
November 10, 2022

Registration 2023

Registration Information

The registration fee for the 2023 Library Publishing Forum is $25 USD. We do not want cost to be a barrier to attendance, so a hardship waiver is available for those who need it–just select the “Fee Waived” ticket option when registering.

All sessions will be held via Zoom and hosted by the Library Publishing Coalition.

When your registration in Eventbrite is completed, you should be prompted to create/log in to your account. (If not, check your email for a link to Sched.) You will need a Sched account to see the full program for this virtual event, including abstracts, and to receive further information about the sessions, including links to the daily Zoom sessions. Full information about the program and links to sessions will be available only through your Sched account.

TIP: If you already have a account, be sure to use the same email and name to register so the synching works properly.

Register for the 2023 Library Publishing Forum

November 10, 2022

2023 Library Publishing Forum

Keynote Speakers

Dorothea Salo

Dorothea Salo is Distinguished Teaching Faculty III in the University of Wisconsin at Madison’s Information School. She has written and presented internationally on privacy, copyright, scholarly publishing, and data curation. As co-investigator for the Data Doubles research project, she helped investigate undergraduates’ perceptions of privacy around campus Big Data practices. Salo holds an MA in Library and Information Studies and another in Spanish from UW-Madison.

Keynote Title: She Can’t Say That, Can She?

Description: Library publishing is becoming an integral part of libraries’ public face in academia. Given widespread attention to ethics failures in academic publishing more broadly, it behooves us to put our own publishing-ethics house in order.  Library learning analytics provides multiple distressing examples of LIS publications with fairly glaring ethical flaws. How did matters devolve this far? Why aren’t we talking more about it? Are we even allowed to?

Deborah Poff

Deborah Poff is a retired Professor of Philosophy and Senior Academic Administrator. She holds four degrees from three universities in Canada (University of Guelph, Queen’s University, Carleton University). Her PhD was in Philosophy of Science and her MA was in Philosophy of Mind. Her two undergraduate degrees were a BA Honours in Psychology and a BA Honours in Philosophy. During Deborah’s career, she was variously the Director of a Research Institute; a Dean of Arts and Science; a Vice-President Academic and Provost and a President and Vice-Chancellor at various Canadian Universities.

During her career, she has also been an active researcher, teacher and editor and is the founding Editor in Chief of the Journal of Academic Ethics which she edited for over 20 years. She was the Editor of the Journal of Business Ethics for over 30 years. She is currently the Editor of the Journal of Scholarly Publishing, published by University of Toronto Press. Throughout her career, she has been the editor of five scholarly journals, a book series and has published numerous other monographs and anthologies. Her research and publication areas are: Applied Ethics, including Business and Professional Ethics; Research Ethics, Publication Ethics, Leadership Ethics and Feminist Studies. In 1995, she was awarded a lifetime honorary membership by the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women in the category of “Outstanding Contribution to Feminist Scholarship”. Her most recent publication is an anthology entitled “Corporate Social Responsibility and University Governance”. Her monograph in progress is on the history of discrimination from Aristotle to Now. She has recently completed the Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics.

Among her many service accomplishments, she served nine years on the Committee on Publication Ethics Council and Board of Trustees, including in the role of Chair and is a recognized leader in the field of publication ethics. She also served as the President of the National Council for Human Participant Protection in Canada. She has served as a leader and participant member of many organizations and committees, including the British Columbia Degree Granting Committee for the government of British Columbia. She has also been the lead of many learned societies, including as the President of the Women’s Studies Association of Canada.

In 2016, Deborah Poff was awarded the Order of Canada through the Office of the Governor General of Canada.

Keynote Title: The State of Play in Current Major Forms of Deception in Publishing: Predatory Publishing, Paper Mills and ChatGPT

May 11, 2022

Labor Panel

Pittsburgh has a long, fraught labor history with recent revitalization that has impacted our library community. Four local experts who have worked on labor issues in libraries will gather on stage to share their views and experiences, touching on major subjects like vocational awe, invisible labor, and collective action. These issues resonate with library publishing workers across institutions and contexts; we will explore what we in the library publishing community can learn from organized labor and inspire each other to work collectively to effect change in our discipline, and to look to each other for support and solidarity.

May 10, 2022

Keynote: Janne Pölönen

Helsinki Initiative of Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication

Janne Pölönen

The Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication ( was launched in 2019 to foster an environment that values multilingual scholarly communication, science communication and open access to scholarly publications in all languages. The Initiative has three main goals:

  1. to promote multilingual dissemination of research knowledge withing and beyond academia
  2. to ensure sustainable open access transition of non-profit scholarly publishers who make publishing in different languages possible
  3. to promote language diversity and multilingualism in research assessment and funding systems

In this talk I will discuss different approaches to multilingualism and go through some of its main challenges. I will specifically explore how multilingual scientific knowledge benefits of science and society, why we need to protect national language journals and book publishers – the very infrastructure making multilingual publishing possible, and why it is important to recognize and reward high quality research published and communicated in all languages.

