
April 10, 2018

Panel: Non-Textual Publishing

Tuesday, May 22, 11:15am-12:15pm
Room: Heritage Gallery

Accessible Transformations of Early Web-based Archives

Karl Stolley and Katie Ediger, Illinois Institute of Technology

Description: We will describe our experience and efforts to rescue and accessibly redesign a digital archive that contains digitized audio files and transcripts and translations of Holocaust-survivor interviews as recorded in 1946 by Dr. David P. Boder. Our project represents a complete, accessibility-minded overhaul that addresses challenges common to digital archives and other presentations of rich-media content originally prepared for the web in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

We will describe and demonstrate how we are making a universally accessible, web-standards-compliant user interface that works across all modern devices, and also how we are writing custom scripts to automate the process of rescuing and restoring content from the original archive.

The media content in our archive was originally presented through the now-defunct Flash player. We have developed the prototype of an entirely HTML-based system for delivering the audio using the HTML5 <audio> element. Additionally, the audio is now presented alongside universally accessible transcripts and translations, which we have structured to conform to the WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks) standard that the new interface presents perfectly timed to the audio recordings.

Additionally, we are creating a series of custom scripts to help rescue the transcripts and translations. Those scripts will help to automate the correction of mismatched character sets that incorrectly encode diacritics and other special glyphs from Spanish, German, Russian, and other languages. The scripts will also improve the existing presentation of the transcripts in HTML and JSON, and extend them to WebVTT.

New Directions in Digital Library Publishing: Increasing Access to Non-Textual Cultural Dance Narratives

Sara Benson, Copyright Librarian and Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Library; Harriett Green, University of Illinois Library

Description: This panel presentation will describe a developing project centered around the anthropological study of the Bele dance movement in Martinique to explore how best to develop a library based publication of a non-textual cultural heritage. The presenters will explore issues ranging from how to protect the cultural heritage of the dance participants as well as innovative methods to utilize digital media to tell the story of a dance rooted in the African diaspora. This project is an ongoing one, and audience members will be encouraged to provide comments to the panelists after the presentation with additional ideas about working with non-textual cultural heritage digital publications.

April 10, 2018

Panel: New Directions

Tuesday, May 22, 11:15am-12:15pm
Room: Memorial Hall

Your Sh*it Isn’t Really Open: A challenge to all of us in ScholCommLand

Amy Buckland, University of Guelph

Description: This is a challenge to all of you: your sh*t isn’t open and that’s no longer acceptable. I know it’s been hard to get some legit funding to host a repository with PDFs. I know it’s been hard to get some legit funding to offer open services as though they are real services (no one questions ILL as a service, amirite?) But we have to do better around accessibility when it comes to open. Let’s talk small and big things we could be doing, and accept the challenge to talk about this again in 2019 and have improved our practices.

Exploring Open Data Policies for Library Publishing

Monica Westin, California Digital Library

Description: Independent library publishers have lagged behind other nonprofit and commercial publishers in implementing data sharing policies and platforms for our journals. At the California Digital Library, we have been exploring various ways to support true data sharing for our journal publishing program, both on our current journal manuscript workflow platform (a customized version of OJS) and as a requirement for future systems. In addition to improving our technical services, we have also focused on educating our journal editors on best practices around data sharing. This spring, in collaboration with the data curation group (UC3) at the CDL, we presented a webinar for our journal editors on open data policies and practices and gauged their interest in setting up a data sharing component of their submission and publishing workflows. I will provide an overview of our talking points from the webinar, including definitions and types of data across disciplines, what exactly open data means and why it is crucial in a climate of research budget cuts, and the key characteristics of several major publisher policies, from PLOS to university presses. I will also share what we learned from our journal editors regarding their knowledge about open data and their interest in working with it; and, based on this information, the data publishing options we have decided to pursue for our journal program.

