LPC News

October 31, 2023

Library Publishing Coalition Releases 2022-2023 Annual Report


The Library Publishing Coalition is pleased to announce the release of its 2022-2023 Annual Report.

In addition to outlining LPC’s finances, membership, affiliates, and ongoing inclusion efforts, the Annual Report highlights several programmatic milestones, including:

  • Launching both the Canadian Community Development Working Group and the Research Cohort pilot initiative
  • Publication of An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing, Version 2.0
  • Recommendations from the Preservation Task Force

We are thrilled to celebrate our community’s shared success. LPC’s continued sustainability and effectiveness result from the work undertaken by LPC members, staff, our partners, and affiliate organizations. All the people involved in this work offered their time, energy, and expertise to fulfill our vision of an open, inclusive, and sustainable scholarly publishing landscape.

August 30, 2023

LPC welcomes a new member: Oregon State University


Please join us in welcoming Oregon State University as a new member of the Library Publishing Coalition! The voting rep for Oregon State University is Margaret Mellinger.

About Oregon State University Libraries and Press:

Oregon State University Libraries and Press includes The Valley Library in Corvallis, Guin Library at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon, and the OSU Cascades Library in Bend, Oregon.  The Special Collections and Archives Research Center houses rare and unique materials, including notable collections in the history of science and technology, cultural and ethnic groups in Oregon, Northwest hops and brewing, natural resources and university history.  And our award-winning University Press has been publishing exceptional books about the Pacific Northwest since 1961.


August 22, 2023

Celebrating 10 years of the Library Publishing Coalition!


This program year (July 2023 – June 2024), the Library Publishing Coalition is celebrating 10 full years as a membership community! Want to get in on the fun? Here are some opportunities!

Join us at the Library Publishing Forum

The next in-person Library Publishing Forum will take place May 15 & 16, 2024, at the McNamara Alumni Center on the campus of University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN). As always, the Forum will be welcoming and affordable, but we are working overtime this year to make sure it’s also full of the kinds of experiences you can only have at an in-person event. Join us to learn, to connect, and to celebrate! Save the date for now, and keep an eye out for the call for proposals this fall.

Sign the LPC Yearbook

Sure, we have (super cool) annual programs and (amazingly effective) committees and (fabulous) staff, but at its heart, LPC is made up of connections – between colleagues, between publishing programs, between people and ideas, and between professional communities. To celebrate that fact, we invite you to contribute to the LPC Yearbook! Will it have awkward, posed photos of every community member and ‘most likely to’ lists? Absolutely not. Will it serve as a space to reminisce, to recognize colleagues, and to say ‘I was there’? Yes! The Yearbook will be a low-key publication that anyone can contribute to by filling out this brief form. Submit as many entries as you like, just make sure they are in by the end of December.

You can also contribute pictures from LPC events! Just follow the prompts in the form.

Contribute to the Yearbook

Write a blog post

The LPC Blog isn’t just a news platform – it’s also a publication venue for some pretty great original writing on library publishing-related topics. You can browse the whole Reflections category to get an overview, or dive into themed series like Transitions or Intersections. This year we will launch a new series in honor of the 10th anniversary. In it, community members who have been involved in LPC or the field of library publishing throughout the last 10 years will reflect on what’s changed, what’s stayed the same, and where they think things are headed. Are you a veteran library publisher or longtime LPC community participant? Would you enjoy an opportunity to take a step back from the daily grind and think about the long view and the big picture? Email Melanie Schlosser (LPC Community Facilitator) to learn more about writing a guest post!

Want to stay in the loop?

We will announce additional 10th anniversary activities throughout the year, in addition to all the usual LPC- and Forum-related news; if you don’t want to keep checking the blog, you can head over to our home page and sign up for our public news list.

Join LPC!

And finally, if your library isn’t already a member of LPC, now is a great time to join! Learn more on our membership page.

Here’s to 10 more years!

June 27, 2023

Announcing Version 2.0 of An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing


Ethical Framework 2.0 PDF CoverLPC is delighted to announce the publication of Version 2.0 of An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing. A dedicated task force worked for two years to draft this update to the Library Publishing Coalition’s 2018 Framework. The result is a remarkably different document, structured to orient library publishers to how they might proceed toward ethical thinking in their discipline. The form, scope, and direction of this Framework are entirely new; we’re looking forward to hearing from the community about how it is used and how it can be improved — please email contact@librarypublishing.org with feedback and suggestions!