It is important to communicate research results to international expert audiences according to the best practices and traditions of each discipline. However, if research is communicated exclusively in English, academia risks not fully meeting all its missions and responsibilities toward society. In addition to international excellence, science policy calls for Responsible Research and Innovation and Open Science. Broad access to scientific knowledge and interaction between science and society is possible only if research is communicated and used in multiple languages.

The application of globally and locally produced knowledge requires critical discussion and dialogue between the scientific community familiar with the local conditions and different actors within society. The COVID-19 pandemic saw a widespread need for multilingual communication, not only between researchers, but also to reach decision-makers, professionals and citizens. To cope with grand challenges and to meet sustainable development goals, we need both globalized and localized research communicated in languages and formats suited for the diverse audiences.

Especially in the social sciences and humanities, important part of research is contextualised, creating a need for original research in the main languages of researchers and citizens who are affected by this research. A study of users of open access journals on the Finnish platform shows that articles in national languages (in this case Finnish and Swedish) are vital for reaching important users of research both within and beyond academia.

The national journals and book publishers across Europe play a vital role in the scholarly ecosystem by providing to the research communities outlets for publishing and critically discussing research results in researchers’ and citizens’ main languages. Peer-reviewed journals and books are mainly published in the local languages by small-scale non-profit publishers such as learned societies or research institutions, relying on voluntary work.

Translation services based on artificial intelligence technologies are part of the solution for facilitating multilingual access to scientific knowledge. Nevertheless, action plan to promote and implement multilingualism needs also to address how to secure a sustainable open access transition of journals publishing locally relevant research and developing scientific terminology in the different languages.

Because assessments steer research through distribution of resources, rewards, and merits, language biases in assessment can compromise equal opportunities for individual researchers and institutions. Intended or unintended language priorities in assessment may lead to systemic undervaluation of SSH research compared to STEM fields in funding, and endanger locally relevant research and knowledge transfer beyond academia.

Ideally, language is a non-issue in assessment. In practice, assessment criteria and methods are often far from language-neutral, and this is an issue with research metrics as well as expert-assessment. Researchers should be able to trust that high-quality research is valued regardless of publishing languages, and that they can make a career and have funding even if they spend time on writing to policy-makers, professionals or general public, or act as editors or reviewers for local language journals.

The long-term goal of the Helsinki Initiative is to ensure the continued availability and vitality of high-quality research published in all languages needed across the world for effective communication of research knowledge within and beyond academia.


Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication (2019). Helsinki: Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, Committee for Public Information, Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing, Universities Norway & European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities.

Kulczycki, E., Engels, T. & Pölönen, J. (2022). Multilingualism of social sciences. In Engels, T. & Kulczycki, E. (eds.), Handbook on research assessment in the social sciences, Edward Elgar Publishing, 350-366.

Pölönen, J., Kulczycki, E., Mustajoki, H. & Røeggen, V. (2021). Multilingualism is integral to accessibility and should be part of European research assessment reform. LSE Impact Blog, December 7th, 2021.

Pölönen, J., Syrjämäki, S., Nygård, A.-J. & Hammarfelt, B. (2021). Who Are the Users of National Open Access Journals? The case of Finnish platform. Learned Publishing, 34(4), 585-592.


March 10, 2022

Plenary: NGLP: Building in the Open, Building Together

Day/Time: Thursday, May 26,  4:00pm – 5:00pm


  • Katherine Skinner, NGLP
  • Dave Pcolar, NGLP
  • Kate Herman, NGLP


Now in its third year, The Next Generation Library Publishing (NGLP) project has completed the first phase of development of its two open source components and has implemented those components in a series of pilots and projects that demonstrate the modularity and interoperability of NGLP’s approach to addressing gaps in current open source infrastructure for library publishing.

As NGLP shifts to piloting new service models via our project partners (California Digital Library, Janeway, and Longleaf Services), we return to why we chose to build modular, content-agnostic components to address community-identified gaps in the library publishing ecosystem. NGLP Product Manager, Dave Pcolar, will discuss the guiding principles of the development phase: building for flexibility and scalability with a diverse set of publishing needs in mind. NGLP co-principal investigator Katherine Skinner will then report on the ongoing work of developing a business framework to support this and similar projects that seek to build service layers on top of widely-adopted and trusted open-source platforms like OJS, Janeway, and DSpace, and explore how values-aligned service providers might better support the underlying technologies that provide the backbone for their service provision. In folding these two conversations together, this presentation will highlight not only what NGLP has accomplished in the past two years, but what it was built for: securing more robust, sustainable, and values-driven infrastructure for library publishers.

