
March 21, 2023

Active Session: Collaborative Administration of DIY Publishing Tools

Day/time: May 9, 2023, 1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. EDT

Title: Collaborative Administration of DIY Publishing Tools


  • Corinne Guimont, Digital Scholarship Coordinator, Virginia Tech
  • Caitlin Bean, Publishing Services Specialist, Virginia Tech
  • Anita Walz, Assistant Director of Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Virginia Tech

Description: For many library publishing programs, part of the program is providing do-it-yourself (DIY) publishing tools to the campus community. These tools may include PressBooks, Overleaf, Journal Management Systems, and Institutional Repositories. Every institution has their own policies and procedures in how they administer these tools, and every tool may have its own guidelines within an institution. In this presentation, we will spend the first twenty minutes introducing the tools we provide to our faculty, staff, and students at Virginia Tech, how we collaborate with each other and others on campus to administer access, and policies and procedures we have applied in doing so. We will discuss why we offer these DIY options alongside our more traditional publishing practices and why other programs may want to consider doing so as well. We will note cases where tools are administered differently and why we have made those decisions and how in some cases we have decided to mediate users. Additionally, we will discuss how we encourage users to utilize accessibility features and standards through consultations and workshops.

Then we will provide discussion questions to facilitate a conversation about how other institutions and publishing programs administer similar or different tools to their communities. Questions will focus on what DIY programs other institutions are using, policies and procedures implemented, mediation around users of tools, and more. During this discussion period, we will break up into three groups, each led by a presenter. Each group will take notes on each discussion question in their own PressBooks chapter to generate a small guide on DIY publishing tools as we go. After the session, the presenters will clean up this guide and share with session attendees.

March 21, 2023

Panel: May 9 12:00

Day/time: May 9, 2023, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. ETD

Title: A Fresh Take on JATS: Book Reviews as a Simple, Immediate, and Accessible Gateway to Full-Text Publishing


  • Matthew Vaughn, Open Publishing Librarian, Indiana University
  • Richard Higgins,  Software Engineer, Indiana University

Description: Even as JATS XML has become the standard format for academic publishing, the challenges involved in implementing a JATS XML-based publishing workflow have prevented many library publishers from moving beyond PDF-based publishing. The complicated apparatus of even the most basic scholarly articles complicates XML production considerably. In addition, most existing workflows are reliant on XML conversion tools or paid vendors to convert author submission documents into JATS XML. In either case, these XML documents are time-consuming to produce and often require additional editing and correction before publication. Book reviews, on the other hand, provide a less burdensome format for library publishers who wish to transition to XML publishing. With minimal training, editorial teams can format JATS XML book reviews in-house without resorting to paid vendors or conversion tools. This presentation outlines the successful onboarding of a JATS-only book review journal to the Open Journal Systems platform. To facilitate this, we created a simplified JATS XML template using the DAR tag subset specification to optimize machine readability, avoid redundancy, and ensure reusability. The onboarding process also required customization of the OJS interface and the creation of detailed documentation and training materials for the editorial team. Although the editorial team had no prior experience with OJS or JATS XML, they are now publishing full-text, machine-readable books reviews. As the result of our work, these book reviews will now be more easily indexed and permanently stored as markup in a digital preservation archive. The semantically tagged content will facilitate keyword searches and increase discoverability over the long term. Finally, as a machine-readable format, JATS XML is inherently accessible and includes elements that allow for accessibility tagging and for the creation of interfaces that are both Section 508 and WCAG compliant.

Title: Curing Law Review Link Rot with DOIs

Presenter: Valeri Craigle, Head of Technical Services, James E. Faust Law Library, University of Utah

Description: An accessibility crisis is looming for one of the most vital sources of legal scholarship in the world. Law reviews are the primary vehicle for scholarly communication in the legal academy, but the URLs to law review articles are generating more 404 messages than ever due to shoddy publishing practices and an absence of digital asset management policies for online law review content.

The use of persistent URLs, specifically Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), offer a low cost, easy to implement remedy. DOIs are ubiquitously deployed in the publications of almost every other discipline in the sciences and humanities, with law being one of the only exceptions. Absent any guidance from the legal academy, law librarians are taking the lead in raising awareness of this important issue and are in the process of developing DOI implementation strategies in partnership with their own law review societies.

In this short presentation the current problem, its significance to law review publishing, and an easily implementable solution will be provided. Though the focus in on law review publishing, the takeaways will benefit any librarian working in library and/or academic publishing.

