Posts by Melanie Schlosser

Library Publishing Workflows. Educopia Institute. Library Publishing Coalition. Institute of Museum and Library Sciences.
July 2, 2019

LPC and Educopia awarded IMLS Grant to study journal publishing workflows


We are very excited to report that Educopia Institute, the Library Publishing Coalition, and twelve partner libraries (Atlanta University Center, California Digital Library, Claremont Colleges, Columbia University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Pacific University, University of Alberta, University of Michigan, University of Pittsburgh, University of Redlands, Virginia Tech, and Wayne State University) have received an Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant to investigate and document journal publishing workflows being used in a variety of library-based publishing programs. Based on Educopia’s very successful OSSArcFlow Project, this project will create a set of model workflows that can be adopted and adapted by other libraries.

Library Publishing Workflows is one of a number of aligned projects (including an exploratory project LPC is undertaking in partnership with Longleaf Services) that are currently seeking to understand the needs of library publishers. Though each project is taking a different approach, they all share a goal – to strengthen library publishing by strengthening the infrastructure that supports it, whether that infrastructure be workflows, production support, or platforms. 

The Library Publishing Workflows project will officially start on August 1st. We are planning a strong program of communications, including regular updates on this blog, so stay tuned to learn more!  

About Library Publishing Coalition

The Library Publishing Coalition is an independent, community-led membership association. Its mission is to extend the impact and sustainability of library publishing and open scholarship by providing a professional forum for developing best practices and shared expertise. Visit for a wide variety of freely available resources to support scholarly publishing in libraries.

The LPC operates as an affiliated community of Educopia Institute.

About Educopia

Educopia Institute empowers collaborative communities to create, share, and preserve knowledge. Educopia also develops and manages applied research projects that benefit our affiliated communities and the broader information fields of libraries, archives, and museums. Learn more at and follow us on Twitter

About IMLS

The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s libraries and museums. We advance, support, and empower America’s museums, libraries, and related organizations through grantmaking, research, and policy development. Our vision is a nation where museums and libraries work together to transform the lives of individuals and communities. To learn more, visit and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Educopia Institure, Library Publishing Coalition, US IMLS logo

Library Publishing Forum 2020, May 4-6, Worcester, MA
June 18, 2019

Announcing the date and location of the 2020 Library Publishing Forum


We are very excited to announce that, after an open call for proposals, the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) has been selected as the host for the 2020 Library Publishing Forum. Next year’s Forum will take place May 4-6 on UMMS’s campus in Worcester, MA.

Statement from University of Massachusetts Medical School:
“UMass Med School’s Lamar Soutter Library is excited to host the scholarly publishing community and promote the values of open and sustainable scholarship and promote the values of open and sustainable scholarship, diversity, and inclusivity in library publishing. The 2020 Forum will be held  in the Albert Sherman Center (ASC), the newest education and research building on the UMMS campus. 
Lamar Soutter Library manages eScholarship@UMMS, the open access digital archive and publishing system for the UMMS community. Hosting the Forum will expose participants to the pivotal work in medical library publishing being accomplished at UMMS. 
Thank you for the honor of hosting this international conference. We look forward to providing a venue of ease, stimulating and provocative scholarly publishing topics, and the opportunity to highlight a city steeped in history, diversity, and contemporary living. UMMS is excited to bring the ‘heart of the Commonwealth’ to the 2020 Forum.” 
Statement from LPC:
“We are delighted to join the UMass Med School Lamar Soutter Library in bringing the 2020 Library Publishing Forum to a new geographic region, full of innovative library publishers. The 2020 Forum will be a fantastic opportunity to strengthen connections across our community of practice and to learn from UMMS’s leadership in medical library publishing. The LPC sincerely thanks UMass Med School for hosting next year’s Forum!” 
We look forward to seeing you all in Worcester next year!

Promo image for 2019 Forum
June 18, 2019

Slides and video available from the Library Publishing Forum


If you couldn’t make it to this year’s Forum or want to revisit your favorite sessions, we have gathered slides and livestreamed video for many sessions. You can access them all from the online program. Slides and video are also available for this year’s preconference,  Opening the Classroom: Publishing Open Educational Resources.

Forgot to send us your slides? It’s not too late! Email them to

June 11, 2019

Call for Nominations: Library Publishing Curriculum Editor-in-Chief


The LPC Board seeks nominations for the volunteer position of Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of the Library Publishing Curriculum. Created in partnership with the Educopia Institute as part of a project generously funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Curriculum is moving to its permanent home as an ongoing program of the LPC. The EIC will provide leadership related to the Curriculum for the LPC, its Board of Directors, and, eventually, for the Library Publishing Curriculum Editorial Board (to be formed in 2020). The EIC will serve a three-year, renewable term, reporting to the LPC Board.