March 10, 2022

Panel: PT2-230

Day/Time: Thursday, May 26, 2:30pm – 3:30pm

Making Open Access Books Work: A Library-Press Partnership Perspective


  • Emma Vecellio, Library Relations Manager, Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library


With the amount of open scholarly publications increasing, it is critical to understand the infrastructure supporting the dissemination and ingestion of open access monographs in particular. The University of Michigan Library and University of Michigan Press have been working to establish better discovery of open content with partner libraries as the press continues to develop its Fund to Mission open access monograph model. This session will provide an overview of the workflows around open content using the University of Michigan as an example and will reflect on best practices and takeaways for attendees.

The Challenge of Disseminating Metadata on Library Published, Open-Access Books


  • Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei, co-director, punctum books; COPIM (Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs)


This presentation will delve into the challenges open-access book publishers face with the current metadata supply chain, as well as attempts to address these challenges. It uses the case of Thoth, an open-metadata dissemination service currently under development as part of the Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM) project, to discuss some of the strategies scholar-led publishers and university presses are devising to amplify the discoverability of their books. Open access disrupts established book distribution channels because of its (1) orientation away from a sales process measured by units sold or licensed, (2) need for different kinds of metadata such as DOIs, which have yet to be implemented consistently across the supply chain, and (3) the emergence of a large number of new open-access content platforms that require a variety of metadata formats for deposit. Library publishers who seek to widen the discoverability of their books need to know about the current state and direction of the book supply chain, metadata standards used beyond the library, and workflows bottlenecks when working with data intermediaries. The goal of the presentation is first, to help library publishers learn more about the book metadata supply chain, and second, to prompt a discussion of whether emerging data intermediaries are adequately addressing the specific needs of library publishers.

March 10, 2022

Panel: PT-230

Day/Time: Thursday, May 26, 2:30pm – 3:30pm

Student Journal Forum: From a local event to a Canada-wide movement


  • Mariya Maistrovskaya, University of Toronto Libraries
  • Sarah Severson, University of Alberta Library


Student Journal Forum started as an in-person half-day event at the University of Toronto in 2015. It was piloted by a cross-departmental group of librarians who came together to help connect a diverse group of student editors to publishing resources, best practices and to each other.

Seven years later, this annual event has grown into a Canada-wide virtual gathering. The shift to online during the COVID-19 pandemic was a key catalyst to open up the forum to students to connect remotely, and for the event to be jointly organized by multiple libraries across Canada.

The nature of the Forum has evolved as well. From its inaugural focus on the delivery of faculty and librarian-led lecture-style literacy sessions to students, it moved to student-centred, peer-led and participatory learning sessions. In 2022, for the first time, the Forum featured an open Call for Proposals to let students take the lead on the content they wanted to talk about.

Finally, the Forum helped establish and strengthen the connections between different Canadian libraries that offer student journal publishing support. This network continues to operate throughout the year, beyond the annual event, in the form of offering open virtual workshops for student editors and sharing useful publishing resources. In this presentation, we will reflect on the evolution of the Student Journal Forum, its successes and challenges, and explore potential future directions in which libraries could support student journal publishing.

Using Open Access Publishing to Promote Undergraduate Research


  • Brett Say, Director of Honor Research Programs, University of Pittsburgh Honors College
  • Angel Zheng, Undergraduate Student, University of Pittsburgh Honors College
  • Corey Schultz, Undergraduate Student, University of Pittsburgh Honors College
  • Samantha Kirschman, Undergraduate Student, University of Pittsburgh Honors College


This presentation provides a case study, from an academic department’s perspective, that details how university libraries can help departments develop training programs and interdisciplinary policies that support the development of undergraduate student journals. The Pittsburgh Undergraduate Review (PUR) provides undergraduate students an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, online forum to publish research and creative scholarship. Sponsored by the University Honors College, and supported by the University of Pittsburgh’s open access journal publishing program, the PUR strives to build an integrative community of undergraduate scholars and showcase student work done under the mentorship of faculty mentors.

Since university libraries often have access to systems and resources academic departments do not, as well as a strong knowledge of these systems, this presentation will outline the ways university libraries can provide unique value to academic departments that want to develop open access student journals. The presentation outlines three distinguishing features university libraries can consider when helping departments develop undergraduate journals – An interdisciplinary knowledge of publishing standards, a student peer review training process, and centralized support structure for journal administration.