This version of the Framework is available alongside Version 1.0 at Purdue University Libraries (https://doi.org/10.5703/1288284317619), as well as on the LPC’s Resources page. It is released under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, so it can be freely copied, distributed, and built upon (where possible, please link to the version of record rather than reposting, to help us track the document’s impact and to ensure that the latest version is easily discoverable).

Thanks go to the outstanding volunteers who labored to make this unique framework a reality:

Tina Baich, IUPUI
Nina Collins, Purdue University
Jaime Ding, UCLA
Bernadette A. Lear, Pennsylvania State University – Harrisburg
Anna Leonard, University of Namibia
Zoe Wake Hyde, Humanities Commons
Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University (task force chair)
Charlotte Roh, California Digital Library
Melanie Schlosser, Educopia Institute
Kate Shuttleworth, Simon Fraser University and the Public Knowledge Project
Christine Turner, University of Massachusetts Amherst

June 26, 2023

2023 Library Publishing Directory now available


The Library Publishing Coalition is pleased to announce the publication of the 2023 Library Publishing Directory! This year’s print, PDF, and EPUB versions of the Library Publishing Directory highlight the publishing activities of 159 library publishers across the globe..

The Directory illustrates the many ways in which libraries are actively transforming and advancing scholarly communications in partnership with scholars, students, university presses, and others. Each year, the Directory‘s introduction presents a ‘state of the field’ based on that year’s data, which we also publish in a related blog posting.

The 2023 Directory also reflects an ongoing  partnership with the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Library Publishing Special Interest Group (LibPub SIG), and includes international entries, translated by IFLA LibPub SIG members. Libraries who chose to complete the full survey appear in the print, PDF, and EPUB versions of the Directory. All entries appear in the online version. IFLA’s Library Publishing Map of the World is a first-of-its-kind online database of global library publishing initiatives. .

Publication of the 2023 Directory was overseen by the LPC’s Directory Committee:

The Library Publishing Coalition Directory Committee
Karen Stoll Farrell, Indiana University – Bloomington, Chair
Jody Bailey, Emory University
Briana Knox, University of North Texas
Ryan Otto, Kansas State University
Ted Polley, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
Nicholas Wojcik, University of Oklahoma

IFLA Special Interest Group on Library Publishing Subcommittee
Grace Liu (Canada)
Ann Okerson (USA)

June 16, 2023

Report on Library Publishing Forum 2023 Demographic Survey


The development and use of this survey was based on the recommendations found in the Library Publishing Coalition’s (LPC) Roadmap for Anti-Racist Practice. This is a charge carried out by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. The 2023 survey was made available to Library Publishing Forum (LPF) attendees in order to understand who attends the Forum and to help ensure we are building DEI into existing structures, registration forms, list of speakers, and improving workflows or resources. Moreover, this survey helps us make concrete improvements to the Forum and track demographic changes over time.


As all questions were optional, not all questions were answered. Therefore, numbers/counts do not always add up. There were minor changes to the survey this year in an attempt to be less restrictive to answer options. Rather than forcing attendees to select one of the options given to them, instead, some questions just provided an open response option. This also gave an opportunity for the respondent to fill in an answer that may not have been listed and to optionally identify as they saw fit. The respondent information includes both LPF attendees and presenters.

Summary of responses and comparisons

The 2023 LPF had 267 registered attendees, while 2022 had 330 registered attendees (246 were virtual while 84 were in-person). 

We received 86 responses to the demographic survey from 2023 LPF attendees, which is roughly the same as the previous year (83 in 2022). The number of responses two years ago was 166 in 2021. The response rate in 2023 was 32%, compared to 28-30% in 2022 (a virtual/in-person combination), and 36% in 2021.

In 2023, most respondents fell into the 30-39 and 40-49 age ranges (28 people in each range), however, there was representation across all 20-60+ ranges. In comparison the majority of 2022 attendees were in the 30-59 age range.

