LPC News

September 4, 2019

Cheryl Ball appointed as Library Publishing Curriculum Editor-in-Chief


The Library Publishing Coalition is pleased to announce the appointment of Cheryl E. Ball to a three-year term as Editor-in-Chief of the Library Publishing Curriculum. Created in partnership with the Educopia Institute as part of a project funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the curriculum is moving to its permanent home as an ongoing program of the LPC. Cheryl will provide leadership related to the curriculum for the LPC, its Board of Directors, and, eventually, for the Library Publishing Curriculum Editorial Board (to be formed in 2020). To learn more about the role of the Editor-in-Chief, see the call for nominations

Headshot of Dr. Cheryl E. BallCheryl is Director of the Digital Publishing Collaborative at Wayne State University Libraries, where she is building a digital publishing pedagogy based on open-access and multimedia-driven work. She is the Project Director for Vega, an open-source academic publishing platform, and serves as the executive director of the Council of Editors of Learned Journals. Since 2006, Ball has been lead editor of the peer-reviewed, open-access journal Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, which exclusively publishes scholarly multimedia, from which she founded KairosCamp, a series of institutes to teach scholars, editors, and publishers how to produce and publish digital (humanities) projects. She serves on several editorial boards and projects focused on scholarly multimedia and digitally driven publications. Her research in editorial workflows, digital publishing infrastructures, and publishing pedagogy can be found in multiple journals and edited collections, as well as on her personal repository, http://ceball.com

A statement from Cheryl: 

“I am really excited to be formally working with the Library Publishing Coalition as Editor-in-Chief of the publishing curriculum! The work of this position fits perfectly into the pedagogical strategies of the digital publishing team at Wayne State University Libraries, and as a founding member of the LPC, we are thrilled to be part of this project. I look forward to building an editorial board and ensuring the sustainability and usefulness of the curriculum.”

A statement from LPC Community Facilitator Melanie Schlosser: 

“I am delighted that the Library Publishing Coalition is taking on the stewardship of this crucial resource for the field of library publishing, and I am excited to partner with Cheryl as we make the curriculum an ongoing program of LPC. Her track record of scholarship, editing, and innovation speaks for itself, and I have no doubt that her experience and energy will be a tremendous asset for the curriculum and for the community of library publishers.”

August 26, 2019

LPC welcomes two new members!


We are delighted to announce two new members to the Library Publishing Coalition this summer: Université du Québec à Montréal and Caltech. Welcome colleagues!



August 19, 2019

Call for proposals to host the 2021 Library Publishing Forum


The Library Publishing Coalition is seeking a host for its annual Library Publishing Forum in the spring of 2021. The Forum typically welcomes around 200 guests for 3 days of conference and pre/post conference activities. The LPC aims to hold the Forum in a variety of attractive locations throughout North America that provide convenient access for attendees through geographic proximity or easily accessible transportation. The LPC seeks a member institution willing to act as a partner in providing access to library-owned spaces, or co-signing contracts for spaces at reduced costs.

Host responsibilities 

The Forum is financed through conference registration fees and sponsor support, and the Educopia Institute will handle all conference planning and logistics. The host institution is not required to provide additional financial support. However, local organizers should provide referrals to appropriate venues for the main conference activities, pre- and post- events, and hotel stays. The host institution should also plan to have a staff member serve as the Host Liaison on the Program Committee. The Host Liaison has a one-year, non-voting role, and is invited to attend committee meetings, but is not obligated to undertake more general committee work. In addition, we welcome support from local hosts in planning a reception and coordinating appropriate social events. 


August 9, 2019

LPC welcomes a new member: Cornell University


The Library Publishing Coalition is delighted to welcome Cornell University as a new member!

About Cornell University Library:

One of the leading academic research libraries in the United States, Cornell University Library promotes a culture of broad inquiry with its world-class holdings, expert staff, and cutting-edge services. Comprehensive electronic and print resources, including rare and unique manuscripts, support the full range of scholarly endeavor. Connections with partner institutions widen access to specialized material, facilitate international research and learning opportunities, and fuel the pace of innovation. The Library’s commitment to the production, dissemination, and preservation of knowledge drives it to the forefront of digital scholarship and open-access advocacy. Librarians’ expertise in innovative tools and technology equips students to succeed in a digital society, and enhances all facets of teaching and learning at Cornell.