Title: Thoth: Open and Trusted Metadata for Open Access Books and Book Chapters

Presenter: Rupert Gatti, Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge

Description: This presentation will showcase Thoth Open Metadata (, a non-profit open metadata management and dissemination service for OA books and book chapters. Using detailed case studies, it will demonstrate how library publishers may benefit from utilising Thoth for their own publishing programs.

The difficulties associated with book and chapter metadata are well recognised. Each distribution platform/service maintains its own metadata, which is not – or is only partially – shared between platforms, and is often not well equipped to incorporate metadata for open access content. This is particularly problematic for small publishers, who are required to submit metadata in multiple different formats, containing different information, to an array of different parties. Publishers then find that the transmission of this data across the book distribution system results in metadata being overwritten and/or degraded in the process. This is also problematic for third parties interested in creating services for users that rely on metadata records maintained across multiple platforms or publishers.

Several publishers have now adopted Thoth as their metadata manager to create and distribute metadata in multiple formats including ONIX and MARC, submit books and chapter metadata to CrossRef for DOI registration and archive content in university repositories. Third-party applications are also beginning to utilise Thoth’s open APIs as a trusted and open source of book metadata to create novel content and services.

In this presentation we propose to showcase several users and use cases for Thoth, outline planned developments for the service over the coming three years, and demonstrate the advantages of utilising and supporting open source, non-profit and community owned infrastructures over commercial alternatives. This session will give attendees at the Library Publishing Coalition conference valuable insight into the growth and development of an important and trustworthy new player in the field of OA book metadata.

March 21, 2023

Active Session: A Toolkit for Disability Equity in Scholarly Communications

Day/time: May 9, 2023, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. ETD

Title: A Toolkit for Disability Equity in Scholarly Communications


  • Karen Stoll Farrell, Head of Scholarly Communication, Indiana University – Bloomington
  • Simon Holt, Head of Central Strategies, Content Acquisition at Elsevier
  • Erin Osborne-Martin, Associate Director, Strategic Analytics at Wiley
  • Sylvia Hunter, Marketing Manager at Inera

Description: We would like to launch, present, and discuss the first version of our C4DISC Toolkit for Disability Equity for Scholarly Communications. While plenty of online resources on disability inclusion exist, finding and evaluating those relevant to scholarly communications remains a significant challenge. Modeled on prior C4DISC Toolkits for Equity projects, the Disability Toolkit is something different: an interactive, easy-to-update online hub providing access to high-quality and accurate resources, curated and vetted by knowledgeable people, that both people with disabilities and those wanting to successfully recruit, hire, and retain them can use to help achieve those goals. Like other C4DISC Toolkits, the Disability Toolkit will be openly available and will offer good search capabilities, topic and format filtering, and a variety of resource types (text, video, audio) with accessibility affordances.

We will present and discuss the Toolkit’s first iteration (launching in May 2023), which will include resources, an FAQ, and personal stories. Session attendees will get to know the current state of the project and plans for future development. In this active session, attendees will offer feedback on existing elements, identify gaps, and brainstorm use cases. In particular, the presenters hope to explore points of intersectionality with anti-racism efforts to expand on this portion of the Toolkit. Participants will come away with a better idea of how they can help make the scholarly communications industry more disability-confident, as individuals, teams, and organizations.


March 21, 2023

Full Session: A Model for Diversifying and Expanding Digital Publishing: Brown University Library’s National Endowment for the Humanities Institute

Day/time: May 8, 2023, 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. EDT

Title: A Model for Diversifying and Expanding Digital Publishing: Brown University Library’s National Endowment for the Humanities Institute


  • Allison Levy, Director, Brown University Digital Publications
  • Cosette Bruhns Alonso, Contemporary Publishing Fellow, University of Pennsylvania Libraries & Penn Press (LPC DEI Committee Member, 2022-2024)
  • Emily Lynell Edwards, Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities and Educational Technologist, St. Francis College
  • Warren Harding, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Diversity in Digital Publishing, Brown University
  • Ashley Robertson Preston, Assistant Professor of History, Howard University