For the 2023 survey, the question framing for race and ethnicity changed. This year’s results show 14% of respondents identified as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), while 86% do not. In comparison, in 2022, 80% of respondents selected “White” as their racial/ethnic identifier.

Of the 85 responses related to gender, most respondents identified as a woman (80%). Other 2023 responses include identifying as a man, as using another term, or non-binary. Participants were also given an option to specify other terms in use and the option to provide further gender identity comments in the 2023 survey. A few additional terms or comments were provided.

Of the 52 responses related to having a disability, most respondents do not have a disability (63%). About 29% of respondents in 2023 identify as having a disability, compared to 17% in 2022.  Both 2022 and 2023 respondents had the open response options that enabled explanation or alternative answers. Chronic illness were additional answers, as well as some noting that having a disability and stating so are culturally difficult. For the 2023 survey, the question framing for this added another prompt specific to neurodivergence based on feedback from the 2022 survey. In 2023, there were 55 responses to the question on identifying as neurodivergent. About 24% identify as neurodivergent, while 71% do not. There were also a few who might consider or do not know if they are neurodivergent. In 2022, only one respondent provided a neurodivergent identifier.

 In 2023, employment status of respondents had a majority of full-time employment (92%), compared to 95% in 2022. Other statuses included full-time and student, part-time, student, part-time and student, and full-time and part-time combination. These other statuses were less in number in 2022 and included a retired status.

 New to the 2023 survey was the open response question about any other identities. Less than 10 responses included the following: Queer, Bisexual, Immigrant, Child of immigrants, and works in North American but not from North America.

Final Comments

The 2023 LPF was entirely virtual, while the 2022 LPF was both in-person and virtual. Moving forward, virtual and in-person years will alternate. This aspect will need to be considered when evaluating demographic surveys in future years and the comparisons across years.

The Library Publishing Coalition’s DEI Committee members are incredibly appreciative of the many LPF participants who took the demographic survey during this year’s Forum. 

We welcome LPF participants and LPC members to contact us at inclusion@librarypublishing.org if you have additional resources or feedback you would like to share to help us improve our work.

May 17, 2023

2023 Publishing Practice Award: Iowa State University Digital Press


Collaboration for Success: The Development Process for Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society

by Abbey K. Elder, Open Access and Scholarly Communication Librarian, Iowa State University; Harrison W. Inefuku, Scholarly Publishing Services Librarian, Iowa State University; Kelly L. Reddy-Best, Professor of Apparel, Merchandising and Design, Iowa State University; Lesya Hassall, Senior Manager of Instructional Design, Iowa State University

Kelly L. Reddy-Best, the author of Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society

The Iowa State University Digital Press supports the publication of open access journals, conference proceedings, books, and textbooks that reflect the academic and research programs in place at Iowa State University. Iowa State University has adopted a collaborative approach to creating open educational resources, partnering with faculty, instructional designers, and other professionals across campus. Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society is an open textbook that was collaboratively developed between the Iowa State University Digital Press, Iowa State University’s Center for Excellence in Learning & Teaching (CELT), and Dr. Kelly L. Reddy-Best, Professor of Apparel, Merchandising, and Design, the lead author and instructor for the textbook’s corresponding course.

Recognizing the opportunity

Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society began as a series of loosely connected course modules housed in Canvas, Iowa State University’s learning management system. The content within these modules included presentation slides, lecture notes, and links to external readings that Dr. Kelly Reddy-Best had compiled over years of teaching. However, Dr. Reddy-Best noticed that the organization and presentation of this content was not as comprehensive or engaging for students as it could be. After applying for and receiving an institutional grant to redevelop her course materials as an open textbook, she collaborated with CELT and the Digital Press to revise her content for publication.

Aligning and revising course materials

The first step of this project was alignment. Working with Lesya Hassall, an instructional designer in CELT, Dr. Reddy-Best was able to review her course modules and identify areas where material could be improved for learners. They started by mapping the course’s content against the learning objectives that students were expected to meet. In this process, they found that some objectives were more heavily emphasized than others, requiring that either the modules or the learning objectives be adjusted accordingly. In some cases, learning objectives were rewritten or removed entirely. 