2019-21 LPC Fellowship Program
August 5, 2019

Call for applications: LPC Fellowship Program


** Update: We will be hosting two online information sessions about the Fellowship Program, on August 20th and September 3rd. See details and connection information.**

**Update: The first information session was recorded: view here.**

We’re excited to announce a call for applications for the second round of the LPC Fellowship Program. The fellowship program is intended to encourage participation in the LPC community by important voices who are not a member institution, to broaden access to library publishing to underrepresented groups, and to mentor new library publishers. Fellowships span 2 years, beginning on October, 2019 and ending on September 30, 2021. Up to two fellows will be selected. Applications are due September 6, 2019.

LPC Fellows receive numerous benefits, including access to LPC member resources, travel support to attend the Library Publishing Forum each year of the fellowship, and quarterly mentorship meetings with LPC staff and leadership. 

Fellows are expected to undertake a service commitment within the LPC, write 2–3 blog posts per year for the LPC blog (previous posts can be found in the Fellows Journal category on the blog), and present at the 2020 and 2021 Library Publishing Forums. The LPC Fellowship Program is flexible and can be customized to a Fellow’s interests, with the opportunity to engage in research, work with the Library Publishing Curriculum, or propose another project that would enhance library publishing. 

For more details about the fellowship, visit the program webpage or email contact@librarypublishing.org.  

Application Details 

Candidates should be:

  • Currently employed in a library that is not a member of the Library Publishing Coalition
  • New to library publishing (applicants need not be early career librarians but should have become engaged in library publishing within the last 3 years)
  • Able to attend the Library Publishing Forum at least once during the fellowship (travel support is provided – see the full program description for details)
  • Able to dedicate 1–2 hours per week to the fellowship throughout the 2 years

Fellows will be selected by the Board based on the following criteria:

  • Strong candidates will have professional responsibilities related to library publishing in their current position, which could include running a publishing program or developing a new program. 
  • Strong candidates will have a demonstrated commitment to professional development in library publishing or scholarly communication. Candidates who are interested in sharing the knowledge and experience they gain during their fellowship with other professional communities will be prioritized.
  • Strong candidates will bring new perspectives to the LPC community. Candidates from underrepresented groups or regions that do not yet have professional communities related to library publishing will be especially competitive. 
  • Fellows will be expected to communicate with the LPC community through writing and presenting. Strong communication skills are required. 

Applications are due September 6, 2019, and all applicants will be notified by September 30th. Applications will include:

  • An application form (demographic info, etc.)
  • A C.V.
  • A writing sample
  • A letter of support from library dean or supervisor (as appropriate)

Learn more and apply at: https://librarypublishing.org/get-involved/lpc-fellowship-program/

Contribute an entry to the Library Publishing Directory
August 2, 2019

Call for entries: 2020 Library Publishing Directory


Does your library publish journals, monographs, conference proceedings, or technical reports? Do you provide hosting and support services for digital humanities projects, data, or ETDs? Help us to document the range of activities that libraries are undertaking in “publishing” (broadly defined) through their work in scholarly communications, digital humanities, digital sciences, and institutional repositories. 

To promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and to raise the visibility of the unique contributions of libraries as publishers, the Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) is compiling the seventh edition of our Library Publishing Directory.

To have a profile of your library included in the Directory, please complete our questionnaire by August 23, 2019. 

The questionnaire takes between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. You can save your progress and return later, but we recommend previewing the questions before you begin. If your library has had an entry in a previous edition of the Directory, you should soon receive an email with instructions on how to update it. Email contact@librarypublishing.org with questions. 

About the Directory

The Library Publishing Directory is an important tool for libraries wishing to learn about this emerging field, connect with their peers, and align their practices with those of the broader community. Last year’s edition featured 135 libraries in half a dozen nations. The Directory is published openly on the web and includes contact information, descriptions, and other key facts about each library’s publishing services. Previous editions (in PDF, EPUB, and database versions)  can be found on the LPC website.

