
The LPC’s Professional Development Committee coordinates a regular webinar series to provide opportunities to share knowledge, discuss on-the-ground experiences, and build on community expertise. Webinar recordings are made openly available here.

In anticipation of new accessibility-related requirements coming into force through U.S. and European laws, the Library Publishing Coalition’s Professional Development Committee focused this year’s Documentation Month on accessibility-related documentation and processes! Good documentation can preserve institutional memory for yourself and for future colleagues. But between deadlines and day-to-day tasks, finding the time can be a challenge. Creating effective accessibility workflows  can also involve some specific and technical know-how, which may make it feel even more challenging to get started.

The second webinar, entitled Math, Music, and Linguistics Accessibility, was held on February 19. Speakers information:

  • Brian Richwine is the Senior Accessibility Strategist for Learning Technologies at Indiana University. He has been working in accessibility at IU for 24 years.
  • Anna Dimoula is the Scholarly Communications Librarian for the Performing Arts & Humanities at the University of Miami. In this role, Anna is primarily responsible for providing her service to a variety of UM activities, including: management of the Institution’s repository system Scholarship@Miami, support of digital platforms, consultations on copyright issues, and assistance on scholarly publishing requests by faculty from Frost School of Music and the Humanities department.
  • Elizabeth J. Pyatt earned her Ph.D. in linguistics of Celtic languages before transitioning to a career as an instructional designer. She has been working Waon accessibility issues since 2001 and has assisted in making multiple foreign language, linguistic and grammar courses more accessible to Penn State students.

Watch the recording and view the slides: MathMusic | Linguistics