LPC Blog

The Library Publishing Coalition Blog is used to share news and updates about the LPC and the Library Publishing Forum, to draw attention to items of interest to the community, and to publish informal commentaries by LPC members and friends.

October 20, 2017

LPC welcomes our 70th member: the University of Alberta!


The Library Publishing Coalition hits a major milestone this week as we welcome our 70th member institution: University of Alberta! To celebrate, we have asked them to answer a few questions:

Tell us a little about your library and your publishing activities!

University of Alberta is a large, research-intensive university located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and home to a fantastic library team. The Libraries, which includes the University of Alberta Press, offer free journal hosting services to any Canadian journals committed to open access.

Why did you decide to join LPC?

We are excited to join the LPC community in order to learn from and engage with fellow members. We look forward to also sharing our experiences and giving back what knowledge and expertise we can to this group. We feel the goals and activities of the LPC align very nicely with our own! LPC membership complements other partnership work we are involved in, e.g. UAL is a PKP Development Partner.

How do you think membership will benefit your organization?

LPC offers a large community (70 members strong!) working to influence and reshape scholarly communications through the engagement of libraries as active partners in this process. The LPC will no doubt provide us with many sources of inspiration and encouragement, and with helpful supporting resources and a growing community of potential collaborators to join forces with in doing this work.

Are there any aspects of membership that you are particularly excited to tap into?

Collaborating with the community to promote and support the work libraries do (and have long done) in publishing will be rewarding work. Connecting with like-minded individuals and organizations via the conference and communication channels will help our staff learn and grow in their own initiatives as well. A number of the committees and working groups look to be doing interesting work. We look forward to joining these efforts!

While we are welcoming the University of Alberta, we also wanted to take a moment to recognize and celebrate all of our members and the amazing community that they have built. Hats off to each one to you!

Onwards and upwards,
The LPC Staff

October 17, 2017

Announcing the launch of the new LPC website!


After five months of hard work and digital soul-searching, we are delighted to announce the launch of the new Library Publishing Coalition website!

Throughout the redesign process, we strived to refresh the look of the website while simultaneously making it easier to update and maintain. We’re excited that the new website is more mobile-friendly than our previous site and better showcases the Library Publishing Forum. We’ve also added this brand new blog, so be sure to check back for updates from the LPC team and original content from the community!

The new site will also feature improved member-only functionality, including a revamped Shared Documentation Portal. The member content will launch the week of October 30th, so stay tuned for an announcement and instructions on how to access it.

We hope that the new website makes the exciting work of the Library Publishing Coalition more accessible and engaging. We are deeply grateful to all of our partners who devoted their time and energy to the redesign process!

If you have questions, suggestions, or feedback, please email Melanie Schlosser.

Fellows Journal. Logo for the Library Publishing Coalition. Background image features bokeh lights in blues and greens.
October 6, 2017

Meet Reggie Raju, 2017-18 LPC Fellow


The Fellows Journal is a forum for the current Library Publishing Coalition fellows to share their experiences and raise topics for discussion within the community. Learn more about the Fellowship Program.

I am Reggie Raju, currently the Deputy Director: Research and Learning Services at the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa. I am originally from an east coast city in South Africa called Durban. I am the son of indentured labourers who were brought from India to work the sugar cane farms on the east coast of South Africa. Coming from a struggle background in which some members of my family were either exiled or imprisoned, the struggles against the apartheid system had taught me important lessons in life one of which was the drive for social justice. (more…)

Fellows Journal. Logo for the Library Publishing Coalition. Background image features bokeh lights in blues and greens.
September 25, 2017

Meet Charlotte Roh, 2017-18 LPC Fellow


The Fellows Journal is a forum for the current Library Publishing Coalition fellows to share their experiences and raise topics for discussion within the community. Learn more about the Fellowship Program. Charlotte Roh is the Scholarly Communications Librarian at the University of San Francisco and recipient of the 2017 LPC Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Library Publishing. Charlotte is one of two inaugural fellows in the Library Publishing Coalition Fellowship Program, and her goals for the fellowship include advancing social justice and diversity in library publishing.

At the start of this fall semester, one of the professors on my campus asked me to come talk to his copyediting class about academic publishing as a career. My usual audience is librarians and faculty, so I always welcome a chance to talk with undergraduates. It’s an entirely different conversation, and an opportunity to essentially indulge in nostalgia and my own hard-won knowledge about the New York publishing industry. (more…)

August 3, 2017

Owned By The Academy: A Preconference on Open Source Publishing Platforms


Promotional image for preconferenceSave the date for a 2018 Library Publishing Forum preconference on open source publishing platforms! This full-day workshop will give attendees an opportunity to learn more about the landscape of open source publishing software and associated service providers, and give platform developers the opportunity to interact with each other and with the community.

Owned By The Academy: A Preconference on Open Source Publishing Platforms will take place on Monday, May 21st, 2018, in the Wilson Library at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. (Note: This is within the three-day date range we have already announced for the Forum. Monday will be preconferences, followed by two full days of Forum programming.)

Keep an eye out for further details.

From the Harbour Centre website
June 28, 2017

Announcing the location of the 2019 Library Publishing Forum


The 2019 Library Publishing Forum will take place at Simon Fraser University’s downtown Harbour Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia, dates to be determined. A comprehensive university dedicated to community-engaged research and education, SFU has been a member of the Library Publishing Coalition since its initial project phase, and is a founding partner for the Public Knowledge Project (PKP). Library publishing programs worldwide rely on Open Journal Systems and other open-source publishing tools developed by PKP, thanks to SFU’s ongoing support. Thank you to Simon Fraser University for hosting the Forum!

Future Forum hosts will be chosen through an open call for proposals. Look for a call in 2018 for the 2020 Forum.

Northrop Mall and the downtown Minneapolis skyline by Patrick O'Leary
June 28, 2017

Announcing the location of the 2018 Library Publishing Forum!


The Library Publishing Coalition Program Committee is excited to announce the host and location for the 2018 Library Publishing Forum. Starting in 2018, we will return to hosting the Forum at a member institution, which allows us to keep attendee costs reasonable while providing opportunities for library tours and other engagement with the host. We are delighted to partner with the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis in 2018!

McNamara Alumni Center by Patrick O'LearyNext year’s Forum will be held on Monday through Wednesday, May 21-23, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the McNamara Alumni Center. With over 47,000 undergraduate and graduate students, the University of Minnesota Twin Cities is the flagship campus of the University of Minnesota system, and the state’s land-grant university. The U of MN Libraries has been an active member of the Library Publishing Coalition since its initial project phase, publishing open journals, textbooks, monographs, and dynamic scholarly serials. The U of MN College of Education and Human Development is also the founding member and host of the Open Textbook Network and Open Textbook Library.

A Call for Proposals for the 2018 Library Publishing Forum will appear in late 2017.