
April 3, 2024

HANDS-ON SESSION: Reframing the Library Publishing Research Agenda

May 16, 2024 | 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. | Ski-U-Mah Room

Title: Reframing the Library Publishing Research Agenda


  • Karen Bjork (she/her), Head, Digital Libraries and Publishing, Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries
  • John Morgenstern (he/him), Copyright & Scholarly Communications Librarian, Emory Libraries

Description: In 2020, the Research Committee released the Library Publishing Research Agenda. Designed as a living document that will develop and evolve, the Research Agenda focuses on areas in which research is needed to support practices in the field of library publishing. The agenda includes six research topics: Assessment, Labor, Accessibility, Non-Traditional Research Outputs, Peer Review, and Partnerships. The dual aims of this session are: 1) to reintroduce participants to the Research Agenda and 2) to identify how the Research Committee might revise the Agenda to integrate DEI perspective and considerations.

This session will begin with an overview of the Library Publishing Research Agenda and introduce the current committee’s priority to support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) research. Rather than establish a separate topic for this work, the committee envisions reframing existing prompts developed for each topic of the Research Agenda to encourage the integration of DEI perspectives. For the remainder of the session, participants will be divided into small groups according to their preferred research topic to consider how DEI principles could enrich relevant research and inform best practices in library publishing. Within these groups, participants may take a number of approaches, including some combination of the following:

  • Identify how DEI (or lack thereof) informs current practice in library publishing.
  • Reframe prompts developed by the Research Committee to promote work on their preferred topic such that they integrate DEI perspectives.
  • Identify individuals with shared research interests and brainstorm potential collaborations.
  • Provide constructive feedback to incorporate into future iterations of the agenda.

While the goal of this session is to provide an opportunity to work with or build on the Research Agenda, participants are under no obligation to produce “deliverables.” We want attendees to learn from one another and contribute to library publishing research.

April 3, 2024

BOAF: Student Publications

May 16, 2024 | 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. | Memorial Hall

Title: Student Publications

Presenter: Charlotte Roh (she/her), Publications Manager, California Digital Library

Description: This session is a follow up to informal Zoom conversations that were held in 2023 by LPC members working with student publications. We found in these conversations that we had many of the same challenges: trouble with sustainability because of editorial turnover, lack of educational resources (including people to teach and guide students), and changing expectations on student output.

During this session, we plan to discuss the following topics:

  • What is driving the creation and/or growth of student journals on your campus?
  • What is being left by the wayside in the drive toward professional-level publication?
  • What difficulties are you having with student journals? Sustainability? Labor? Faculty investment?
  • What practical tips can you share with others that have helped your student publishing program?

The goal of this session is to draft a guiding document for a library publishing student program that would provide a template for expectations, policies, and room for a menu of options. We suggest that attendees review the ProPublica article “The Newest College Admissions Ploy: Paying to Make Your Teen a ‘Peer-Reviewed’ Author” and the notes from the previous discussions for a better understanding of the topic.

April 3, 2024

FULL SESSION: From OER to Open Press and Open Impact: The Evolution of Large-Scale Open Education Initiatives

May 16, 2024 | 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. | Memorial Hall

Title: From OER to Open Press and Open Impact: The Evolution of Large-Scale Open Education Initiatives


  • Stefanie Buck, Director, Open Educational Resources, Oregon State University
  • Anita Walz, Assistant Director of Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Virginia Tech
  • Allison Brown (she/her), Digital Publishing Services Manager, SUNY Geneseo
  • Abbey Elder, Open Access & Scholarly Communication Librarian, Iowa State University
  • Julie Curtis, VP Growth & Strategy, Pressbooks (moderator)

Description: As open education initiatives gain momentum, they mature and often evolve beyond their original scope and purpose. They work to operationalize and scale their efforts to meet goals and optimize available resources. They seek to demonstrate the impacts of open education in ways that align with institutional priorities. The Open Press is an agile operational model that provides an efficient, centralized mechanism for creating, publishing, managing, sharing, and sustaining the use of open learning materials and scholarship.

This session begins by introducing a maturity model for open education initiatives that spans start-up, growth, integration, innovation, and movement towards OER sustainability, including the “Open Press” model. It then leads into a thoughtful discussion with campus champions who have directed open education initiatives through stages of maturity. They will share insights about how moving towards the Open Press model has helped them grapple with questions of scope and mission as they seek to build sustainable OER and impactful open education projects.

