This full-day workshop will give attendees an opportunity to learn more about the landscape of open source publishing software and associated service providers, and give platform developers the opportunity to interact with each other and with the community.
Contact Melanie Schlosser for more information.
Registration for this event is now closed.
Featured Platforms
Most of the formal program for the day will consist of presentations and hands-on sessions by a selected set of open source publishing platforms, including:
The program can also be accessed at https://ownedbytheacademy.sched.com. Sessions marked with
will be livestreamed via LPC’s Twitter account.
- 8:00-8:30: Breakfast (Wilson Library doors open at 8am)
- 8:30-8:45: Welcome and opening remarks (Melanie Schlosser)
- 8:45-10:15: Presentation session 1: PubSweet, Janeway, Vega
[PubSweet slides, Janeway slides, Vega slides] [PubSweet video, Janeway video, Vega video]
- 10:15-10:30: Coffee break
- 10:30-11:20: Interactive session 1: PubSweet, Janeway, Vega
- 11:20-11:30: Break
- 11:30-12:00: Lightning talks: Hypothes.is, PKP Publishing Services, Pressbooks, PubPub, Quire, Ubiquity Press
[Hypothesis slides, PKP slides, Pressbooks slides, Quire slides] [video]
- 12:00-12:45: Lunch
- 12:45-1:30: Showcase session (all presenters)
- 1:30-3:30: Presentation session 2: Fulcrum, Scalar, OJS, Manifold
[OJS slides, Manifold slides] [Fulcrum video, Scalar video, OJS video, Manifold video]
- 3:30-3:45: Coffee break
- 3:45-4:35: Interactive session 2: Fulcrum, Scalar, OJS, Manifold
- 4:35-4:45: Break
- 4:45-5:15: Closing remarks (Clifford Lynch, CNI)
Directions to Wilson Library
Please refer to the Campus Map for all directions.
From The Graduate Hotel:
- Walking: 20-30 minutes.
- Walk West on Washington Ave. The Graduate Hotel is on the “East Bank” of Campus.
- Cross the river on the upper pedestrian level of the bridge.
- Once you’re on the “West Bank” of campus, turn left to head south to Wilson Library.
- Campus Shuttle: The “University Ave Circulator” has a stop at Northrop Mall on Washington Avenue (West of the Hotel). Take that to the Carlson stop on the West Bank. Please check the schedule as the buses will be running less frequently during the May Intersession.
- Light Rail: The Green Line Light Rail has an East Bank stop in front of the Graduate Hotel. If you take the Westbound train to the West Bank stop, stay on the street/rail line level and walk back east along Washington Ave. towards Blegen Hall. At Blegen Hall, there will be a set of outdoor stairs leading up to the Plaza level. As you emerge from the stairs, continue straight (heading south) towards Wilson Library.
- Nice Ride: Go to the bike rack at the “McNamara Center” and bike along the walking directions. There is a rack on the West side of Wilson Library where you can return your bike. Plan your route here: https://secure.niceridemn.org/map/ Single rides are charged at $3 per half hour from the time the bike leaves the station. A 24 Hour pass is $6 for unlimited 30 min rides.
If you’re driving:
Wilson Library’s Address is: 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455
The best place to park is in the 21st Avenue Ramp which is across the street from campus. Wilson Library is set back off 4th street (which you cross to get from the ramp to the library) in between the Carlson School of Management and the Rarig Theater.
Call for Showcase Session Participants
*This call is now closed.*
We are pleased to issue an open call for participants for a showcase session that will allow attendees to learn more about the broader ecosystem of open source publishing software. This hour-long, mid-day plenary session will be structured like a poster or exhibit session. Each participating organization will have a space to display materials and demonstrate their platform, tool, or service. Attendees will be encouraged to interact with as many participating organizations as they wish.
Showcase session participants will be selected by the preconference planning group based on fit with event goals and available space. Participants are expected to register for and attend the full preconference, and are encouraged to attend the Library Publishing Forum as well.
We especially invite representation from:
- Open source platforms used to publish content online
- Open source tools related to any stage of the publishing process
- Service providers working with open source software
- Organizations focused on creating or sustaining open source publishing software
Planning Group
- Melanie Schlosser, Library Publishing Coalition (Chair)
- Vanessa Gabler, University of Pittsburgh
- Justin Gonder, California Digital Library
- Kevin Hawkins, University of North Texas
- Emma Molls, University of Minnesota
- Peter Potter, Virginia Tech
- Kristen Ratan, Collaborative Knowledge Foundation
- Kevin Stranack, Simon Fraser University/Public Knowledge Project
- Rebecca Welzenbach, University of Michigan