The EIC will be responsible for setting the vision for the future direction of Library Publishing Curriculum development and for maintaining the highest editorial quality of the Library Publishing Curriculum. Key aspects of this position include:

  • Serve as an ambassador and advocate for the Curriculum.
  • Under the direction of LPC’s Board and in collaboration with LPC staff, the EIC will develop requirements and a strategy for establishing an online home for the Curriculum on LPC’s website and oversee the implementation of that strategy.
  • Develop proposals for the Curriculum Editorial Board; proposals may include new content or updates needed to the Curriculum, new offerings of the Curriculum, and opportunities for the Curriculum to have a global impact.  
  • Guide the formation of the inaugural Curriculum Editorial Board (to be launched September 2020).

When the Curriculum Editorial Board is in place, the EIC will:

  • Set agendas for and facilitate Editorial Board monthly meetings.
  • Work in tandem with, and provide leadership for, the Editorial Board as it identifies maintenance and development needs for the Curriculum, oversees (and occasionally performs) that work, and promotes the wide adoption and use of the Curriculum.


  • Accomplishment and expertise in library publishing, and a keen interest in expanding professional capacity in the field
  • Research and publishing experience or curriculum development experience
  • Strong organizational and leadership skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • A demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Time to dedicate to a demanding service role (up to 4 hours/wk)

Nominees do not need to work at an LPC member institution.

Nomination process

Nominations and self-nominations will be accepted through June 30th via this nomination form. Nominated individuals will be invited to provide a C.V. and a statement of interest by July 31st. LPC’s Board, working with a search committee made up of Board members and community members involved in the original Library Publishing Curriculum project, will review candidates and select the EIC. The new EIC will start on October 1st.

April 29, 2019

A check-in on LPC’s strategic plan progress


It’s been nine months since LPC released our very ambitious 5-year strategic plan (PDF), setting out a range of objectives in three goal areas: 1) promulgate best practices in library publishing, 2) strengthen the community of library publishers, and 3) act as a focal point and a force multiplier for library publishing. The Board is still building up our tools and processes for tracking and reporting progress on the plan, but in anticipation of the Forum where there will be opportunities for reflection and conversation we wanted to let the community know about some work that has been happening in each of these areas. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but it gives a flavor of some activities happening within the organization.

Promulgate best practices in library publishing

Training: In addition to our regular program of webinars, LPC partnered with Educopia this year to offer a number of Library Publishing Curriculum pilot workshops – in person, synchronous virtual, and asynchronous virtual – using this fantastic new resource. LPC is also in the process of taking on the long-term stewardship of the curriculum, and will be putting out a search for a Curriculum Editor-in-Chief this summer.

How-to guides: In the last year, we released two new publications – the Ethical Framework for Library Publishing and a how to guide for DOAJ Applications – to help library publishers follow best practices in their work.  

Research: Library publishing is a relatively new field, and there are still plenty of areas where best practices aren’t yet known. To encourage investigation and development of these areas, LPC’s Research Committee is creating a research agenda for the field. Look for a draft for comment this summer!

Strengthen the community of library publishers

Growth in membership: LPC has welcomed 20 new member libraries in the last year! We also launched a new mentorship program to support new library publishers and new member libraries in getting the most out of the community.

Growth in outreach: We added three new strategic affiliate organizations this year (SPARC, Open Textbook Network, and Creative Commons USA) and the number of organizations sponsoring the LPC and the Library Publishing Forum continues to grow.

Growth in international engagement: While LPC’s membership is primarily North American, supporting and learning from the international community of library publishers is a priority for us. We are participating in the new Special Interest Group on Library Publishing that formed this year within the International Federation of Library Associations, and a Board subgroup is currently drafting a strategy for sustained international engagement.

Act as a focal point and a force multiplier for library publishing

Engaging with vendors: We continue to build out our Publishers and Service Providers List as a starting point for library publishers looking to outsource services. We are also working on some exploratory projects that will investigate the system and support needs of library publishers with the goal of contributing to the development of targeted solutions – stay tuned for more information.

Raising awareness about library publishing: At a variety of conferences, we have increased our capacity to engage with related communities of practice, and are regularly presenting on our work. This year, the LPC Blog has been an active platform for commentaries that explore issues important to library publishers and profiles that raise the visibility of the transformative work our members do on their campuses. We also published a scholarly article highlighting LPC’s work and the importance of library publishing.

Creating community spaces: The Library Publishing Forum serves as an important and growing venue for sharing best practices, identifying trends, and tackling thorny problems. Many groups within LPC – including the Program Committee, the Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee, and the Board – have worked this year to grow the Forum in breadth, depth, and inclusivity, while retaining its unique character and welcoming environment.