This interview-style panel discussion will delve into questions such as:

  • How have your goals evolved over time in alignment with broader organizational priorities, and what has this meant for the open education work you direct?
  • As your initiative has evolved, how have you answered the questions of, “What are we? What is our mission?”
  • What are you trying to do to blend the best of publishing with the best of open access in your Open Press initiative?
  • How have you navigated the question of what to say “no” to, as well as what to say “yes” to?
  • What tools or approaches have been particularly helpful to support your initiative and make it sustainable?
  • How do you approach the relational aspect of working with authors and creators?
  • What guidance would you offer colleagues trying to build sustainable, impactful open education initiatives?

April 3, 2024

FULL SESSION: Strengthening Canadian Library Publishing Community Connections

May 16, 2024 | 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. | Ski-U-Mah Room

Title: Strengthening Canadian Library Publishing Community Connections


  • Sonya Betz (she/her), Head, Open Publishing and Digitization Services, University of Alberta Library
  • Emily Carlisle-Johnston, Research and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Western Libraries
  • Jeanette Hatherill, Principal Coordinator, Coalition Publica

Description: Library publishers play a vital role in the Canadian scholarly publishing landscape; more than 40 Canadian post-secondary institutions provide publishing or hosting services to over 800 scholarly and student publications that make up their communities. This publishing landscape is deeply non-commercial, multilingual and contributes to a vibrant, bibliodiverse national scholarly literature. While journal hosting and publishing are frequent topics in local, regional, and national conversations around scholarly communications, until recently, Canada’s library publishing practitioners have had no formal community organization to engage with issues that are uniquely relevant to them, and that represents them effectively to the national scholarly communications community.

However, change is afoot! Building on the recommendations of the Library Publishing Coalition’s Canadian Community Development Working Group (CCDWG), a number of exciting new developments are underway to establish the foundations of a strong and united library publishing community in Canada.

While journal hosting and publishing are frequent topics in local, regional, and national conversations around scholarly communications, until recently, Canada’s library publishing practitioners have had no formal community organization to engage with issues that are uniquely relevant to them, and that represents them effectively to the national scholarly communications community. Multiple important national stakeholders are involved in this work, including Coalition Publica and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL).

This presentation will describe the progress we’ve made, and what we hope to achieve, including establishing a library publishing Community Engagement Team in partnership with CARL, developing a bilingual documentation hub with Coalition Publica, and negotiating for better Canadian representation in the LPC. As global efforts to foster Diamond Open Access publishing models gain traction, via projects like Coalition Publica, library publishers occupy a critical position in supporting non-commercial, scholar-led journals. We hope attendees will leave this presentation with a better understanding of how a national community might be structured and supported, and what progress can be made towards truly equitable publishing models when communities come together to work on common goals.

April 3, 2024

HANDS-ON SESSION: Alan Smithee in the Libraries (Publishing): Attribution, DISattribution, and Other Complexities of Credit and Citation

May 16, 2024 | 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. | Heritage Gallery

Title: Alan Smithee in the Libraries (Publishing): Attribution, DISattribution, and Other Complexities of Credit and Citation

Presenter: Nancy Sims; any pronouns; Director, Copyright & Scholarly Communications, University of Minnesota Libraries

Description: Certain older versions of Creative Commons licenses allow copyright owners to require disattribution when reusing the work. This is rarely invoked, but it parallels existing patterns with other kinds of content. For example, “Alan Smithee” is a name used in the movie industry when directors wish to remove their own credits from a film. European “moral rights” copyright laws require attribution and, in some cases, disattribution. And in the US, a very narrow copyright provision called VARA creates complexities around attribution & alterations to certain types of visual artworks. This session will explore some of these legal complexities around attribution & reuse in-depth. Then we will collaboratively explore some real and hypothetical use cases that might arise in Libraries Publishing! Bring your own CC license or other attribution wrinkles to share and discuss.

April 3, 2024

FULL SESSION: ‘Equitable Access:’ An Existential Threat to OER Publishing and Adoption?

May 16, 2024 | 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. | Memorial Hall

Title: ‘Equitable Access:’ An Existential Threat to OER Publishing and Adoption?


  • Kelly Smith (she/her), Director of Collections & Discovery, Eastern Kentucky University Libraries
  • Edna Fugate (she/her), Director of Library Services, University of Pikeville

Description: In response to the rising costs of textbooks and the need for equitable access to education materials, universities are increasingly adopting ‘Equitable Access’ textbook programs. Universities are increasingly adopting ‘Equitable Access’ textbook programs in which students pay the same predetermined fee based on credit hour load, regardless of what texts are assigned in their classes. Typical fees, negotiated by the universities, are around $25 per credit hour, meaning that a student taking a 15 credit load would see a semester fee of $375. For students in STEM or other fields who frequently pay over $600 per semester for texts, this is an obvious savings. For fine art majors, this fee is an unexpected expense.