The presentation utilizes the PUR journal as a case study for developing a new journal or expanding an established student journal. A history of the library and Honors College collaboration is outlined, and presenters will provide advice on potential obstacles libraries and academic departments might face when trying to establish a similar and provide a suggested outline for journal policy development.

March 10, 2022

Full Session: Maturing Our Program: Criteria for Selection, Content Advisories, and Celebrating Great Work

Day/Time: Thursday, May 26,  11:30am – 12:30pm


  • Laurie Taylor, University of Florida
  • Perry Collins, University of Florida
  • Chelsea Johnston, University of Florida
  • Tracy MacKay-Ratliff, University of Florida


The LibraryPress@UF started in 2016. Since then, we have been working to mature our program and publish. In 2021, we are set to release a dozen publications (books in print and online, textbooks, and digital scholarship),i in addition to our 20 continuously publishing journals. We follow feminist situated perspective and grounded theory, working to mature program supports through evidence-based and experience-based practices to develop right-sized program operations that best support us and our readers, users, and authors/editors/creators. In following this approach, we often release program supports at the point of need. In this presentation, we will share stories on those points of need and the results, which include:

  • An updated selection criteria, to explicitly prioritize works that promote inclusion and justice by highlighting overlooked or marginalized experiences and perspectives
  • A name change policy, implemented for our publications and for theses and dissertations at UF
  • Our first content advisory, and how we came to publish a book (even as digital-only) that required one
  • Our books this year, and what each has taught us about publishing, including African American Studies: 50 Years at the University of Florida and Delivering Cuba through the Mail: Cuba’s Presence in Non-Cuban Postage Stamps and Envelopes

In sharing our stories as mini-cases of our collective stories of library publishing, we seek to enable more rapid and easier maturation for others. We also seek to inspire with stories specifically from African American Studies: 50 Years at the University of Florida.

March 10, 2022

Full Session: Stepping Onto the Platform: Reflections on Michigan Publishing’s Switch to Janeway for OA Journal Publishing

Day/Time: Thursday, May 26,  11:30am – 12:30pm


  • Andy Byers, Senior Publishing Technologies Developer, Birkbeck, University of London/Open Library of Humanities
  • Jason Colman, Director, Michigan Publishing Services, University of Michigan Library
  • Mauro Sanchez, Senior Publishing Technologies Developer, Birkbeck, University of London/Open Library of Humanities
  • Lauren Stachew, Senior Digital Publishing Coordinator, Michigan Publishing Services, University of Michigan Library


Michigan Publishing has been publishing open access journals on a home-grown platform called DLXS since the early 2000s. For the last year and a half, Michigan has been in the process of switching its roughly 40 journals from DLXS to Janeway, the open source journals platform developed by a team at the Centre for Technology and Publishing at Birkbeck, University of London. In this presentation, members of the Janeway and Michigan teams will reflect on why we decided to work together, what the partnership has brought for each of us, and how the transition has gone from both technical and editorial points of view. We’ll include a timeline of the steps we took to accomplish it, and the roles that were involved on both teams.

We’ll try to offer some practical takeaways on best practices for other library journal publishers who are thinking about switching to a new platform, and invite discussion with others in our community who have made or are thinking of making similar moves.

March 10, 2022

Full Session: Discussion of University-based Publishing Infrastructure Virtual Convening

Day/Time: Thursday, May 26,  10:15am – 11:15am


  • Ally Laird, Penn State University
  • Melanie Schlosser, Community Facilitator, LPC (Educopia)


Members of the Library Publishing Coalition, the Association of University Presses (AUPresses) and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) will be hosting and planning a series of sessions both within and across communities over the first half of 2022, culminating in a small convening of representatives from the three groups on the topic of “University-based Publishing Infrastructure” in July 2022. This convening is meant to highlight the values and goals around shared and open infrastructure, advancing equity in scholarly communication, increasing efficiencies in services, and sustainability in university-based publishing. To prepare for this small convening, each community will host a community discussion and then a series of three small focus groups which will pull representatives from each group to participate in facilitated discussions. The goals of the convening are to identify the goals/values/needs to advocate on behalf of university-based publishing and to establish a shared definition of university-based publishing between the LPC, AUPresses, and ARL.

This session, hosted by the LPC Board, would pull together the community in a discussion around the outcomes of these community meetings and focus groups. Attendees will be invited to provide input on discussion questions addressing the importance of library publishing, the values that underpin library publishing, and how University Presses and library publishers are similar, among other questions. They will also be asked to provide feedback on materials pulled together from the previous community meetings and focus groups. The final list of questions and materials will be available closer to the Forum date, after these events have taken place.