July 14, 2021
New LPC Resource: Library Publishing Directory Research Data Set
By Nancy Adams
Since 2014, the Library Publishing Directory has served as a yearly snapshot of the publishing endeavors of academic and research libraries. While the original intent of the project was to raise the profile of library publishing organizations and to underline the value of this work, over the course of time the collected directories have become a unique record of the changing nature of the field, both in the activities pursued and the participants involved.
The LPC Directory Committee and the LPC Research Committee are therefore pleased to announce the release of a new resource for researchers interested in the field of library publishing: the Library Publishing Directory research data set.
This resource is primarily composed of the data that underlie the 2014-2021 Library Publishing Directories, in csv format. Researchers will also find the original survey instrument and data dictionary for each year. For those interested in identifying changes to the survey design, a crosswalk file maps field additions and deletions over time. Finally, a readme file provides descriptive, methodological, and licensing information about the data.
The Library Publishing Coalition plans to update the data set on a yearly basis so that it can continue to be an evolving picture of the field. Our hope is that this new resource will be a generative contribution to the growing evidence base informing best practice and demonstrating the impact of library publishing services.