The implications for students, faculty, and advocates of OER adoption and publication on campuses using ‘Equitable Access’ are numerous. The presenters, two librarians from Eastern Kentucky whose institutions both serve a high number of first generation and Pell-eligible students, will discuss these implications and offer insightful case studies from their respective institutions. In one, a small private college, the administration prioritized OER as a response to the move to online learning during Covid, and the emphasis on OER adoption has remained a policy. The other institution, a regional comprehensive university, has fully committed to an ‘Equitable Access’ approach, using institutional funds to cover book fees instead of billing students.

Finally, the presenters will engage the audience in a critical discussion of the ‘Equitable Access’ landscape. Does its marketing as ‘equitable’ conceal its underlying aim to guarantee vendor profits? What is its true impact on affordability and accessibility in higher education in comparison to OER approaches? Should the cost factor alone dictate our decisions, or should we also consider aspects such as quality, pedagogical potential, and other relevant factors?

April 3, 2024

HANDS-ON SESSION: Library Publishing Coach-A-Thon!

May 16, 2024 | 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. | Ski-U-Mah Room

Title: Library Publishing Coach-A-Thon!


  • Melanie Schlosser (she/her), LPC Community Facilitator, Educopia Institute
  • Rachel Mattson, Senior Consultant & Project Manager, Educopia Institute

Description: Practice peer coaching skills while workshopping challenges with colleagues! Attendees will learn how to use two “liberating structures” ( that support peer coaching, and have a chance to practice them in small groups. The session will include an introduction to the two structures (Troika Consulting and 15% Solutions) and guidance on how and when to use them at work. Attendees will then break into groups of three and spend the rest of the session in structured peer coaching. Each attendee will have a chance to share a problem or challenge, as well as to coach others. No experience with peer coaching is required, and challenges shared can be big or small.

April 3, 2024

HANDS-ON SESSION: Dive into Open Infrastructure with IOI’s New Discovery Tool

May 16, 2024 | 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. | Heritage Gallery

Title: Dive into Open Infrastructure with IOI’s New Discovery Tool


  • Lauren Collister (she/they), Engagement Coordinator, Infrastructure, Invest in Open Infrastructure
  • Katherine Skinner, Research Lead, Invest in Open Infrastructure

Description: Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) has launched a new tool to facilitate discovery, adoption, and investment in open infrastructure. Debuting with 50 infrastructure services in January 2024, IOI’s new tool allows users to search, filter, and compare services that complement their service offerings. In this session, we will describe the creation of this tool and the research behind it, then demonstrate the new tool. A key component of this session will be feedback from participants, centering around the following questions:

  • What use cases can you envision for this tool in your contexts?
  • What information in these entries do you find most helpful, and why?
  • Is there any information that you would like to see but cannot find?
  • What tools or services in the open infrastructure landscape would you suggest for inclusion in this tool?

An optional exercise will be available for participants to explore, putting themselves in the shoes of a librarian who is searching for an open infrastructure tool to support a new multimedia student journal. Using a format inspired by ethnographic research, participants will document their search strategies for navigating the tool and their reactions to its options and interface. Participants’ feedback in the questions/discussion as well as the exercise will be used to evaluate the user experience of the tool and investigate next steps in expanding its inclusion.

Participants should bring their devices (laptops or tablets ideally).

April 3, 2024

FULL SESSION: Growing OER Publishing Programs: Watershed Decisions that Drive Impact

May 16, 2024 | 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 a.m. | Heritage Gallery

Title: Growing OER Publishing Programs: Watershed Decisions that Drive Impact


  • Shane Nackerud (he/him), Director, Affordable Learning and Open Education (ALOE), University of Minnesota Libraries
  • Kathy Essmiller (she/hers), Coordinator, OpenOKState | OER Librarian, Oklahoma State University Libraries
  • Ryan Otto (he/him), Scholarly Communication and Digital Scholarship Librarian, Kansas State University Libraries
  • Julie Curtis (she/her), VP Growth & Strategy, Pressbooks

Description: When institutions embark on OER publishing programs, they navigate challenges and leverage opportunities that drive towards their desired impact. They encounter inflection points for overcoming obstacles and building momentum. This session invites attendees to join in conversation with OER publishing practitioners about key, “watershed” decisions that have shaped the course of their work implementing OER publishing programs as they seek impact, scale, and sustainability.

Libraries and OER publishing programs are frequently at the forefront of promoting open educational resources (OER). Often rooted in common goals for improving textbook affordability, increasing access, supporting equitable student success, and advancing scholarship, strategic “watershed” decisions around OER publishing programs have the power to establish policy and infrastructure, influence practice, and inspire culture change.

