Directory Committee

The Directory Committee is charged with publishing the Library Publishing Directory, ensuring that both the print and online versions of the Directory are useful to the membership. The Directory Committee oversees the collection of data and authoring processes, including distributing the survey, analyzing the data provided by respondents, proofreading submissions, and preparing for print production. The goal of the Directory is to document the current range of library publishing activities (including costs, staffing, and how libraries are financing these ventures); articulate the unique value of library publishing activities; and inspire other libraries to envision and develop publishing services programs.

Current Members
2023-2025    Allison Brown, SUNY Geneseo (chair)
2023-2025    Emily Carlisle-Johnston, Western University
2024-2026    Angel Clemoons, University of Louisville
2024-2026    Gina Genova, University of Louisville
2022-2026    Briana Knox, University of North Texas
2024-2026    Matthew Vaughn, Indiana University
2024-2025    Elizabeth Scarpelli, Board liaison

Programs and Publications

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Committee

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Committee leads LPC’s efforts to create an inclusive community by embedding the work of anti-racism, anti-oppression, and accessibility across the organization. In addition to its own set of programs (including conferring the annual Library Publishing Forum Award), the committee consults with LPC’s Board and the other committees and task forces to identify areas where inequity and systems of oppression are being reinforced and to create strategies to dismantle them. The committee has a dual focus on improving the inclusivity of LPC itself and on creating resources for all library publishers to embed anti-racism, anti-oppression, and accessibility into their publishing practices.

Current Members
2024-2026   Amanda Karby, California Digital Library
2024-2026   Shannon Kipphut-Smith, Rice University
2024-2026   Jules Luck, Penn State University
2023-2025   Courtney Shareef, University of Louisville
2024-2026   Kate Sheridan, University of Minnesota
2024-2025  Angel Peterson, Board Officer

Programs and Publications

Library Publishing Forum Scholarships Committee

This committee is responsible for travel scholarship programs related to the Library Publishing Forum.

Current Members
2023-2025    Jordan Pedersen, University of Guelph (chair)
2024-2026    Jason Boczar, University of South Florida
2023-2025    Laureen Boutang, University of Minnesota
2023-2025    Katie Cuyler, University of Alberta
2023-2025    Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University
2024-2025    Sarah Frankel, Board liaison

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee bears primary responsibility for assessing professional development needs and planning and implementing professional development and training opportunities for LPC members throughout the year.

Current Members
2023-2025    Anna Dimoula, University of Miami (co-chair)
2023-2025    Adam Mazel, Indiana University (co-chair)
2024-2026    Kristina Bloch, University of Louisville
2024-2026    Stefanie Buck, Oregon State University
2024-2026    Patti Sherbaniuk, University of Alberta
2024-2026    Anne Sticksel, Northwestern University
2024-2025    Regina Raboin, Board liaison

Programs and Publications

Program Committee

The Program Committee is responsible for developing and overseeing the program at the Library Publishing Forum. The Committee guides decisions about and assists with the planning of the Forum.

Current Members
2023-2025    Corinne Guimont, Virginia Tech (chair)
2024-2026    Elizabeth Bedford, University of Washington
2024-2026    Jennifer Coronado, Butler University (PALNI)
2023-2025    Loftan Hooker, Virginia Commonwealth University
2024-2026    Ryan Otto, Kansas State University
2024-2026    Jessica Thorlakson, University of Alberta
2024-2025    Erin Jerome, Board liaison

Programs and Publications

Research Committee

LPC’s Research Committee coordinates research priorities, facilitates inter-institutional collaboration on projects, and provides guidance for researchers affiliated with the LPC.

Current Members
2023-2025   Karen Bjork, Virginia Commonwealth University (chair)
2024-2026   Matthew Goldberg, University of Louisville
2023-2025   Matt Hunter, Florida State University
2024-2026   Michelle LaLonde, Wayne State University
2023-2025   John Morgenstern, Emory University
2024-2026   Talia Perry, Carnegie Mellon University
2024-2025   Mai Yamamoto, Purdue University
2024-2025   Leigh-Ann Butler, Board liaison

Programs and Publications

Library Publishing Curriculum Editorial Board

The Library Publishing Curriculum Editorial Board identifies maintenance and development needs for the Curriculum, oversees (and occasionally performs) that work, and promotes the wide adoption and use of the Curriculum.

Current Members

2020-2026   Johanna Meetz, Ohio State University (co-chair)
2020-2026   Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University interim co-chair)
2023-2026   Kirstine McDermid, University of Leeds
2023-2026   Alissa Miller, Middle Tennessee State University
2020-2026   Chelcie Rowell, Harvard University
2020-2026   John Warren, George Washington University
2023-2026   Rebecca Wojturska, University of Edinburgh
2024-2025   Sonya Betz, Board liaison

Programs and Publications

Current Task Forces and Working Groups

Staffing Survey Task Force (2024-2026)

LPC is launching a two-year task force to draft and implement a survey of library publishing programs on the topic of staffing. The aim of this survey is to develop a more complete understanding of how the work of library publishing is staffed, with the ultimate goal of identifying good practices and pain points. This will be the first in an ongoing series of topical survey task forces whose work will complement the Library Publishing Directory.