Understanding the New Publishing Goals of Scholars: Toward a Sustainable Model for Broadly Accessible Library Publishing

Janet Swatscheno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Description: This presentation introduces the Publishing Without Walls (PWW) project, which is developing a scalable, shareable model for library-based digital publishing. Funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the University of Illinois Library is leading the initiative in partnership with the School of Information Sciences, the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, and the African American Studies Department. This project aims to broaden access to scholarship while also increasing the accessibility of publishing itself to scholars from diverse institutions. We are developing a sustainable model for open access publishing that can be adopted academic libraries with varying resources. To this end, our model is guided by research on the publishing requirements of scholars, with a focus on scholars at minority-serving and under-resourced institutions, such as Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

To guide the development of our publishing service model, we are conducting a multimodal study of the goals that scholars aim to meet through digital, open access, multimedia publishing. Through a national survey and a series of more than 20 interviews with humanities scholars, we are identifying authors’ various motivations for digital publishing, such as the desire to reach more diverse audiences; the desire to integrate heterogeneous, interactive evidence into publications; and the desire to publish “living” documents that are subject to ongoing, collaborative authorship and change. These motivations have significant implications for the design and development of publication systems and services. This study has also identified major challenges that authors perceive in publishing processes, along with a set of most-desirable services they seek from library-based publishers. In this talk we will describe the outcomes to date of this study, including the implications for library publishing and improving access to scholarship. This proposal sits at the juncture of the “New directions” and “Accessibility” conference themes.

April 9, 2018

Full Session: University Libraries and University Presses: Working towards true collaboration

Tuesday, May 22, 10-11:00am
Room: Memorial Hall 

Presenters: Thomas Hickerson, Libraries & Cultural Resources, University of Calgary; Brian Scrivener, University of Calgary Press; Guylaine Beaudry, Concordia University Library; Geoffrey Little, Concordia University Press

Description: As more university libraries and university presses become organizationally aligned, library and press directors are looking for ways to move beyond simple administrative alignment to a shared mission and synergistic integration. Libraries and presses are both committed to supporting the full cycle of research and scholarly exchange as part of the academic mission of their universities. Libraries, however, bring a unique and longstanding commitment to open access that doesn’t typically line up with the business model of most presses. This session looks at how two research universities—University of Calgary and Concordia University—have created innovative library-press relationships that, in different ways, bring together shared resources and expertise in pursuit of open access publishing. At Calgary, an existing press was reconceived to align more closely with the mission and operations of the library. Vice Provost and University Librarian Tom Hickerson will describe how an integrated vision for support of open access, peer-reviewed publishing informed the restructuring of the Press. University of Calgary Press Director Brian Scrivener will speak to the mechanics of putting vision into action on a daily basis, blending the strategic goals and institutional resources of a university library with the research goals and publishing practices of an open access university press. At Concordia University, a library-based press was developed from the ground up and launched in 2016. Concordia University Press is a non-profit publisher of open access, peer-reviewed books that cross disciplinary boundaries and propel scholarly inquiry into new areas. Vice-Provost, Digital Strategy & University Librarian Guylaine Beaudry and Geoffrey Little, Scholarly Communications Librarian and Press Editor-in-Chief, will speak of the lengthy, deliberate process of establishing a new press: from visioning and needs case, crafting an economic model, leveraging donor, campus, and community support, to implementation.

April 6, 2018

Full Session: Digital Preservation for Library Publishers: Raising Awareness

Tuesday, May 22, 10-11:00am
Room: Heritage Gallery

Presenters: Heather Staines, Hypothesis; Wendy Robertson, University of Iowa; Jeremy Morse, University of Michigan Publishing

Description: In the summer of 2016, NASIG formed the Digital Preservation Task Force to expand awareness and education about digital preservation needs and challenges amongst its members and beyond. Library Publishers form a unique constituency in the scholarly communications ecosystem, as they are both libraries who need reliable preservation for their patrons and publishers who must ensure preservation of their content. How broadly are library publishers aware about digital preservation initiatives currently underway, including CLOCKSS, Portico, The Keepers, and national library initiatives? How is digital preservation evolving and changing in response to things like new formats and software? Please join us for a discussion on how these stakeholder perspectives overlap for library publishers. Come prepared with your questions and perspectives.

