LPC Blog

The Library Publishing Coalition Blog is used to share news and updates about the LPC and the Library Publishing Forum, to draw attention to items of interest to the community, and to publish informal commentaries by LPC members and friends.

LPC Committees & Task ForcesAs part of our ongoing efforts to make membership as accessible as possible, LPC is excited to offer a consortial membership option starting with the upcoming 2025-26 program year. We have always had consortia as members, but until now there wasn’t a mechanism for them to pass along their membership benefits to their own member institutions. The new consortial membership will streamline billing for groups of libraries who come in under a consortial membership, allowing us to offer tiered membership dues based on institution size (also a first for LPC!). See the membership page for more details and a breakdown of the dues. 

To begin a consortial membership in July of 2025, a consortium would need to apply for membership, return a signed membership agreement, and indicate which of its members are joining as participating institutions for the coming year by March 1, 2025. (Consortial memberships can still be initiated after that date, but may not be fully implemented by the beginning of the program year.) So if you’re interested in a consortial membership, please get the ball rolling as soon as possible! If you’re a consortium that already has a regular LPC membership, you can skip to the third step with the March 1st deadline – just email us to get started. 

Questions? Email contact@librarypublishing.org to get answers or set up a call to discuss. 

We look forward to welcoming our first consortial memberships!