This session will facilitate organic dialogue between panelists and audience members using a modified, participatory “fishbowl” format that taps into the rich experience represented in LPF attendees. The session will surface insights about essential decision points and success factors that have been most effective helping OER publishing programs achieve impact. Key themes include:

  • What was a “watershed” decision that shifted the trajectory of what you could accomplish (around policy, infrastructure, practice, culture, support, etc.), and why was that moment so impactful?
  • What single thing has been most impactful in your program’s success?
  • What have you learned about measuring impact and demonstrating the value of your initiative?
  • How have diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility figured into goals, key decisions, and/or evolution of your program and the impact you’re trying to make?
  • How have you linked your program to broader strategic goals of your institution?
  • What do you wish someone had told you when you were starting out in this work?
  • What watershed decisions do you see ahead?

April 3, 2024

PANEL: Collaboration

May 15, 2024 | 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. | Ski-U-Mah Room

Title: A Library + University Press Collaboration: Big Ten Open Books


  • Jason Colman (he/him), Director of Publishing Services, University of Michigan Library
  • Kate McCready (she/her), Librarian and Visiting Program Officer for Academy Owned Scholarly Publishing, University of Minnesota & Big Ten Academic Alliance

Description: A collaboration between the university presses and libraries of the Big Ten Academic Alliance, Big Ten Open Books [] connects readers everywhere to fully accessible, open access, trusted books from leading university presses. The first collection, 100 books published in August of 2023, on the subject of Gender and Sexuality studies, required bringing together experts from both libraries and presses to create a mutually agreed-to plan of action. In both the processes and necessary expertise, deep collaboration is occurring between presses and libraries in areas such as copyright, discovery, accessibility, metrics, and preservation.

The Big Ten Open Books project is now building on the initial undertaking in scholarly publishing collective action – creating open content, on open infrastructure, using open distribution models – to envision a robust programmatic future for open monograph publishing. At the core of this work is the partnership between libraries and presses to create a sustainable business and service model for open access editions of previously published scholarly monographs. Information shared during the session about this case study will include timelines, costs and metrics for success.

Additionally, the established best practices and lessons learned will also be covered along with the issues that surfaced during the building of the first collection that require further study. Those include identifying a more standardized method of processing copyright permissions, determining methods for ensuring accessibility, discoverability, and preservation of works published through collective action, and establishing a sustainable financial structure that supports the values of both the libraries who contribute financially and the presses and library publishers that are facilitating the work.

Title: The Great Migration: A New Home for the Searchable Ornithological Research Archive


  • Jason Boczar (he/him), Digital Scholarship and Publishing Librarian, University of South Florida
  • Paul “Alex” Onac, Institutional Repository Manager, University of South Florida

Description: Upon learning from a local partner that the Searchable Ornithological Research Archive (SORA), a collection of open access ornithological publications hosted by the University of New Mexico, hadn’t been uploading new materials for a few years and was thinking about shutting down the project, the University of South Florida (USF) libraries reached out to be the new home of SORA. In addition to its commitment to open access journals, USF is also the home to a robust Florida Environment and Natural History collection with an emphasis on ornithological archives.

This individual session will look at the migration from the USF point of view, including partnering with UNM to contact journal editors, creating new memorandums of understanding for journal editors, getting new journal pages set up with bepress, and the technical aspects of content migration into the USF system. Building upon the already highly renowned SORA collection, USF’s migration seeks to add value into the project by improving accessibility features and ensuring all collections have OCR optimization for keyword searching, the search-engine optimization of bepress’ Digital Commons, and an editorial system for the contributors. Finally, with USF’s interest and capacity to grow the journal archive, the SORA migration will provide a roadmap for universities to collaborate through shifting priorities to ensure digital publishing projects have an extended shelf-life, as well as provide valuable tools for cross-walking systems to complete migrations in timely and efficient ways.

Title: The Power of Partnership: Reflections on Ten Years of Publishing a Novel Interdisciplinary Journal


  • Elizabeth Weinfurter, MLIS (she/her), Liaison and Instruction Librarian; Production Editor of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies; Health Sciences Library, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
  • Teddie Potter, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP (she/her), Clinical Professor, Director Center for Planetary Health and Environmental Justice; Executive Editor of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies; School of Nursing, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

Description: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies (IJPS) is a unique open access journal that blends global academic, community, and artistic voices into a single, collaborative entity that follows the format of a scholarly journal. IJPS was launched in November 2014 as a mechanism to share new knowledge and successful applications of Riane Eisler’s partnership paradigm, and these partnership theories drive the journal at every level. IJPS is published as a shared effort between multiple institutions, and the lessons learned over the ten years of publishing the journal are instructive for others considering similarly collaborative publications. The presentation, given by two of the journal’s founding editors (one a faculty member in the School of Nursing, and one a librarian) will cover the philosophical aspects of publishing an open interdisciplinary journal, as well as practical knowledge relevant to the realm of library publishing.