April 6, 2018

Panel: Evaluation and Change

Tuesday, May 22, 10-11:00am
Room: Ski-U-Mah Room

Charting the New Frontier in Library Publishing: Using Janeway as an Open-Source Library Publishing Platform

David Scherer, Rikk Mulligan, and Dan Evans, Carnegie Mellon University

Description: As the current institutional repository and publishing landscapes evolve, libraries must assess, adopt, and adapt the tools and platforms available to provide their library publishing services. Additionally, as options in both the vendor-hosted and open-source solution markets evolve and become available, library publishers should strike a balance between adopting and/or adapting solutions that will best meet the needs of their service models and communities efficiently and cost effectively. Beginning in 2017, Carnegie Mellon University began to transition its institutional repository service from Digital Commons to Figshare. Although the new repository service would expand features by also offering a data repository, this would leave Carnegie Mellon without a suitable publishing platform. While satisfied to use a hosted solution for its repository, the University Libraries wanted to diversify its dependence on vendor-hosted platforms by implementing an open-sourced publishing solution to be organizationally maintained by its new center for Digital Sciences, Humanities, Arts: Research and Publishing, dSHARP.

Recently developed by the Centre for Technology and Publishing at Birkbeck, University of London, the Janeway publishing platform is an open-sourced journal management system. This session will discuss how the need to evaluate hosted and open-sourced solutions for institutional repositories and publishing platforms, how the decision was made to proceed with an open-sourced platform, why Janeway was chosen, and how Carnegie Mellon is using it as their choice for library publishing. Attendees can also expect to hear why the publishing platform will be organizationally owned by dSHARP, how dSHARP is implementing Janeway, and how dSHARP has started to develop its library publishing service model with the development of several early projects, including the Carnegie Mellon Encyclopedia of Science History (CMESH).


Reaching Public Library Audiences with the DPLA Exchange

Michelle Bickert, DPLA

Description: The growth of e-reading technology and the push for open content allows publishers to reach audiences previously unreachable due to physical or financial barriers. Yet this advancement in accessing information is complicated by non-library vendors, proprietary platforms, and confusing licenses, which can create more barriers. DPLA is working with academic libraries and university presses on making open content available alongside traditionally licensed e-content for public library acquisition. Open Bookshelf, part of the DPLA Exchange, offers ebooks at no cost, with no holds or checkouts, to participating libraries, allowing them to share openly published content with their patrons without restriction. Readers will find the best fiction and nonfiction from a variety of content creators and distributors, all in one user experience.

Evolution Through Collaboration: Exploring Participatory Change in a Library Publishing Program

Matt Ruen and Jacklyn Rander, Grand Valley State University Libraries

Description: At Grand Valley State University, staff from the library publishing program, special collections and archives, and technology services are collaborating to rethink and merge our support for functionally-similar activities. Our evolution is rooted in participatory management methods–organizational change emerging from the bottom up, rather than change directed from the top down.

In this short presentation, we explore the framework and processes which enabled our collaborative journey towards a new organizational structure. We will share an overview of participatory change management approaches and dive deeper into one model, Appreciative Inquiry, from a library publishing perspective. We will also discuss lessons learned and themes which emerged from our experiences implementing a participatory approach to organizational change.

February 13, 2018

KairosCamp Editors Workshop

Dates: Sunday, May 20 through Monday, May 21, 2018 Location: University of Minnesota Registration: free (limit 15)


The two-day KairosCamp Editors Workshop will be held May 20–21, 2018, at University of Minnesota Library prior to the start of the 2018 Library Publishing Forum. This free workshop, staffed by experts in scholarly multimedia publishing, is developed for book or journal editors and publishers who are interested in beginning or honing their experience with multimedia content. The workshop will cover the fundamentals of editorial, design, and production of multimedia content within a scholarly publishing context, including a brief history of scholarly multimedia publishing over the last 25 years. Specific discussions on acquisitions and developmental feedback, peer review, copy- and design-editing, and publication and preservation processes will be covered over the two days. Participants will leave with a set of digital media best practices that they can share with colleagues at their home institutions. For more information on KairosCamp Authors and Editors workshops, please visit

Registration and Logistics

KairosCamp-LPF is limited to 15 participants and is free for Library Publishing Forum attendees. By registering, participants are committing to attend both days of the workshop. Registration is available on a first-come, first-served basis (with no more than two people per organization attending, please). If registration is full, email to be placed on a waitlist. 