Description: This panel presents lessons learned in diversifying and expanding the field of digital publishing from Brown University Library’s National Endowment for the Humanities Institute held in summer 2022, “Born Digital Scholarly Publishing: Resources and Roadmaps.” Centered on inclusivity and accessibility, this first-of-its-kind national training program equipped 15 scholars — 60% from historically Black colleges and universities — with in-depth knowledge of the digital publishing process. Designed for scholars wishing to develop digital publications yet hindered by limited institutional resources and support, the curriculum was taught by librarians, digital humanities scholars, and editors, consolidating the successful path to university press publication formulated by Brown University Digital Publications, a program of distinction based in the University Library’s renowned Center for Digital Scholarship. The full curriculum, including recordings of all faculty presentations, has been made openly accessible via a resource-rich website that provides a continuous and active web presence for the institute, thereby expanding the voices, perspectives, and visions represented in digital publishing far beyond the summer cohort. This crucial re-prioritization of how and for whom the practice and production of digital scholarship is taught will have a profound impact on current and future generations of scholars. Reflecting on the institute’s broader impact, both in diversifying the field of library publishing and expanding resources for producing digital publications, members from the facilitating team and cohort participants will speak to how they are implementing lessons learned from the institute at their own institutions.

March 21, 2023

Active Session: Let’s Chat! How Do You Support Student Journals to be Sustainable and Ongoing?

Day/time: May 8, 2023, 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. EDT

Title: Let’s Chat! How Do You Support Student Journals to be Sustainable and Ongoing?


  • Kristin Hoffmann, Research & Scholarly Communication Librarian, Western University
  • Emily Carlisle-Johnston, Research and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Western University
  • Noah Churchill-Baird, MLIS Student, Western University

Description: Many library publishers host and publish student journals, and maintaining consistent operations for student journals is a common challenge. Student journals can surface and quickly disappear. Cohorts of students may emerge to form new editorial teams and revive defunct or ceased student journals. We have experienced these waves of student journal publishing at Western Libraries, and we know that these patterns are not unique to our publishing program. Many of us experience the same cycle of precarious student journal publications, so let’s talk about it.

This session will be a two-part facilitated discussion. In the first part, we will provide a space for those involved with library publishing to discuss the specific challenges facing student journal publishing, through breakout rooms and a collaborative document. We seek to encourage collaboration among library publishers and discuss ways to support more sustainable practices and long-term planning among student journals.

In the second part, we will offer a transition template document that library publishers can use with student journals. We created this document to better support the transition process from one editorial team to the next. Student editors can customize and fit it to the unique needs of their journals. We will share this transition document along with guiding questions to help library publishers consider what this solution looks like in practice for librarians and students.

Thinking critically about how library publishers can better support stable student journal leadership has direct implications for the development of our publishing services. The many benefits of student journal publishing for students involved should be strategically supported by library publishers to ensure that these opportunities are available to future students.

March 21, 2023

Panel: May 8 1:15

Day/time: May 8, 2023, 1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.

Title: Law Library Faculty Publication Services


  • Liz Parker, Publication Services Librarian, Legal Research Center, University of San Diego School of Law
  • Sasha Nunez, Research Assistant, Legal Research Center, University of San Diego School of Law

Description: Our academic law library introduced a Faculty Publication Services program that has grown to become very successful over the last five years. A publication services librarian or library specialist works hand-in-hand with a law school faculty member on a particular book or article, providing targeted citation research, footnote formatting, proofreading, and even substantive manuscript editing.

Title: The Pittsburgh Novel: An Interactive Bibliography 3 Years in the Making

Presenter: Angel Peterson, Open Publishing Production Specialist, Penn State University

Description: “In rural Washington County, a 12-year-old helps rebels plot against the United States government. In a stately McKean County mansion, a popular governor seeks to drown a dark family secret. On Pittsburgh’s Mt. Washington, an overzealous football fan escapes down the Incline after choking a rival fan to death with a Terrible Towel. These events are fiction, and found within more than 1,500 novels, short stories, stage plays, motion pictures, and televisions series set in Western Pennsylvania since 1792.” This quote, pulled from the bibliography introduction, sets the stage for this presentation.

The Pennsylvania State University Libraries Open Publishing Program publishes scholarly annotated bibliographies in partnership with units/departments within Penn State and editors across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This presentation will discuss the workflow we followed to publish the extensive The Pittsburgh Novel: Western Pennsylvania in Fiction and Drama, 1792-2022 bibliography edited by Jake and Peter Oresick. It will include how this publication came to our publishing program straight through to launch more than three years later. The presentation will discuss the software used to publish this dynamic, searchable, annotated database of titles centered in Western Pennsylvania, and showcase the variety of search features available: genre, keywords, a nested places list, and an interactive map. The presentation will provide a demonstration of these features. This bibliography is important to those who live in western Pennsylvania as it showcases and represents members of those communities.

