently in public advocacy.
Tuesday, May 22, 12:15-1:15pm
Room: Minnesota Room
The ACRL wants your help in identifying actionable steps that academic librarians can take to accelerate the transition to and build capacity for more open, inclusive, and equitable systems of scholarship. Rebecca Kennison and Nancy Maron have been hired by ACRL to undertake this work, working closely with their Research and Scholarly Environment Committee.
The project (see full description) involves community consultation, to be sure that we understand the priorities of many different types of people involved in scholarly communications.
This study will result in a report to be published in 2019 that captures effective current practices and outlines new directions for research and investigation to accelerate the transition to more open, inclusive, and equitable systems of scholarship.
Please join Nancy Maron for a roundtable discussion to learn more about the project and to be sure we address the issues you care most about.
Wednesday, May 23, 8:30-9:30am
Room: Memorial Hall
Recent events have highlighted both our community’s reliance on commercial partners to provide infrastructure and our initiative in building platforms of our own. Both approaches involve a complex weighing of benefits, challenges, and compromises. During this discussion-based meeting, we will share our strategies for navigating these waters and identify ways that we – as individual programs and as a profession – can help ensure successful outcomes for both approaches.
All LPC members and Forum attendees are welcome to join in the discussion!
Tuesday, May 22, 6:00-8:00pm
Weisman Art Museum
333 E River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455
The Weisman is an 11 minute walk from the Graduate Hotel. From the hotel’s main doors, head right (west) along Washington Avenue. Cross Washington Avenue at Harvard Street and continue west on Washington until you come to Church Street. When you’ve gotten this far, follow the sidewalk to the left to head toward Coffman Union. (You will be about a story above street level if you stay left.) The Weisman is the bright shiny silver building directly to the west of the Union.
If you need help arranging alternative transportation to the reception, please email contact@librarypublishing.org.
There will be two rounds of informal lightning talks during the reception – a sponsor showcase and an LPC committees and task forces showcase. Remarks will begin around 6:30pm.
As a special bonus for Forum attendees, the Weisman galleries, including the Prince from Minneapolis exhibit, will be open and available to Reception attendees. Be sure to wear your Forum badge, and leave any bulky bags or backpacks at the hotel.
The reception will feature heavy hors d’oeuvres, and each registered Forum attendee will receive two drink tickets.