April 29, 2024
Announcing the winner of LPC’s first ever Service Leadership Award
By Melanie Schlosser
We are delighted to announce the Library Publishing Coalition’s first ever Service Leadership Award. Part of our 10th Anniversary celebrations, this award is designed to recognize a community member who has made multiple, sustained contributions to the community through service and leadership over the last five years. Nominations for the award were sought this past fall from current and former Board members, and the winner was selected by the Board.
The awardee
The award goes to Joshua Neds-Fox (Wayne State University). Over the last 5+ years, Joshua has demonstrated ongoing, unwavering commitment to LPC through service. He has stepped into leadership roles when needed, but has also been happy to follow others’ lead and work quietly in the background. Some highlights of his service include his contributions to and stewardship of the Ethical Framework for Library Publishing, his substantial contributions to LPC’s first Strategic Plan during his term on the Board, his consistent presence on and interim leadership of the Curriculum Editorial Board, and his service on the DEI Committee.
Joshua was nominated for this award by multiple people; here is a quote from one nomination:
“Joshua has given so much of his time and expertise to the LPC community and helped advance the profession in so many ways. He has participated in and/or led multiyear efforts to create and improve the Library Publishing Curriculum and to update the Ethical Framework for Library Publishing. These two LPC resources are among the most comprehensive ones freely provided to the library publishing community, and they raise LPC’s profile in the scholarly communications ecosystem. LPC is incredibly lucky to have such a dedicated and talented individual who is willing to give so much back to the community!”
A statement from Joshua:
“I’m so grateful for this honor and without discounting it, I recognize that most of my colleagues in library publishing have given just as much to this first decade of the coalition, and many have given more. I’m so grateful for this coalition, and the inventive, thoughtful, generous, skilled women and men who make it the unique professional community it is. Perhaps you serve so consistently because your fellow librarians and publishers consistently model service, each of you pushing each other to be the best versions of yourselves. I think that’s what you’ve done with/for/to me, and someone decided to pin an honorarium on it, and I celebrate you for it. Thank you for including me in your remarkable decade, building a new professional coalition, an exemplary body of practice, and a mutually supportive and generous community. I’m so grateful.”
The award
The award consists of a $1,000 honorarium and travel support to attend the 2024 Library Publishing Forum.
Please join us in congratulating Joshua and celebrating 10 years of the Library Publishing Coalition Community!