LPC News

December 12, 2023

LPC releases new, 5-year Community Plan


LPC is excited to announce the publication of our new Community Plan, which will guide our activities from 2024 to 2029. Based on deep engagement with the community over the last year, this brief document centers on four areas of focus:

  • Support community members’ well-being and career longevity in the field of library publishing.
  • Advocate for library publishers and give them the tools to advocate for themselves. 
  • Navigate changes in scholarly output, business models, and infrastructure, through a lens of ethics and collaboration.
  • Continue to develop LPC as an inclusive professional space.

The plan also includes a set of “Principles of Action,” which, used alongside our Vision, Mission, and Values, will help us translate this flexible guidance into concrete action plans as needed.  

Many thanks to our Board for their vision and writing, to LPC’s staff for guiding and supporting the process, to the LPC community for contributing the raw material for the plan, and to Kelly Pendergrast for the design.

Here’s to the next five years of community! 

December 5, 2023

LPC welcomes a new member: William & Mary


Please join us in welcoming William & Mary as a new member of the Library Publishing Coalition! The voting rep for William and Mary is Rosie Liljenquist.

About William and Mary:

William & Mary is a premier public research university. As one of eight “Public Ivy” institutions and as the second oldest college of higher education in the nation, W&M has a long and proud history of excellence in education, innovation, and research. William & Mary Libraries is excited to venture into more specialized publishing support for faculty/researchers including creating open monographs, hosting journals, supporting digital humanities; self-archiving interdisciplinary reports and gray literature, and more.

November 28, 2023

Ally Laird receives the 2023 LPC Award for Exemplary Service


On behalf of the LPC Board, we are delighted to announce that the recipient of the 2023 LPC Award for Exemplary Service is Ally Laird, Open Publishing Program Coordinator for Penn State University Libraries. The Award recognizes substantial contributions by an LPC community member to advancing the mission, vision, and values of the Library Publishing Coalition.

Ally was nominated for her significant contributions as Treasurer of the LPC Board during the previous two program years. During this time LPC made substantial changes to its financial structures and processes. Ally supported the Board and the community throughout this challenging transition with diligent analysis and clear communication and, as mentioned in her nomination, “ the end results – solid financial processes, steady membership, and community goodwill – owe much to her work.”

A statement from Ally:

“I feel extremely humbled and honored to have been awarded LPC’s Award for Exemplary Service this year. It was a true pleasure to serve on LPC’s Board and while the work I did as the Treasurer over the past two years, and last year especially, was challenging, I am thankful for the opportunity to help serve our community. The care, thoughtfulness, and support that my fellow Board members and the community provided during the challenging season of having to rethink our financial model and increase our dues for the first time was so exemplary and made my job much easier than it could have been. It’s a beautiful example of why I love and value this community so much! I have grown significantly through my service as Treasurer, and I’m thankful that I was given the opportunity to help our community navigate through this change and help to position the LPC for continued success and stability for years to come. Thank you!”

Ally will receive a complimentary registration to this year’s Library Publishing Forum and a $500 honorarium. She will also be recognized at the Forum.

Please join us in congratulating Ally!

On behalf of the LPC Board
Amanda Hurford, President
Perry Collins, President-Elect
Sonya Betz, Secretary
Justin Gonder, Treasurer
Harrison Inefuku, DEI Officer
Angel Peterson
Elizabeth Scarpelli
Janet Swatscheno
Emma Molls, Past President

November 13, 2023

November 2023 LPC Update


The November 2023 Library Publishing Coalition Update has been published! In it you’ll find recent news from the Library Publishing Coalition including

Forum News

  • Call for proposals is open
  • Call for applications for Forum Scholarships are open

Community News

  • Version 2.0 of An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing has been published
  • Celebrating 10 years of the Library Publishing Coalition
  • 2022-2023 Annual Report is now available
  • Much more!

Blog Post Spotlights

  • The first in our new series of consortial publishing profiles: Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
  • Finding the Right Publishing Platform
  • The state of the field: An excerpt from the 2023 Library Publishing Directory

Read the Update

November 9, 2023

LPC welcomes a new member: Stanford University Libraries


Please join us in welcoming Stanford University Libraries as a new member of the Library Publishing Coalition! The voting rep for Stanford University Libraries is Friederike Sophie Sundaram.

About Stanford University Libraries:

With over twelve million items, fifty subject specialists, twenty campus libraries, and a broad spectrum of services available, Stanford Libraries are a hub of scholarship on campus. Digital and physical collections span from cuneiform tablets to photographic collections documenting the Civil Rights Movement to contemporary artist books. The Libraries publish exhibit catalogs, bibliographies, scholarly books, essays and poetry, and keepsakes and miscellanea to explore and celebrate the Libraries’ extensive holdings.

October 31, 2023

Library Publishing Coalition Releases 2022-2023 Annual Report


The Library Publishing Coalition is pleased to announce the release of its 2022-2023 Annual Report.

In addition to outlining LPC’s finances, membership, affiliates, and ongoing inclusion efforts, the Annual Report highlights several programmatic milestones, including:

  • Launching both the Canadian Community Development Working Group and the Research Cohort pilot initiative
  • Publication of An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing, Version 2.0
  • Recommendations from the Preservation Task Force

We are thrilled to celebrate our community’s shared success. LPC’s continued sustainability and effectiveness result from the work undertaken by LPC members, staff, our partners, and affiliate organizations. All the people involved in this work offered their time, energy, and expertise to fulfill our vision of an open, inclusive, and sustainable scholarly publishing landscape.

August 30, 2023

LPC welcomes a new member: Oregon State University


Please join us in welcoming Oregon State University as a new member of the Library Publishing Coalition! The voting rep for Oregon State University is Margaret Mellinger.

