May 16, 2024 | 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. | Ski-U-Mah Room

Title: Reframing the Library Publishing Research Agenda


  • Karen Bjork (she/her), Head, Digital Libraries and Publishing, Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries
  • John Morgenstern (he/him), Copyright & Scholarly Communications Librarian, Emory Libraries

Description: In 2020, the Research Committee released the Library Publishing Research Agenda. Designed as a living document that will develop and evolve, the Research Agenda focuses on areas in which research is needed to support practices in the field of library publishing. The agenda includes six research topics: Assessment, Labor, Accessibility, Non-Traditional Research Outputs, Peer Review, and Partnerships. The dual aims of this session are: 1) to reintroduce participants to the Research Agenda and 2) to identify how the Research Committee might revise the Agenda to integrate DEI perspective and considerations.

This session will begin with an overview of the Library Publishing Research Agenda and introduce the current committee’s priority to support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) research. Rather than establish a separate topic for this work, the committee envisions reframing existing prompts developed for each topic of the Research Agenda to encourage the integration of DEI perspectives. For the remainder of the session, participants will be divided into small groups according to their preferred research topic to consider how DEI principles could enrich relevant research and inform best practices in library publishing. Within these groups, participants may take a number of approaches, including some combination of the following:

  • Identify how DEI (or lack thereof) informs current practice in library publishing.
  • Reframe prompts developed by the Research Committee to promote work on their preferred topic such that they integrate DEI perspectives.
  • Identify individuals with shared research interests and brainstorm potential collaborations.
  • Provide constructive feedback to incorporate into future iterations of the agenda.

While the goal of this session is to provide an opportunity to work with or build on the Research Agenda, participants are under no obligation to produce “deliverables.” We want attendees to learn from one another and contribute to library publishing research.