The Directory is produced in collaboration with Purdue University Libraries and Bookmasters.

Submit your entry

August 2, 2019

LPC welcomes a new member: University of Houston


The Library Publishing Coalition is delighted to welcome the University of Houston as a new member!

A statement from University of Houston Libraries:

University of Houston Libraries advances student success, knowledge creation and preservation, and globally competitive research. In support of this mission, University Libraries offers institutional and data repository services, and is currently in its second year of developing an Alternative Textbook Incentive Program as well as the Digital Research Commons, a lab that builds communities of digital scholarship practitioners and sponsors digitally based research projects. We are pleased to be a part of the Library Publishing Coalition, and look forward to learning from and sharing with the community!

July 22, 2019

LPC welcomes a new member: University of Louisville Libraries


The Library Publishing Coalition is delighted to welcome the University of Louisville Libraries as a new member!

About the University of Louisville Libraries:

The University of Louisville Libraries are central to the scholarly life of the University of Louisville community and support over 170 fields of study with 12 schools and colleges. Over three million people visit our libraries annually including Archives and Special Collections, Art, Music, Ekstrom, Kornhauser Health Sciences, and Law libraries. University Libraries also hosts ThinkIR in order to advance open access and to share the work of University of Louisville faculty, scholars, and students. University Libraries is a member of the Association of Research Libraries.

July 18, 2019

LPC members to present IFLA webinar on library publishing


LPC Board members Jody Bailey and Ted Polley will be presenting a webinar on August 1st for the Academic and Research Libraries section of the International Federation of Library Associations. The webinar series is organized by 2017-19 LPC Fellow Reggie Raju (University of Cape Town), and the webinars are free and open to the public.

Academic Libraries Engaging in Publishing: A Burgeoning Service Model in the Open Access Sphere

August 1, 2019 at 9:00 AM Eastern U.S. time

With Plan S making headlines in the scholarly communications sphere for the past several months, it seems that the move to open access in scholarly publishing is an ever-present topic of discussion among librarians, publishers, funders, and other stakeholders. What may have been lost in many of these discussions, however, is the fact that numerous academic libraries have been engaged in publishing open access journals, books, and other materials for a number of years. Join our presenters as they provide an introduction to library publishing, including an overview of practices and Library Publishing Coalition resources as well as discussions about library publishing programs working with university presses, types of publishing libraries engage in, and skills needed to be successful in library publishing.


Jody Bailey

Is the Head of the Scholarly Communications Office at Emory University Libraries, where she leads a team of librarians and library specialists who are responsible for services surrounding copyright, open access and publishing, research data management, and open educational resources. The team also manages two scholarly repositories that publish works by Emory faculty and students. Jody is a member of the Board of Directors for the Library Publishing Coalition, and her scholarly interests include open-access publishing, open educational resources, user-centered library services, and outreach activities. She has published articles in peer-reviewed journals and presented at numerous conferences.

Ted Polley

Is the Social Sciences & Digital Publishing Librarian at IUPUI University Library, where he manages the Library’s digital publishing service. Currently, the Library hosts and provides support to 21 scholarly peer-reviewed journals, with plans to expand into open monograph publishing soon. Ted’s research interests include open access, library publishing, open data, and data visualization. He is active in the library publishing community and currently sits on the Board of the Library Publishing Coalition.

This webinar is free and open to the public. Please share this invitation openly.

Please click this link to register for the webinar:


Series organizer: Dr Reggie Raju reggie.raju@uct.ac.za

Chair of ARL: Ms. Mimi Calter mcalter@stanford.edu

UPDATE: Video and slides are now available online.

Library Publishing Coalition Quarterly Update
July 9, 2019

LPC Quarterly Update


Check out our latest Quarterly Update! It includes:

  • IMLS grant to study journal publishing workflows, project manager job posted
  • New LPC task forces
  • Invitation to join for the 2019-20 membership year
  • Library Publishing Forum
    • Slides and video from the 2019 Forum available
    • Dates, location, and host for the 2020 Forum
  • Blog spotlight:
    • Strategic plan progress update
    • Spanish translation of “Academy-owned? Academic-led? Community-led?”

Read the Update