This presentation will discuss the initial scope of this publication and how it changed over time as our goals for it changed.

Title: Turning Gray Literature into Gold

Presenter: Zoe Wake Hyde, Community Development Manager for Humanities Commons, Michigan State University

Description: While journals and monographs may be the most valorised outputs of research work, they are far from the only ones. In the pursuit of a more equitable knowledge ecosystem – where barriers to access and participation in knowledge creation are continually lowered – these “other” materials, sometimes referred to as gray literature, are just as important to publish and promote. Without them, our body of knowledge is incomplete, neglecting major, often timely, contributions to education, industry, and community. This session will consider gray literature as a prime candidate to drive increased open access publishing for individuals and institutions.

We will first establish a shared understanding of gray literature, working with an expansive definition that includes educational resources, blog posts, visual media, and other non-traditional scholarly outputs. We will then consider what “publishing” of such materials could and should look like, emphasizing the “making public” definition of publishing, rather than “making prestigious”. This distinction allows us to imagine a different kind of life for published works, and clarifies the requirements to support such activity; when the goal is to make public, to find your public, we need systems designed not just to store works and make them accessible, but to connect them with the communities who will value them most.

Finally, we will explore the necessary cultural and technical factors to foster a vibrant, expansive open publishing Commons, and lay out an existing map of tools and networks (including Humanities Commons, identifier providers and the US Repository Network project) that enable anyone to begin engaging the scholarly community with new ideas in new forms.

March 21, 2023

Full Session: A Continuum of Library Publishing in Music

Day/time: May 8, 2023, 1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. EDT

Title: A Continuum of Library Publishing in Music: First-time Musical Score Publishing to Establishing a Music Label


  • Anita Walz, Assistant Director of Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Virginia Tech
  • Kindred Grey, OER and Graphic Design Specialist, Virginia Tech
  • Derek Shapiro, Director of Bands and Assistant Professor of Music, Virginia Tech
  • Jonathan Caldwell, Director of Bands and Assistant Professor of Conducting, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • Kathleen DeLaurenti, Director of the Peabody Institute of the Arthur Friedheim Music Library, Johns Hopkins University

Description: This panel discussion features two library publishing projects, one a Creative-Commons licensed and first-time musical-score supplement publishing project intended to “expand the canon” of études available for conducting courses. The other an in-copyright music label with distribution of original in-copyright works via major streaming platforms. Panelists from three universities representing these two projects will describe project goals, disciplinary, technical, and project design issues, decision points, and perceptions regarding their respective projects. The panel will conclude with a discussion of gaps and aspirations for future involvement in music publishing. This session will be of interest to beginning music publishers as well as library publishers already involved in music publishing.

March 21, 2023

Keynote: Dorothea Salo

Day/time: May 8, 2023/12:00 p.m. to 1 p.m. EDT

Title: She Can’t Say That, Can She?

Description: Library publishing is becoming an integral part of libraries’ public face in academia. Given widespread attention to ethics failures in academic publishing more broadly, it behooves us to put our own publishing-ethics house in order.  Library learning analytics provides multiple distressing examples of LIS publications with fairly glaring ethical flaws. How did matters devolve this far? Why aren’t we talking more about it? Are we even allowed to?


November 11, 2022

2023 Library Publishing Forum Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsors of the Library Publishing Forum demonstrate their commitment to the emerging community of library publishers, including their many affiliates and partners. By becoming a sponsor, you will reach a highly influential, international audience of potential new partners and clients.

The 2023 Library Publishing Forum will be a virtual event held May 8–11 on Zoom. (Exact days/hours are still to be determined but it is expected that Forum sessions will take place between noon and 5 p.m. Eastern time.) Virtual events allow us to reach a greater number of attendees over a broad range of international locations.

Sponsorship dollars help to fund the costs associated with hosting the conference. This year we are pleased to offer two sponsorship levels. See the full descriptions below. 

To participate: Email to get started.