In addition to the free workshop, participants will receive two nights of free lodging at The Graduate Minneapolis (the conference hotel) during the pre-conference workshop as well as breakfast and lunch during the two-day workshop. Participants are responsible for their own transportation to Minneapolis, LPF registration, and any additional lodging they may need for the LPF conference itself. KairosCamp is generously funded by a National Endowment for the Humanities grant.



May 20: 9am – 4pm

Morning: What is digital media publishing?
Histories, examples, pros/cons – a close look at the scholarly, social, and technical infrastructures of digital publishing

Afternoon: Developmental Editing
Peer- review options and editorial development for digital media scholarship.

May 21: 9am – 4pm

Morning: Design Editing
How does one “edit” digital media scholarship? How do editorial workflows change with digital media?

Afternoon: Access and Preservation
The relationship between technical infrastructures, (open) access, preservation, and rights.

December 19, 2017

Library Publishing Curriculum Pilot Workshops: Content and Impact

Date: Thursday, May 24 (full day) Location: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Andersen Library Registration: By application

The Library Publishing Coalition and the Educopia Institute are excited to host a pair of in-person workshops at the 2018 Library Publishing Forum based on our IMLS-funded Developing a Curriculum to Advance Library-Based Publishing project. Both full-day workshops will take place on Thursday, May 24 (the day after the Forum) at the University of Minnesota. Each workshop is limited to 20 participants, to be selected through a brief but competitive application process. While the workshops are affiliated with and will complement the Library Publishing Forum, please note that you do not have to attend the Forum to participate in the workshops. See below for workshop descriptions, scholarship information, and application instructions. 

Note: These workshops are based on the first two Library Publishing Curriculum modules to be released in March of 2018. Learn more about the release!

Workshop Descriptions

Library Publishing Curriculum: Content

The Content workshop will cover how library publishers attract, select, edit, manage, and disseminate content. Attendees will learn how to recruit partners and select content for their program, and how to incorporate diverse voices into each part of the publication process. The workshop will also share information on common production workflows, identifying the resources and staff skills needed to support various editorial strategies and content types.

Instructors: Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University and Charlotte Roh, University of San Francisco

Library Publishing Curriculum: Impact

The Impact workshop will focus on how library publishers measure and extend the impact of their work. Attendees will learn to identify and apply specific impact measures for publications, to assess the performance of a publishing program and publication portfolio, and to build an engagement strategy and evaluate its effects.

Instructor: Rebecca Welzenbach, University of Michigan

How to Apply

The original application deadline (Friday, March 30) has passed. The application form will remain open to fill open spots in the workshops, and new applications will be approved on a rolling basis until May 11th. If you missed the original deadline, but are still interested in participating in a workshop, please fill out the application form.

Please note that the application will ask for:

  • A brief applicant bio
  • A brief personal statement that addresses how attendance at the workshop will benefit the participant

Diversity Scholarships

*The application deadline has passed, and the diversity scholarships have been awarded.*

We are delighted to be able to offer four scholarships for workshop attendees, aimed at ensuring a diverse group of participants. Each scholarship consists of up to $1,000 in reimbursement against allowable travel expenses incurred for workshop attendance (determined according to U.S. federal guidelines, as this is funded through a federal grant). The scholarship application deadline was March 30, 2018, and applicants will be notified by April 13, 2018.


Email with questions.

March 22, 2017

LPForum 2017

Keynote Speakers

Eileen Joy

Eileen is a specialist in Old English literary studies and cultural studies, as well as a para-academic rogue, and a publisher, with interests in poetry and poetics, historiography, ethics, and embodiments, queer studies, speculative realism, object-oriented ontology, the ecological, the post/human, and scholarly communications. She is the Lead Ingenitor of the BABEL Working Group, Editor of postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies,  Founding Director of the open-access academic press punctum books: spontaneous acts of scholarly combustion, and Associate Director of punctum records. She lives in Santa Barbara, California where she also works with faculty, librarians, and students at UC-Santa Barbara on various open-access and maker lab initiatives.

