January 8, 2018
New resource: Publishers and Service Providers List
By Melanie Schlosser
As part of our new Publishers and Service Providers Program, LPC is releasing a new resource for the library publishing community: the Publishers and Service Providers List. The list is a place where any organization eligible for the larger program (non- and for-profit publishers and service providers that work with, or provide services of interest to, library publishers) can indicate its interest in working with library publishers. Check out the list page for further details about how the list is created and updated.
We will continue to add to the list as new inquiries come in, but as of today, it includes the following organizations: bepress, BiblioLabs, Project MUSE, Overleaf, Public Knowledge Project, PKP Publishing Services, Scholastica, Ubiquity Press, and Veruscript. (See the list page for more information about each of them.) We are delighted to have so many organizations on board at launch, and would especially note the impressive array of options for journal hosting. We hope to see the list continue to expand in future – both in number and in scope. Other organizations we would like to see on the list include additional platforms and tools (open source, commercial, and hosted), preservation services, discovery services and platforms, editorial and publishing workflow support services, and publishers who are interested in partnering with libraries on publishing projects. If you work with an organization that works with library publishers – or would like to – fill out the inquiry form to request inclusion on the list.
We hope that this list will help connect library publishers with crucial support, and further strengthen the ecosystem of scholarly publishing. Let us know what you think!