Forum Supporter

Amount: $500 and above


  • A logo/link on the Forum website and acknowledgement as a Forum Supporter
  • A logo/link on the Forum’s site and acknowledgement as a Forum Supporter
  • Slide featuring logo and short blurb (see example) to be included in a slideshow that will rotate on presentation screen in Zoom room before the keynotes and presentations 
  • Acknowledgement of sponsorship via the LPC Twitter account in the weeks leading up to the Forum (includes creation of a graphic with logo and blurb; tagging of appropriate Twitter handles)
  • One complimentary Forum registration

Forum Sponsor

Amount: $1,000 and above



About the Forum

The Library Publishing Forum is an annual conference bringing together representatives from libraries engaged in (or considering) publishing initiatives to define and address major questions and challenges; to identify and document collaborative opportunities; and to strengthen and promote this community of practice. The Forum includes representatives from a broad, international spectrum of academic library backgrounds, as well as groups that collaborate with libraries to publish scholarly works, including publishing vendors, university presses, and scholars. The Forum is sponsored by the Library Publishing Coalition, but you do not need to be a member of the LPC to attend.

Code of Conduct

All participation in the Virtual Library Publishing Forum is subject to the Library Publishing Coalition’s Code of Conduct.

November 11, 2022

Program and Call for Proposals 2023

The Call for Proposals for the 2023 Library Publishing Forum is closed.


Monday, May 8

12:00 p.m. to 1 p.m. | Keynote address by Dorothea Salo, Distinguished Teaching Faculty III in the University of Wisconsin at Madison’s Information School
She Can’t Say That, Can She? [video]

1 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. | Break

1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.

A Continuum of Library Publishing in Music: First-time Musical Score Publishing to Establishing a Music Label [video]
Anita Walz, Assistant Director of Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Virginia Tech; Kindred Grey, OER and Graphic Design Specialist, Virginia Tech; Derek Shapiro, Director of Bands and Assistant Professor of Music, Virginia Tech; Jonathan Caldwell, Director of Bands and Assistant Professor of Conducting, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Kathleen DeLaurenti, Director of the Peabody Institute of the Arthur Friedheim Music Library, Johns Hopkins University

Law Library Faculty Publication Services [video]
Liz Parker, Publication Services Librarian, Legal Research Center, University of San Diego School of Law; Sasha Nunez, Research Assistant, Legal Research Center, University of San Diego School of Law

The Pittsburgh Novel: An Interactive Bibliography 3 Years in the Making [video] [slides]
Angel Peterson, Open Publishing Production Specialist, Penn State University

Turning Gray Literature into Gold [video]
Zoe Wake Hyde, Community Development Manager for Humanities Commons, Michigan State University

2:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. | Break

2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Let’s Chat! How Do You Support Student Journals to be Sustainable and Ongoing? [materials]
Kristin Hoffmann, Research & Scholarly Communication Librarian, Western University; Emily Carlisle-Johnston, Research and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Western University; Noah Churchill-Baird, MLIS Student, Western University

A Model for Diversifying and Expanding Digital Publishing: Brown University Library’s National Endowment for the Humanities Institute [video]
Allison Levy, Director, Brown University Digital Publications; Cosette Bruhns Alonso, Contemporary Publishing Fellow, University of Pennsylvania Libraries & Penn Press (LPC DEI Committee Member, 2022-2024); Emily Lynell Edwards, Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities and Educational Technologist, St. Francis College; Warren Harding, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Diversity in Digital Publishing, Brown University; Ashley Robertson Preston, Assistant Professor of History, Howard University

3:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. | Break

4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Get to know your keynotes!, led by Jason Boczar
A relaxed opportunity after the first day of the 2023 Library Publishing Forum to converse with our keynote speakers Dorothea Salo and Deborah Poff. This will be an informal session to ask questions, start conversations, and discuss topics related to library publishing and the expertise of this year’s keynotes.

Tuesday, May 9

12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
A Toolkit for Disability Equity in Scholarly Communications [video]
Karen Stoll Farrell, Head of Scholarly Communication, Indiana University – Bloomington; Simon Holt, Head of Central Strategies, Content Acquisition at Elsevier; Erin Osborne-Martin, Associate Director, Strategic Analytics at Wiley; Sylvia Hunter, Marketing Manager at Inera
NOTE: Because attendance for this session is capped at 40, attendees must “purchase” a free ticket when registering in Eventbrite.

