Posts by Nancy Adams

December 16, 2021

LPC Peer Mentorship Program Update and 2022 Signups


It’s time to wrap up the 2021 Peer Mentorship Program and look ahead to 2022! This year, we continued to develop and refine the peer mentorship model. Keep reading to find out more about the program and how to participate in the next cohort. 

The 2021 Cohort: A Year in Review

Following a successful pilot launch in 2019, the Library Publishing Coalition Professional Development Committee has continued to develop the LPC Peer Mentorship Program. In 2020, the program began to focus on peer-mentor relationships, which continued into the 2021 iteration. 

The two goals for the Mentorship Program are:

  • To orient participants to the LPC, encouraging them to build relationships and get involved, and 
  • To facilitate professional mentorship around library publishing. 

The program kicked off with a virtual orientation and getting-to-know-you meeting for participants, and then continued with monthly calls and emails between peer pairs. The committee provided monthly discussion prompts to guide possible discussion between pairs, though conversation could take whatever direction appealed to a particular pair. Mid-way through the program year, mentors were encouraged to fill out a survey to assess the program and provide feedback. We received six responses, and some valuable insights into how the program was working for participants. Happily, most respondents felt supported and were enjoying their time working together! 

Interested in being a peer mentor? Share your expertise! The LPC Professional Development Committee will offer the peer mentorship program again in 2022. Applications are out now! We hope you’ll join us as part of the 2022 LPC Peer Mentorship Program!

The 2022 Cohort: Timeline and Invitation to Apply

  • Apply for the 2022 Peer Mentorship Program now! We’ll be accepting applications through January 7, 2022.
    Note: The deadline for applications has been extended to January 21, 2022.
  • We’ll match you with your new Peer Mentor by early February.
  • Participants will receive instructions and orientation materials in February.
  • Optional meet-up at the Library Publishing Forum (May 25-26, 2022).
    (The LPC Professional Development Committee will host a meet-up for participants. Stay tuned for more information!)

More throughout your time in the program!

  • Attend special mentorship calls hosted by the Professional Development Committee (topics and schedule TBD)
  • Discussion topic suggestions (monthly)
  • Mid-year (6-months) survey
  • Post-cycle (12-months) cohort evaluation with exit survey

Apply for the 2022 Peer Mentorship Program, or contact the Professional Development Committee with any questions.

LPC Professional Development Committee
Chelsea Johnston, University of Florida (2021-2022 chair)
Erin Jerome, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2022 chair)
Liz Hamilton, Northwestern University
Matthew Hunter, Florida State University
Melanie Kowalski, Emory University
Mary Beth Weber, Rutgers University
Jessica Kirschner, Virginia Commonwealth University (Board liaison)