LPC Blog

The Library Publishing Coalition Blog is used to share news and updates about the LPC and the Library Publishing Forum, to draw attention to items of interest to the community, and to publish informal commentaries by LPC members and friends.

Please join us on Monday, September 30, 1:00-2:00 pm EDT, for the launch of the University-Based Publishing Futures community.

Register here

In the spring and summer of 2022, the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), Association of University Presses (AUPresses), and Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) convened a series of discussions to explore shared values and common interests related to academy-owned scholarly communications infrastructures. These conversations led to the development of a community formation document and proposed plan of action, including a statement of shared values and commitments that we are proud to share on September 30th. Come to this launch webinar to hear organizational and community leaders explain the history of the initiative, what we mean by university-based publishing, and how to participate in our inaugural projects. Presenters will include Peter Berkery and Brenna McLaughlin (AUPresses), Melanie Schlosser (LPC), Annie Johnson (U of Delaware), Kate McCready (BTAA), and John Sherer (UNC Press).


  • Welcome & Background

  • Importance of the University-Based Publishing Initiative

  • Overview of Community Statement

  • Call to Action

  • Questions