A Fresh Take on JATS: Book Reviews as a Simple, Immediate, and Accessible Gateway to Full-Text Publishing
Matthew Vaughn, Open Publishing Librarian, Indiana University; Richard Higgins,  Software Engineer, Indiana University

Curing Law Review Link Rot with DOIs [video]
Valeri Craigle, Head of Technical Services, James E. Faust Law Library, University of Utah

Thoth: Open and Trusted Metadata for Open Access Books and Book Chapters [video] [slides]
Rupert Gatti, Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge

1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. | Break

1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.
Collaborative Administration of DIY Publishing Tools [video]
Corinne Guimont, Digital Scholarship Coordinator, Virginia Tech; Caitlin Bean, Publishing Services Specialist, Virginia Tech; Anita Walz, Assistant Director of Open Education and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Virginia Tech

Consortium Models for Open Education Resource Publishing [video]
John D. Morgenstern, Copyright and Scholarly Communications Librarian, Emory University; Jeff Gallant, Program Director, Affordable Learning Georgia; Ellan Jenkinson, Member Engagement & Training Librarian, Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries; BJ Robinson, Director, University of North Georgia Press; Yang Wu, Open Education Resources Librarian, Clemson University

2:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. | Break

2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Listening to Our Community: What Does DEI in Library Publishing Look Like to You? [video]
Shannon Kipphut-Smith, Scholarly Communications Liaison, Rice University

The Gender Gap in Job Status and Career Development of Chinese Publishing Practitioners [video]
Yawen Li, School of Journalism and Communication, Beijing Normal University

Reintroducing the Ethical Framework for Library Publishing, V2.0 [video]
Joshua Neds-Fox, Coordinator for Library Publishing, Wayne State University Library System

Building a Publishing Platform Crosswalk: A Documentation Month Case Study [video]
Corinne Guimont, Digital Scholarship Coordinator, Virginia Tech; Cheryl E. Ball, Independent Consultant; Matthew Vaughn, Indiana University

3:45 to 4:00 p.m. | Break

4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Let your heart sing!, led by Lucinda Johnston [slides]
A social time following the day’s main presentations during which you’ll be guided through some creative arts activities to help you decompress from the day’s activities and prepare for the morrow. (No actual singing required! But do bring to the session pens/pencils/pastels/paints … and paper, or any other artsy/crafty materials that you will feel comfortable working with.)

Lucinda Johnston (MLIS, MTA) is Liaison Instructional Librarian at the University of Alberta, and also a Certified Music Therapist. She contributes regularly to staff and student health and wellness initiatives at the U of A.

Wednesday, May 10

12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Book Usage Metric Sharing and Use Guardrails: Developing Ethical Principles and System Requirements to Protect Reader Privacy and Automate Multi-Publisher and Platform OA Book Usage Data Exchange and Aggregation [video]
Ursula Rabar, OA Book Usage Data Trust Community Manager, OPERAS (Open Scholarly Communication in the European Research Area for Social Sciences and Humanities)

Stronger Together: The Growth of Open Access Library Hosting in Scotland [video]
Rebecca Wojturska, Open Access Publishing Officer, University of Edinburgh

Canada’s Library Publishers: Low-Key Load-Bearing [video]
Mike Nason, Open Scholarship & Publishing Librarian, UNB Libraries; Sonya Betz, Head, Library Publishing and Digital Production Services, University of Alberta; Emma Uhl, Publishing Support Specialist, Public Knowledge Project

Scottish Universities Press: Collaborating across Scotland to Develop a Library-Led Open Access Press [video]
Dominique Walker, Publishing Officer, Scottish Universities Press

1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. | Break

1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.
Staffing and Services in Library Publishing Programs: A Data-Driven Report
Johanna Meetz, Publishing & Repository Services Librarian, Ohio State University; Jeff Story, Senior Software Engineer, Intel Corporation

Creating a Publishing Preservation Policy [video]
Corinne Guimont, Digital Scholarship Coordinator, Virginia Tech

Connecting Institutional Repositories and University Presses to Open and Preserve Humanities and Social Sciences Scholarship [video]
Annie Johnson, Associate University Librarian, University of Delaware; Alicia Pucci, Scholarly Communications Associate, Temple University

New Data Sharing Mandates and the Role of Academic Libraries [video]
Michael Casp, J&J Editorial; Emma Molls, Publishing Services Librarian, University of Minnesota Libraries; Sarah Lippincott, Head of Community Engagement, Dryad; Alberto Pepe, Authorea

2:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. | Break

2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Practice What You Preach: A Conversation about Transparent Publishing with the Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education [video]
Kristina Clement, Editor in Chief of the Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education (Student Outreach & Sponsored Programs Librarian, Kennesaw State University; Hilary Baribeau, Managing Editor of the Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education (Scholarly Communication Librarian at-Large); Casey McCoy-Simmons, author of “OER State Policy Discourse: Adding Equity to the Cost Savings Conversation” from the first issue of the Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education (PhD Candidate in Higher Education at the University of Denver); (Moderator) Chelsee Dickson, Associate Editor for Innovative Practices, Columns, & Reviews for the Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education (Scholarly Communications Librarian, Kennesaw State University)

Academy Owned Scholarly Publishing at the Big Ten Academic Alliance [video]
Kate McCready, BTAA Visiting Program Officer for Academy Owned Scholarly Publishing, Big Ten Academic Alliance + University of Minnesota Libraries

The Role of Library Publishing in Making Non-Traditional Research Outputs Count [video]
Christie Hurrell, Director, Lab NEXT, University of Calgary; Robyn Hall, Scholarly Communications Librarian, MacEwan University

Ethics, Epistemology, and Scholarly Communication: How Epistemic Injustice Emerges throughout the Scholarly Communication Lifecycle [video] [slides]
Emily Cox, Collections & Research Librarian for Humanities, Social Sciences, & Digital Media, NC State University

3:45 to 4:00 p.m. | Break

4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sacred Ecology – Embodied Presence & The Miracle of Breath, led by Rheanna Chen [slides]
A cozy and nourishing time following the day’s main presentations during which you’ll be guided through some somatic breath and bodywork to pause and explore your inner and outer landscape. A safe space to explore and share together as we disconnect from the noise and reconnect to presence. Come as you are. 

Rheanna Chen is a yoga and mindfulness practitioner the last 17 years. Combined with her studies in plants, ecology and regenerative food systems, she is most fascinated by their impact on the human experience. Her joy is sharing everyday, simple tools to increase awareness for individual and collective healing and transformation.

Thursday, May 11

12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. | Keynote address by Deborah Poff, retired Professor of Philosophy and Senior Academic Administrator
The State of Play in Current Major Forms of Deception in Publishing: Predatory Publishing, Paper Mills and ChatGPT [video] [Five questions]

1:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. | Break

1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.
When Does Your OER Program Become a Library Publishing Program? [video]
Stephanie Western, OER Program Manager, Utah State University Libraries; Becky Thoms, Head of Digital Initiatives, Utah State University Libraries; Erica Finch, Scholarly Communications Librarian, Utah State University Libraries

Indexing of Student Journals: Barriers and Opportunities for Discoverability [video] [slides]
Mariya Maistrovskaya, Digital Publishing Librarian, University of Toronto Libraries

Going Wayback: Digitally Preserving a Defunct Student Journal [video] [slides] [speaker notes]
Noah Churchill-Baird, MLIS Student, Western University; Kristin Hoffmann, Research and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Western University; Emily Carlisle-Johnston, Research and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Western University

Making Beautiful Books and Articles: Lowering the Costs of Open Access and OER Publishing via Automated Typesetting  [video] [slides]
Dione Mentis, Coko Foundation COO; Christina Tromp, Ketida Project Manager; Julie Blanc, Paged.js Developer; Julien Taquet, Paged.js Developer; Karen Lauritsen, Open Education Network, Publishing Director

2:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. | Break

2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Discovering, Using, and Getting Involved with the Library Publishing Curriculum
John W. Warren, Director and Associate Professor, Publishing, MPS in Publishing, George Washington University; Johanna Meetz, Publishing & Repository Services Librarian, Assistant Professor, Ohio State University

Metadata for Everyone: Identifying Metadata Quality Issues across Cultures [video] [slides]
Julie Shi, Digital Preservation Librarian, Scholars Portal

Puppies as a Veneer for Cheering Genocide: How Should a Press React When an Accepted Manuscript is Problematic?
Abram Shalom Himelstein, Editor-in-Chief, University of New Orleans Press; Chelsey Shannon, Editor, University of New Orleans Press

3:45 to 4:00 p.m. | Break

4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Collaborative Meaning-Making Happy Hour, led by Melanie Schlosser
To wrap up the 2023 Library Publishing Forum, we will have an informal social hour to discuss sessions that resonated with us. Whether it was a particular keynote or individual presentation, let’s talk about what’s happening in Library Publishing and where we can go from here. Bring your favorite beverage (and snacks!) and join the conversation.