Safiya Noble

Safiya is an assistant professor in the Department of Information Studies in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA. She also holds appointments in the Departments of African American Studies, Gender Studies, and Education. Her research on the design and use of applications on the Internet is at the intersection of race, gender, culture, and technology. Her forthcoming monograph interrogates the social justice implications of racist and sexist algorithmic bias (forthcoming, NYU Press). She currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies, and is the co-editor of two books: The Intersectional Internet: Race, Sex, Culture and Class Online(Peter Lang, Digital Formations, 2016), and Emotions, Technology & Design (Elsevier, 2015). Safiya holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in library & information science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a B.A. in sociology from California State University, Fresno with an emphasis on African American/ethnic Studies.

May 19, 2016

LPForum 2016

Keynote Speakers

Cheryl BallCheryl E. Ball

Cheryl is Associate Professor of Digital Publishing Studies at West Virginia University and editor of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. She  teaches classes in editing, multimedia authoring, and digital publishing. Ball has published articles and webtexts on multimodal composition and digital publishing inClassroom Discourse, Computers and Composition, C&C Online, Fibreculture, Convergence, Hybrid Pedagogy, Kairos, Programmatic Perspectives, Technical Communication Quarterly, and Writing & Pedagogy. She has also published several books, including The New Work of Composing (co-edited with Debra Journet and Ryan Trauman); RAW: Reading and Writing New Media (co-edited with Jim Kalmbach); andWriter/Designer: A Guide to Making Multimodal Projects (co-authored with Kristin Arola & Jenny Sheppard). She is co-PI on a $1m Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant to build an open-access, multimedia, academic publishing platform, Vega.

Dan MorganDan Morgan

Dan is Digital Science Publisher at the University of California Press, and the Publisher of Collabra (, the Press’ new value-sharing OA journal. He joined UC Press in June 2014 to focus on mission-driven, not-for-profit, digital initiatives. He has worked in scholarly publishing for over 13 years, in publishing management, research, open access, and strategy roles. All of that time was at Elsevier where he ended up the head of the Psychology and Cognitive Sciences journals department, then Senior Manager for Open Access and other outreach for North America. He is a passionate advocate for open access, open science, and advancing scholarly communication.

March 30, 2015

LP Forum 2015

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Martin Paul Eve

Dr. Martin Paul Eve is a lecturer in English at the University of Lincoln, UK, specialising in contemporary American fiction, primarily the works of Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo and David Foster Wallace. Martin is the author of two books, Pynchon and Philosophy (Palgrave, 2014) and Open Access and the Humanities: Contexts, Controversies and the Future (Cambridge University Press, 2014). In addition, Martin is well-known for his work on open access, appearing before the UK House of Commons Select Committee BIS Inquiry into Open Access, writing for the British Academic Policy Series on the topic, being a steering-group member of the OAPEN-UK project, the Jisc National Monograph Strategy Group, the SCONUL Strategy Group on Academic Content and Communications, the Open Knowledge Foundation’s Open Access Steering Group, the Jisc Scholarly Communications Advisory Group and the HEFCE Open Access Monographs Expert Reference Panel and founding the Open Library of Humanities.

Dr. John Willinsky

John Willinsky is Khosla Family Professor of Education and Director of the Program in Science, Technology, and Society at Stanford University, as well as Professor (Part-Time) of Publishing Studies at Simon Fraser University, where he directs the Public Knowledge Project, which conducts research and develops open source scholarly publishing software in support of greater access to knowledge. His books include the Empire of Words: The Reign of the OED (Princeton, 1994); Learning to Divide the World: Education at Empire’s End (Minnesota, 1998); Technologies of Knowing (Beacon 2000); and The Access Principle: The Case for Open Access to Research and Scholarship (MIT Press, 2006).

Recordings of selected sessions are available via New Prairie Press.