We want to hear from you!

These achievements and the efforts that are underway indicate a very strong launch to accomplishing the goals outlined in our plan. All of this work was done by you, the LPC membership, along with our talented Educopia staff. We welcome your feedback on this work and your ideas for bringing the LPC Strategic Plan to life.

April 10, 2019

AUPresses-LPC Cross-Pollination Program recipients announced


The Cross-Pollination Conference Registration Waiver aims to promote greater interconnectivity between members of the Association of University Presses and the Library Publishing Coalition. The program helps two people from each organization’s membership to attend the other’s annual meeting.

Recipients of a waiver to attend the 2019 Library Publishing Forum are: Meredith Carruthers (Concordia University Press) and Laraine Coates (University of British Columbia Press). Recipients of a waiver to attend the 2019 AUPresses Annual Meeting are: Sherri Barnes (University of California, Santa Barbara) and Dave S. Ghamandi (University of Virginia).

After attending the meetings, this cohort of 4 cross-pollinators will provide public reports on their experience. In addition to creating collegial networks between the two communities, this program is intended to encourage future collaboration between the two organizations.

Congratulations to these worthy recipients!

The 2019 Library Publishing Forum will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, May 8-10. Program details are available here:

The 2019 AUPresses Annual Meeting will be held in Detroit, June 11-13. Visit the meeting website for more information:


Library Publishing Coalition Quarterly Update
April 3, 2019

LPC Quarterly Update


Check out our latest Quarterly Update! It includes:

  • New and returning members
  • This year’s member profiles
  • New LPC Board members
  • Winners of the 2019 Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Library Publishing
  • Launch of the pilot LPC Mentorship Program
  • Library Publishing Forum
    • Registration closing soon!
    • Full program available
    • Keynote speaker announced
  • Blog spotlight: Academy-owned? Academic-led? Community-led?
  • Featured resource: DOAJ Application Guide

Read the Update

March 29, 2019

New LPC Board members elected


The 9-member Library Publishing Coalition Board oversees the governance, organizational structure, Bylaws, and the review and direction of the membership of the Library Publishing Coalition. We have three newly-elected Board members, with terms running from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022:

  • Karen Bjork, Portland State University
  • Christine Fruin, Atla
  • Sarah Hare, Indiana University

They will join the returning Board members:

  • Kate McCready, University of Minnesota (2017-2020)
  • Catherine Mitchell, California Digital Library (2017-2020)
  • Ted Polley, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis  (2018-2020)
  • Jody Bailey, Emory University (2018-2021)
  • Vanessa Gabler, University of Pittsburgh (2018-2021)
  • Scott Warren, Syracuse University (2018-2021)

Many thanks to our outgoing Board members Marilyn Billings and Joshua Neds-Fox for their service!

Library Publishing Forum 2020, May 4-6, Worcester, MA
March 27, 2019

UMass Med School selected as the host for the 2020 Library Publishing Forum


The formal announcement about next year’s Forum dates and location will be made at this year’s Forum, but to get the information out as soon as possible (and because we are just too excited to keep it to ourselves), we are letting the community know that, after an open call for proposals, the University of Massachusetts Medical School has been selected as the host for the 2020 Library Publishing Forum. Next year’s Forum will take place May 4-6 on UMass Med School’s campus in Worcester, MA.

Statement from University of Massachusetts Medical School:

“UMass Med School’s Lamar Soutter Library is excited to host the scholarly publishing community and promote the values of open and sustainable scholarship, diversity, and inclusivity in library publishing. The 2020 Forum will be held  in the Albert Sherman Center (ASC), the newest education and research building on the UMMS campus.

Lamar Soutter Library manages eScholarship@UMMS, the open access digital archive and publishing system for the UMMS community. Hosting the Forum will expose participants to the pivotal work in medical library publishing being accomplished at UMMS.

Thank you for the honor of hosting this international conference. We look forward to providing a venue of ease, stimulating and provocative scholarly publishing topics, and the opportunity to highlight a city steeped in history, diversity, and contemporary living. UMMS is excited to bring the ‘heart of the Commonwealth’ to the 2020 Forum.”

Statement from LPC:

“We are delighted to join the UMass Med School Lamar Soutter Library in bringing the 2020 Library Publishing Forum to a new geographic region, full of innovative library publishers. The 2020 Forum will be a fantastic opportunity to strengthen connections across our community of practice and to learn from UMMS’s leadership in medical library publishing. The LPC sincerely thanks UMass Med School for hosting next year’s Forum!”

We look forward to seeing you all in Worcester next year!