Reviewing alignment in this way helped the author better understand the shape of her course and what it was emphasizing. The ensuing realignment not only helped students connect the course’s material to what they were expected to learn, but also emphasized the core concepts that Dr. Reddy-Best had added to her course since the original learning objectives were written. During this stage, the author also incorporated additional videos and contextual overviews for topics that might be culturally or socially foreign to some learners. Finally, Dr. Reddy-Best approached the Iowa State University Digital Press to prepare and publish her revised content as an open textbook.

Leveraging library expertise

Abbey Elder, the Open Access & Scholarly Communication Librarian at Iowa State University, worked with Dr. Reddy-Best to prepare her revised modules for import into the Digital Press’ open textbook publishing software, Pressbooks. This included training the author on how to organize content for import and highlighting the unique features of Pressbooks as a platform. 

One of these features is the integration of H5P, an interactive third party plug-in which allows authors to create and embed interactive exercises to help readers review and reflect on the content they learn. After completing the realignment and review of her course’s modules, Dr. Reddy-Best had identified areas where her text could benefit from additional opportunities for interaction. Using this as a base, Abbey helped the instructor develop review questions and other interactive exercises which readers could use to interface with the textbook. In addition to developing interactive exercises together, the duo also collaborated on the design elements within the textbook. After completing its final accessibility audit, the textbook was routed through the Digital Press’ publication process, which required staff to assign the book a DOI and produce the marketing and promotional materials for its launch.

Course review and certification

Following the release of her open textbook, Dr. Reddy-Best worked with CELT staff to get her course certified by Quality Matters (QM), a distinction given to online and hybrid courses which exhibit qualities of excellent course design. The process to receive QM certification requires three external reviewers to evaluate a course using a rubric with 42 major areas, notably including the quality and accessibility of the course’s assigned materials. The reviewers for Dr. Reddy-Best’s course were particularly impressed with the relevance and representation presented within her textbook, as well as the textbook’s close alignment to her course’s learning objectives. After a long process of development and review, this certification highlighted the work that went into improving Dr. Reddy-Best’s course materials, and the quality of her final publication not just as a textbook but as an integral piece of her course.

Reflecting on the process

The development of Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society benefited from intentionally aligning the textbook’s material to its course’s objectives, collaborating with partners across the institution, and undergoing a final review process through Quality Matters. Leveraging the teaching experience of the faculty author, the instructional design experience of CELT staff, and the publication support provided by the Iowa State University Digital Press resulted in a well-rounded textbook which highlights the unique elements of the author’s course while focusing on foundational content for students. Each step, from alignment to certification, made this textbook more relevant for its audience. This publication exemplifies the unique benefits of publishing course materials with a library publishing program and the longstanding partnerships which can arise from such work. 

May 17, 2023

Announcing the 2023 Publishing Practice Award Recipient


The Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2023 Publishing Practice Award! Congratulations to Iowa State University Digital Press for their work and contribution to the field in the category of Innovation.

The Publishing Practice Awards are designed to recognize and raise awareness of effective and sustainable library publishing practices. They highlight library publishing programs that exemplify concepts advanced in LPC’s An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing and in LPC’s Values. The focus of these awards is not on a representative publication’s content but, rather, on the process of publishing. The award categories for 2023 are Accessibility, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Privacy, and Innovation. 

For 2023, we awarded one award, in the category of Innovation. Iowa State University Digital Press won the award for the publishing process associated with their publication Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society.  

For this process, Iowa State University Digital Press published an open textbook in collaboration with the Center for Excellence in Learning & Teaching (CELT) and Dr. Kelly L. Reddy-Best, the lead author and course instructor. This process transformed existing course modules in a learning management system to an interactive open textbook closely aligned with learning objectives that, ultimately, received a Quality Matters (QM) Certification. To learn more, read their Award announcement blog post

Applications were evaluated by the LPC Publishing Practice Awards Committee in a competitive selection process. To learn more about the Awards, please visit the Awards website. Congratulations once again to the winner of the 2023 LPC Publishing Practice Awards!