About Oregon State University Libraries and Press:

Oregon State University Libraries and Press includes The Valley Library in Corvallis, Guin Library at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon, and the OSU Cascades Library in Bend, Oregon.  The Special Collections and Archives Research Center houses rare and unique materials, including notable collections in the history of science and technology, cultural and ethnic groups in Oregon, Northwest hops and brewing, natural resources and university history.  And our award-winning University Press has been publishing exceptional books about the Pacific Northwest since 1961.


August 22, 2023

Celebrating 10 years of the Library Publishing Coalition!


This program year (July 2023 – June 2024), the Library Publishing Coalition is celebrating 10 full years as a membership community! Want to get in on the fun? Here are some opportunities!

Join us at the Library Publishing Forum

The next in-person Library Publishing Forum will take place May 15 & 16, 2024, at the McNamara Alumni Center on the campus of University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN). As always, the Forum will be welcoming and affordable, but we are working overtime this year to make sure it’s also full of the kinds of experiences you can only have at an in-person event. Join us to learn, to connect, and to celebrate! Save the date for now, and keep an eye out for the call for proposals this fall.

Sign the LPC Yearbook

Sure, we have (super cool) annual programs and (amazingly effective) committees and (fabulous) staff, but at its heart, LPC is made up of connections – between colleagues, between publishing programs, between people and ideas, and between professional communities. To celebrate that fact, we invite you to contribute to the LPC Yearbook! Will it have awkward, posed photos of every community member and ‘most likely to’ lists? Absolutely not. Will it serve as a space to reminisce, to recognize colleagues, and to say ‘I was there’? Yes! The Yearbook will be a low-key publication that anyone can contribute to by filling out this brief form. Submit as many entries as you like, just make sure they are in by the end of December.

You can also contribute pictures from LPC events! Just follow the prompts in the form.

Contribute to the Yearbook

Write a blog post

The LPC Blog isn’t just a news platform – it’s also a publication venue for some pretty great original writing on library publishing-related topics. You can browse the whole Reflections category to get an overview, or dive into themed series like Transitions or Intersections. This year we will launch a new series in honor of the 10th anniversary. In it, community members who have been involved in LPC or the field of library publishing throughout the last 10 years will reflect on what’s changed, what’s stayed the same, and where they think things are headed. Are you a veteran library publisher or longtime LPC community participant? Would you enjoy an opportunity to take a step back from the daily grind and think about the long view and the big picture? Email Melanie Schlosser (LPC Community Facilitator) to learn more about writing a guest post!

Want to stay in the loop?

We will announce additional 10th anniversary activities throughout the year, in addition to all the usual LPC- and Forum-related news; if you don’t want to keep checking the blog, you can head over to our home page and sign up for our public news list.

Join LPC!

And finally, if your library isn’t already a member of LPC, now is a great time to join! Learn more on our membership page.

Here’s to 10 more years!

June 27, 2023

Announcing Version 2.0 of An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing


Ethical Framework 2.0 PDF CoverLPC is delighted to announce the publication of Version 2.0 of An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing. A dedicated task force worked for two years to draft this update to the Library Publishing Coalition’s 2018 Framework. The result is a remarkably different document, structured to orient library publishers to how they might proceed toward ethical thinking in their discipline. The form, scope, and direction of this Framework are entirely new; we’re looking forward to hearing from the community about how it is used and how it can be improved — please email contact@librarypublishing.org with feedback and suggestions!

This version of the Framework is available alongside Version 1.0 at Purdue University Libraries (https://doi.org/10.5703/1288284317619), as well as on the LPC’s Resources page. It is released under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, so it can be freely copied, distributed, and built upon (where possible, please link to the version of record rather than reposting, to help us track the document’s impact and to ensure that the latest version is easily discoverable).

Thanks go to the outstanding volunteers who labored to make this unique framework a reality:

Tina Baich, IUPUI
Nina Collins, Purdue University
Jaime Ding, UCLA
Bernadette A. Lear, Pennsylvania State University – Harrisburg
Anna Leonard, University of Namibia
Zoe Wake Hyde, Humanities Commons
Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University (task force chair)
Charlotte Roh, California Digital Library
Melanie Schlosser, Educopia Institute
Kate Shuttleworth, Simon Fraser University and the Public Knowledge Project
Christine Turner, University of Massachusetts Amherst

June 26, 2023

2023 Library Publishing Directory now available


The Library Publishing Coalition is pleased to announce the publication of the 2023 Library Publishing Directory! This year’s print, PDF, and EPUB versions of the Library Publishing Directory highlight the publishing activities of 159 library publishers across the globe..

The Directory illustrates the many ways in which libraries are actively transforming and advancing scholarly communications in partnership with scholars, students, university presses, and others. Each year, the Directory‘s introduction presents a ‘state of the field’ based on that year’s data, which we also publish in a related blog posting.

The 2023 Directory also reflects an ongoing  partnership with the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Library Publishing Special Interest Group (LibPub SIG), and includes international entries, translated by IFLA LibPub SIG members. Libraries who chose to complete the full survey appear in the print, PDF, and EPUB versions of the Directory. All entries appear in the online version. IFLA’s Library Publishing Map of the World is a first-of-its-kind online database of global library publishing initiatives. .

Publication of the 2023 Directory was overseen by the LPC’s Directory Committee:

The Library Publishing Coalition Directory Committee
Karen Stoll Farrell, Indiana University – Bloomington, Chair
Jody Bailey, Emory University
Briana Knox, University of North Texas
Ryan Otto, Kansas State University
Ted Polley, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Nicholas Wojcik, University of Oklahoma

IFLA Special Interest Group on Library Publishing Subcommittee
Grace Liu (Canada)
Ann Okerson (USA)