March 11, 2025
Introducing Library Publishing to Library Students and Early Career Librarians
While library publishing has been a field of and career in academic librarianship for over a quarter century, it is often unfamiliar to students in library schools and early career librarians, resulting in an important field of librarianship being overlooked.
To remedy this, the Library Publishing Coalition’s Professional Development Committee is offering the webinar, “Introducing Library Publishing to Library Students and Early Career Academic Librarians.” In it, a panel of experts in library publishing will
- Overview what library publishing is and why libraries publish
- Explain their job responsibilities and what library publishers do
- Discuss what knowledge and skills are needed to do this work and how to get them
- Share their origin stories and how/why they got started in this field
- Answer your questions about this career path
Attendees will leave with a greater awareness of library publishing and how to get started in it.
- Paige Morgan, Head of Digital Initiatives & Preservation, Digital Publishing & Copyright Librarian, University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press
- Jordan Pedersen, Research & Scholarship Librarian, University of Guelph Libraries
- Marianne Reed, Digital Publishing & Repository Manager, University of Kansas Libraries
- John Warren, Director and associate professor, Graduate Program in Publishing, George Washington University
- Nicholas Wojcik, Open Journal Publishing Librarian, University of Oklahoma, Norman Libraries
Moderator: Stefanie Buck, Director of Open Educational Resources, Oregon State University
Watch the recording and view the slides.