Posts by Melanie Schlosser

November 12, 2019

LPC and IFLA Library Publishing SIG launch a new partnership


The Library Publishing Coalition was originally founded as a membership organization for North American libraries involved in publishing. After a couple of years, when we had our feet firmly under us, we opened up membership to libraries around the world. Since then, we have welcomed a handful of members from Europe and Australia, and have been thrilled to include them in the community. However, given our small size, lean staffing and infrastructure, and our continued geographical center of gravity in the U.S. (where the staff and the majority of our member libraries can be found), we remain primarily a North American community. 

We are also deeply committed to participating in the growing international community of library publishers. [1] Over the last couple of years, LPC’s Board has carefully considered various strategies for international engagement. In a typically strategic move, the Board has decided to focus our efforts on supporting and participating in the new Library Publishing Special Interest Group (SIG) within the International Federation of Library Associations. Over the next two years, we will be partnering with the new SIG on two projects:

  • The Library Publishing Directory: It is one of the goals of the new SIG to document library publishing activities among IFLA’s global membership. This winter, the SIG will be working with our Directory Committee to create more paths for international libraries to participate in the Directory. 
  • The Library Publishing Curriculum: Another area of focus for the SIG is increasing the availability of professional development for library publishers around the world. Volunteers from from the SIG and from LPC will identify portions of the Library Publishing Curriculum to adapt, package, and/or translate for greater international impact.

To support this partnership, LPC has joined IFLA as a library membership organization and has committed to sending representatives to international library publishing-related events (including the annual IFLA conference and any mid-term meetings organized by the SIG). We have also invited the SIG to appoint an official liaison to our community, who will help ensure regular communication and coordination between our two organizations. We are delighted to welcome former LPC Fellow Reggie Raju as the first IFLA SIG liaison to LPC. Melanie Schlosser will serve as the primary liaison to the SIG from LPC. Interested in supporting any of these efforts? Please reach out to Melanie ( to find out where volunteers are needed. 

We are very excited to have this opportunity to participate in the important work of building the international community of library publishers! 

1. See Objective 2.4 of our 5-year strategic plan:

Library Publishing Forum 2020, May 4-6, Worcester, MA
November 4, 2019

Announcing the 2020 LPForum keynote speaker: Claire Redhead


The LPC Program Committee is pleased to announce that our keynote speaker for the 2020 Library Publishing Forum is Claire Redhead, Executive Director of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).

Claire RedheadAbout Claire: Claire has an editorial background and 20 years experience of the scholarly publishing industry, beginning with a series of positions in UK publishing houses covering all aspects of academic journal and book publishing. Claire joined the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association in 2012, initially responsible for managing membership and communications for the organisation. Quickly taking the lead to develop and grow OASPA during this time, Claire was appointed Executive Director in 2016. Claire is responsible for overseeing OASPA’s annual conference and program of webinars, works closely with the OASPA board and its members, and sits on a number of industry working groups and committees to represent the views of the open access publishing community. OASPA is an international association with over 140 member organisations that focus on open access publishing or provide supporting services and infrastructure in this space.

The Library Publishing Coalition seeks to collaboratively approach major scholarly communications challenges and implement solutions for the community. OASPA is a strategic affiliate of the LPC in this work, and we welcome the opportunity to learn from Claire about the mission of the association and new policy developments in scholarly publishing and open access. The international perspective and diversity of views represented by OASPA will be critical to our conversations and our goals for the 2020 Forum.

Library Publishing Coalition Quarterly Update
October 31, 2019

LPC Quarterly Update


Check out our latest Quarterly Update! It includes:

  • Community news
    • Recording and slides from IFLA webinar taught by LPC Board members
    • New LPC Fellows announced: Talea Anderson and AJ Boston
  • Library Publishing Forum
    • Call for proposals
    • Call for scholarship applications
  • Updates from the Library Publishing Workflows project
  • Blog spotlight: What’s our End-Game? A community conversation at the 2019 Library Publishing Forum

Read the Update

Library Publishing Forum 2020, May 4-6, Worcester, MA
October 14, 2019

LPForum20: Call for proposals and scholarship applications open


The Library Publishing Forum is an annual conference bringing together representatives from libraries engaged in (or considering) publishing initiatives to define and address major questions and challenges; to identify and document collaborative opportunities; and to strengthen and promote this community of practice. The Forum is sponsored by the Library Publishing Coalition, but you do not need to be a member of the LPC to attend. The 2020 Forum will be held in Worcester, MA, May 4-6, hosted by the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

This year we are moving away from the format of a one-day preconference followed by a two-day Forum and instead having a single, three-day Forum. Adding a third day to the Forum will allow us to encourage deeper, continuing conversations, and to make space for different types of community activities. 

Call for Proposals

A call for proposals is now open! In addition to the full sessions and individual presentations formats we have used for the last couple of years, we are also welcoming two new proposal formats: poster talks and experimental sessions. We warmly encourage proposals from first-time presenters and representatives of small and emerging publishing programs. Proposals may address any topic of interest to the library publishing community and all disciplines. However, with the conference being hosted by the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS), we extend a special invitation to sessions exploring projects or topics related to STEM publishing and the Open Science Movement. The proposal deadline is November 15th.

Learn more and submit a proposal

Library Publishing Forum Award

The Library Publishing Coalition is pleased to offer the third annual Library Publishing Forum Award. This year, we will offer up to three awards to aid individuals from diverse backgrounds in attending and contributing at the Forum. Applications for the Forum Award are due by November 15.  

Learn more and apply

About the Forum

The Library Publishing Forum is an annual conference bringing together representatives from libraries engaged in (or considering) publishing initiatives to define and address major questions and challenges; to identify and document collaborative opportunities; and to strengthen and promote this community of practice. The Forum includes representatives from a broad, international spectrum of academic library backgrounds, as well as groups that collaborate with libraries to publish scholarly works, including publishing vendors, university presses, and scholars. The Forum is sponsored by the Library Publishing Coalition, but you do not need to be a member of the LPC to attend.

October 8, 2019

Announcing the 2019-21 LPC Fellows: Talea Anderson and AJ Boston


We are very excited to announce our cohort of 2019-2021 LPC Fellows: Talea Anderson (Washington State University), and Arthur “AJ” Boston (Murray State University). The Fellowship Program is intended to encourage participation in the LPC community by important voices who are not at a member institution, to broaden access to library publishing to underrepresented groups, and to mentor new library publishers. For the next two years, Talea and AJ will be participating in the LPC community through service, writing for the LPC Blog, and presenting at the Library Publishing Forum. We look forward to learning from them and working with them to advance library publishing practice!

Headshot of LPC Fellow Talea AndersonAbout Talea: Talea Anderson is the Scholarly Communication Librarian at Washington State University, where she manages the university’s institutional repository and supports open education initiatives. She has research interests in open pedagogy and web accessibility, especially as these pertain to library publishing and library-based open initiatives. Talea received a Library Publishing Forum First-Time Attendee Scholarship in 2018. 



Headshot of LPC Fellow AJ BostonAbout AJ: Arthur “AJ” Boston is an assistant professor and scholarly communication librarian at Murray State University Libraries, where he administers the institutional repository and coordinates the Office of Research and Creative Activity. Research interests include hip-hop and scholarly communications; research assessment reform; Creative Commons for studio art students; machine learning applications in publishing; citizen science, podcasting, and other tools with potential for engaging the public with the academy. [Twitter: @AJ_Boston / ORCID: 0000-0001-8590-4663]