Survey scope: The task force will survey library publishing programs about their staffing and labor practices, including job scopes, degrees and qualifications, and professional development of staff. The survey will also touch on student and contingent labor and permanent vs contingent positions. The task force will determine whether and how to incorporate questions about salaries and labor organizing. An individual survey of library publishers about their experiences is out of scope for this group, but is of interest to LPC as a future project. 

Scope of work: The task force will develop and test the survey, and work with LPC staff to implement and distribute it. The task force will analyze the responses and share its findings in a public report. 

Privacy: The task force, in consultation with staff and legal support as necessary, will determine how best to safeguard the privacy of library publishing staff and balance privacy concerns with research goals. 


Melissa Chim, Excelsior University (co-chair)
Miranda Phair, Towson University (co-chair)
Michelle Brailey, University of Alberta
Lauren Collister, Invest in Open Architecture
Heather Hankins, Kennesaw State University
Alyssa Huffman, Wayne State University
Bailey Lake, Eastern Kentucky University
Barbara Loomis, Cleveland State University
Adam Mazel, Indiana University
Joseph Muller, Open Library of Humanities, Birbeck, University of London
Donna O’Malley, University of Vermont
Anita Walz, Virginia Tech
Annie Johnson, Board liaison

Preservation Working Group (2023-25)

This group builds on the work of the Preservation Task Force (see below) by implementing a set of recommendations designed to support preservation practice by library publishers.


Wendy Robertson, University of Iowa (co-chair)
Elizabeth Schwartz, Washington University in St. Louis (co-chair)
Laureen Boutang, University of Minnesota
Patricia Feeney, Crossref
Esther Jackson, Columbia University Libraries
Tara D. Kelley, Rutgers University
Ally Laird, Penn State University
Alicia Wise, CLOCKSS
Amanda Hurford, Board liaison

Previous Task Forces and Working Groups

Canadian Community Development Working Group (2022-23)

This 6-month working group, will engage Canadian scholarly communications stakeholders to explore  strategies for developing a stronger Canadian library publisher community. This new group provides an opportunity for Canadian library publishers to grow and develop according to their unique national context. 

The LPC provides support for the working group to build upon existing Canadian community engagement efforts and to consult broadly with practitioners and organizations across Canada.  The group’s priority is to develop recommendations for supporting and strengthening the community of Canadian library publishers, both from within and outside the LPC. 

Members include:

  • Sonya Betz, University of Alberta (Chair)
  • Emily Carlisle-Johnston, Western University
  • Jessica Lange, McGill University
  • Michael Nason, University of New Brunswick
  • Tanja Niemann, Érudit
  • Kate Shuttleworth, Simon Fraser University
  • Kevin Stranack, PKP
  • Melanie Schlosser, LPC Community Facilitator (Board liaison)


version française

Ce groupe de travail d’une durée de six mois incitera les intervenants canadiens du secteur des communications savantes à explorer des stratégies visant à renforcer la communauté canadienne des bibliothèques qui offrent des services d’édition. Ce nouveau groupe offre aux bibliothèques canadiennes éditrices la possibilité de croître et de se développer dans un contexte national unique.

La LPC offre son soutien au groupe de travail afin qu’il s’appuie sur les efforts d’engagement existants dans la communauté canadienne, et qu’il consulte largement les et les organisations à travers le Canada. La priorité du groupe est d’élaborer des recommandations pour soutenir et renforcer la communauté des bibliothèques éditrices canadiennes, tant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur de la LPC. 

Les membres sont les suivants :

  • Sonya Betz, University of Alberta (Présidente)
  • Emily Carlisle-Johnston, Western University
  • Jessica Lange, McGill University
  • Michael Nason, University of New Brunswick
  • Tanja Niemann, Érudit
  • Kate Shuttleworth, Simon Fraser University
  • Kevin Stranack, PKP
  • Melanie Schlosser, LPC Community Facilitator (Board liaison)

Ethical Framework for Library Publishing Task Force (2021-2023)

The Library Publishing Coalition created An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing, v1.0 in 2017-2018. The events of the ensuing years have only increased the need for a resource like the Framework, and at the same time have raised library publishers’ and the Library Publishing Coalition’s awareness of the ethical imperatives inherent in our practice. This task force will evaluate v1.0 of the Framework to identify maintenance and development needs and address them, with the goal of producing an updated iteration of the Ethical Framework (v2.0). Task force members will likely be involved both in organizing colleagues and resources, strategizing an update, and drafting sections of the framework. Timeline is flexible, but target endpoint is late 2022.

Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University (chair)
Tina Baich, IUPUI 
Nina Collins, Purdue University
Jaime Ding, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 
Bernadette A. Lear, Pennsylvania State University – Harrisburg
Anna Leonard, University of Namibia
Zoe Wake Hyde, The Rebus Foundation
Charlotte Roh, University of San Francisco
Kate Shuttleworth, Simon Fraser University and the Public Knowledge Project
Christine Turner, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Ally Laird, Penn State University (Board liaison)

Preservation Task Force (2021-2023)

This group will investigate the current state of preservation efforts in the field and make recommendations to the Board and other LPC committees of ways to strengthen practice in this area. The investigation will consist of two streams of work: one focused on the preservation practices and needs of library publishers, and one focused on preservation-related projects and services that may be of interest to the field. The first stream will build on the data already being collected for the Library Publishing Directory, providing opportunities for library publishers to share more in-depth information about the preservation of the content they publish. The second stream will involve dialogue with other organizations, a number of which are Strategic Affiliates of LPC (e.g. CLOCKSS, DOAJ, PKP, NASIG) or are connected with LPC through the Educopia Institute (e.g. MetaArchive Cooperative). This group is envisioned as a one-year task force, but its members may recommend a second year if they feel that additional work is needed.

Elizabeth Bedford, University of Washington (chair)
Chloe Dufour, University of Pittsburgh
Corinne Guimont, Virginia Tech
Rachel Howard, University of Louisville
Amanda Hurford, PALNI
Jennifer Kemp, Crossref (guest member)

Shane Nackerud, University of Minnesota
Alicia Wise, CLOCKSS (guest member)
Christine Fruin, Atla (Board liaison)

Diversity and Inclusion Task Force (2019-2021)

This task force will build on the work of the Program Committee’s Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee by exploring the creation of a standing Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee for the Library Publishing Coalition. The terms “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” are subject to multiple interpretations, and the weight they carry requires special attention. In order that the work of any so-named committee is direct, actionable, and impactful, this task force will ensure that it is charged with a specific, considered vision to drive its work.


Cheryl Ball, Wayne State University (2020-2021)
Kevin Hawkins, University of North Texas (2020-2021)
Harrison Inefuku, Iowa State University (2019-2021)
Hanni Nabahe, University of Virginia (2019-2020)
Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University (2019-2021)
Angel Peterson, Penn State University (2020-2021)
Willa Tavernier, Indiana University (2019-2021)
Michelle Wilson, Columbia University (chair, 2019-2020)

Board Liaison: Jody Bailey, Emory University (ex officio)

Publication Award Task Force (2019-2020)

This task force will investigate the feasibility of implementing a member publication award program and report back to the board with recommendations.


Annie Johnson, Temple University (chair)
Sam Byrd, Virginia Commonwealth University
Clayton Hayes, Wayne State University
Emma Molls, University of Minnesota

Board Liaison: Kate McCready, University of Minnesota (ex officio)

Library Publishing Directory Task Force (2018-2019)

This task force will supplement the regular work of the Directory Committee (which is charged with producing the annual Library Publishing Directory) by evaluating the Directory data collection process and revisiting the Directory data model.


Jessica Kirschner, Texas Tech University (chair)
Robert Browder, Virginia Tech
Christine Fruin, ATLA
Chelsea Johnston, University of South Florida
Hanni Nabahe, University of Virginia
Willa Tavernier, Indiana University

Board liaison: Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University

Ethical Framework for Library Publishing Task Force (2017-2018)

This task force will develop a framework for ethical practice in library publishing, including but not limited to the following topics: publishing practice, accessibility, and diversity and inclusion. The group will identify relevant resources and contextualize them for library publishers. When appropriate resources cannot be identified, the group will create them, or work with other LPC committees to do so. The task force will build in opportunities for input and feedback from the LPC membership as the framework is in development, to ensure that it represents the broad spectrum of activities and values in our community. (2018 publication: An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing, v1.0)


Jason Boczar, University of South Florida (chair)
Harrison W. Inefuku, Iowa State University
Monica Westin, California Digital Library
Rebel Cummings-Sauls, Kansas State University
Terri Fishel, Macalester College
Wendy Robertson, University of Iowa
Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University
Sarah Melton, Boston College
Jaclyn Sipovic, University of Michigan
Nina Collins, Purdue University
Camille Thomas, Texas Tech University
Valerie Horton, Minitex
Charlotte Roh, University of San Francisco (2017-18 LPC Fellow)

Board Liaison: Laurie Taylor, University of Florida (ex officio)

Directory of Open Access Journals Task Force (2017-2018)

This task force will evaluate the needs of the LPC community related to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), mentor LPC member institutions through the DOAJ application process, and recommend any necessary ongoing support. The group was developed in consultation with DOAJ, and will receive training from DOAJ staff. (2018 publication: DOAJ Application How-To Guide for Library Publishers)


Monica Westin, California Digital Library (chair)
Ian Caswell, University College London
Liza Hagerman, Purdue University
Emma Molls, University of Minnesota
David Scherer, Carnegie Mellon University
Janet Swatscheno, University of Illinois

Board Liaison: Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University (ex officio)

Web Content Strategy Task Force (2015-2016)

The Web Content Strategy Task Force was charged by the LPC Board to develop a strategy and prospective recommendations for improving the visibility, utility, and impact of the LPC’s online content. Such online content includes, but is not limited to: website, social media presence, LPC Directory, documentation portal, LPC-sponsored webinars, job board, and any reports/whitepapers created by the LPC.


Sarah Melton, Emory University
Catherine Mitchell, California Digital Library
Micah Vandegrift, Florida State University