Posts by Nancy Adams

November 18, 2021

Erin Jerome receives the 2021 LPC Award for Exemplary Service


On behalf of the LPC Board, we are delighted to announce that the recipient of the 2021 LPC Award for Exemplary Service is Erin Jerome, Open Access & Institutional Repository Librarian, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The Award recognizes substantial contributions by an LPC community member to advancing the mission, vision, and values of the Library Publishing Coalition.

As a member of the inaugural LPC Documentation Month planning team, Erin played a key role in organizing this new program and developing invaluable resources for the library publishing community, such as the Documentation Toolkit. Not one to shy away from leadership, Erin is spearheading the planning of the now annual event in its second year. Through this award, we recognize Erin’s continued efforts to support the library publishing community through documentation month, acknowledge the hefty lift of organizing this new program, and celebrate the success of her hard work. 

A statement from Erin:

This award is particularly meaningful to me because last year was such a difficult one for so many of us. This was my first foray into participating in the LPC community, too. It’s hard to make documentation — something crucial to our work and yet so easy to continuously push to the bottom of the to-do list — into a captivating topic. Yet our work paid off and we received an incredibly warm and receptive response from LPC members. It means a lot to know that I helped contribute to a community that’s so giving with its time and expertise. Here’s to Documentation Month 2022!

Erin will receive a complimentary registration to this year’s Library Publishing Forum, $500 travel support for attending the Library Publishing Forum, and a $250 honorarium. S/he will also be recognized at the Forum.

Please join us in congratulating Erin.

On behalf of the LPC Board,

Christine Fruin, President
Emma Molls, President-Elect
Jessica Kirschner, Secretary
Ally Laird, Treasurer
Karen Bjork
Justin Gonder
Willa Tavernier
Sarah Wipperman
Jody Bailey, Past President
Melanie Schlosser

November 10, 2021

LPC welcomes the University of Arkansas Libraries as a new member


Please join us in welcoming the University of Arkansas Libraries as a new member of the Library Publishing Coalition. The voting rep is Melody Herr.

About the University of Arkansas:

As Arkansas’ flagship institution, the U of A provides an internationally competitive education in more than 200 academic programs. Founded in 1871, the U of A contributes more than $2.2 billion to Arkansas’ economy through the teaching of new knowledge and skills, entrepreneurship and job development, discovery through research and creative activity while also providing training for professional disciplines. The Carnegie Foundation classifies the U of A among the top 3% of U.S. colleges and universities with the highest level of research activity. U.S. News & World Report ranks the U of A among the top public universities in the nation.

About the University of Arkansas Libraries:

Located in the heart of campus, the David W. Mullins Library is the university’s main research library. Branch libraries include the Chemistry and Biochemistry Library, the Fine Arts Library, the Physics Library and the Robert A. and Vivian Young Law Library. The University Libraries provide access to more than 3.1 million volumes and over 180,000 journals. They also offer research assistance, study spaces, computer labs with printing and scanning, interlibrary loan, delivery services and cultural exhibits and events.

November 9, 2021

LPC welcomes a new strategic affiliate: LAI


The Library Publishing Coalition is delighted to welcome the Library Association of Ireland (LAI) as a new strategic affiliate!

About LAI:

The Library Association of Ireland (LAI) is the professional body representing libraries and librarianship in Ireland.  The objectives of the association are to promote and develop high standards of librarianship and of library and information services in Ireland, and to secure greater co-operation between libraries.
The LAI Library Publishing Group (LPG) aims to raise awareness of the Library Publishing movement and to support all types of library publishing initiatives across the sector. The LPG works closely with the IFLA Special Interest Group on Library Publishing and the LPG Strategic Plan is aligned to the Strategic Action Plan of the IFLA SIG. The LPG is also a proponent of the Irish Government’s National Principles for Open Access Policy Statement.
Strategic affiliates are peer membership associations who have a focal area in scholarly communications and substantial engagement with libraries, publishers, or both. See our list of strategic affiliates or learn more about the program.
LPC Strategic Affiliates icon

November 4, 2021

Apply for a 2022 Publishing Practice Award


The Library Publishing Coalition is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the second annual Publishing Practice Awards. These awards are designed to recognize and raise awareness of effective and sustainable library publishing practices.

The Publishing Practice Awards will highlight library publishing programs that implement concepts advanced in the LPC’s An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing and/or in the LPC’s Values statement. While a representative publication must be submitted, the focus of these awards is not on publication content but on the process of publishing the piece. This year, award categories are:

  • Accessibility
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Privacy

An award will be available in each category, though all categories may not be awarded each year. One additional category—Innovation—will be added in subsequent years. Each publisher may submit only one application per year, in a single category. Publishers applying for an award do not need to be affiliated with an LPC member institution. 

Award recipients will be publicly recognized by the Library Publishing Coalition and will receive a digital seal that they may place on their website and on the representative publication. Awardees will also share their publication process with the wider library publishing community through a post on the LPC Blog, adapted from the essay accompanying their application.

The deadline for application is January 17, 2022.

Learn more and apply

November 4, 2021

Nominations being accepted for the 2022 Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Library Publishing


As participation in library publishing grows, the development of a strong evidence base to inform best practices and demonstrate impact is essential. To encourage research, theory, and innovative practice in library publishing (for a definition of “library publishing”, see the LPC website home page), the Library Publishing Coalition is pleased to support the Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Library Publishing, which recognizes the best publication from the preceding calendar year. The LPC Research Committee will evaluate submissions and select a recipient for the award. 

Winners will be officially announced in the spring and be recognized at the annual Library Publishing Forum. The award recipient(s) will receive a cash award of $250 and complimentary registration to the 2022 Library Publishing Forum. The awardee(s) will also have an opportunity to share their work with the community via a post to the LPC blog. 

Nominations may be made either by the author(s) or by any employee of a LPC member institution. Nominated author(s) do not need to be affiliated with a LPC member institution. The deadline for nominations is January 17, 2022.

Learn more and nominate