April 17, 2023

LPC Quarterly Update


The April 2023 Quarterly Update has been published! In it you’ll find the latest news, including

Forum News

  • Registration is open
  • Preliminary program is available
  • Keynote speakers announced

Community News

  • Applications being accepted for the Curriculum Editorial Board and for the Editor-in-Chief position
  • LPC’s first research residency is filled by Jeremy Ottley
  • Angel Peterson is the recipient of the 2022 LPC Award for Exemplary Service
  • New Board members announced

Blog Post Spotlights

  • Intersections: Incorporating Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusion into Library Publishing
  • The Benefits of Strategic Affiliation with the Library Publishing Coalition: Insights from the Library Publishing Group of the Library Association of Ireland
  • Transitions: Workflows and Deadlines: Making the Transition from Corporate to Academic Library Publishing

Read the Update

March 13, 2023

Call for Applications: Library Publishing Curriculum Editorial Board Members and Editor-in-Chief


The Library Publishing Coalition Board seeks applications for the Library Publishing Curriculum Editorial Board. Created in partnership with the Educopia Institute as part of a project generously funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Library Publishing Curriculum is an ongoing program of the LPC. The Editorial Board identifies maintenance and development needs for the Curriculum, oversees (and occasionally performs) that work, and promotes the wide adoption and use of the Curriculum. The Editorial Board functions on a cohort model, with all volunteer terms starting at the same time (July 1, 2023) and running for three years. Leadership for the group is provided by the Editor-in-Chief (a three-year dedicated position) and the group chair (an annual, rotating position held by an Editorial Board member).

We are currently recruiting for 4 regular members (who will join 5 members from the previous cohort who opted into a second term) and the Editor-in-Chief. All interested volunteers should apply to serve on the Editorial Board. Those who are interested in the Editor-in-Chief position can complete an additional application step to be considered for the role. Those who are interested in serving as Editorial Board chair at some point during their three-year term will have an opportunity to indicate their interest. 

Membership Qualifications and Term Lengths

Highly desired qualifications include:

  • Accomplishment and expertise in library publishing 
  • Research/publishing experience
  • Experience with curriculum development
  • Strong commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility 

It is not necessary for candidates to possess robust experience in all the above areas, but they should be able to demonstrate experience with at least one or two. While service on most LPC working groups is limited to staff at member institutions, a limited number of editorial board spots will be open to non-members. All interested individuals are encouraged to apply. 

Members will serve three-year terms, which can be renewed once. Members who want to serve more than two consecutive terms must reapply. Estimated time commitment will be 5–6 hours a month, unless a member decides to take on additional writing/revision responsibilities. 

Editorial Board Responsibilities

Identifying work needed: The editorial board will be responsible for identifying gaps and opportunities in the curriculum, including new units, updates or adaptations of existing units (e.g., adapting the copyright unit for another country’s copyright landscape), translations, and other projects that will increase the currency, utility, and breadth of the curriculum. 

Recruiting and guiding project participants: The editorial board will recruit project participants and guide them through their project work; these individuals would work with the editorial board to devise and implement major revisions or additions to the curriculum. 

Authoring/updating curriculum content: For small projects, the editorial board may decide to undertake the work itself, rather than recruiting project participants. 

Identifying resources for curriculum development: For projects the editorial board wants to undertake that will require outside funding or other resources, the group will work with the EIC and LPC’s Board to identify potential funding sources and apply for grants. 

Ensuring high quality content: The editorial board will ensure that existing content is still useful and relevant, and that new content developed meets project goals and quality expectations.

Curriculum promotion: The editorial board is responsible for promoting new and revised content, and encouraging adoption of the curriculum in a variety of settings. 

Editor-in-Chief Responsibilities

The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) provides leadership to the Editorial Board in the areas above. This role will provide continuity for Editorial Board leadership and will serve as the public face and point of contact for the Curriculum. The EiC will work closely with the Editorial Board chair to lead the group but will especially focus on strategy and vision for the Curriculum. 

Editorial Board Chair Responsibilities

The chair will work closely with the Editor-in-Chief to provide leadership for the Editorial Board, focusing especially on facilitation of the group and implementation of plans. The chair role will rotate annually among Editorial Board members. 

Application Process

To apply to serve on the Editorial Board, please fill out the volunteer application by Friday, May 26th. LPC’s Board will review candidates at its June meeting and select the new members, who will start July 1st, 2023