Posts by Melanie Schlosser

March 20, 2024

Affiliate Spotlight: Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ)


LPC’s Strategic Affiliates Program connects our community with peer membership communities working in libraries, publishing, and scholarly communications. LPC’s leadership has regular touch base calls with each of our affiliates and occasionally invites their leadership to group discussions on topics of broad interest. This work helps us to support the ‘community of communities,’ to align our work and to avoid duplication of effort. However, it is largely invisible to LPC’s membership. To recognize our affiliates’ contributions to our community, and to connect our members to resources and opportunities in peer communities, we are publishing a series of Affiliate Spotlights on the blog in 2024. 


Name: The Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ)
X (Twitter): @celj_editors
Strategic affiliate since: 2020

The Council of Editors of Learned Journals is an international association for scholarly journal editors. Our mission is to enable conversations, collaborations, and communication around scholarly journal editing and to mentor editors and authors by creating an inclusive scholarly communications landscape.


If LPC members are journal editors or work with journal editors who could use more support or training in being editors, CELJ is a welcoming organization that can help!

The organization’s greatest strength is its members, who participate in editor–editor mentoring through our members-only discussion list and editor–author mentoring through face-to-face and virtual Chat with an Editor sessions at institutions and conventions. These discussions create space for potential authors and editors to ask questions they might be afraid to email into the editorial abyss about getting published or starting editorial work. The virtual spaces have proven especially helpful to BIPOC and other multimarginalized scholars, which in turn helps us make scholarly publishing more inclusive. Collective knowledge-sharing of scholarly editorial workflows among the members and with potential authors and new editors is a cornerstone of CELJ’s inclusive mission.

CELJ offers free resources on its website to assist editors with their work. Some of these resources include in-house authored guides on Best Practices for Online Journals, Guidelines for Contributors, Tips on Publishing, Tips for Starting a New Journal, and a Letter of Support for Editors. CELJ also maintains up-to-date links to inclusive style guides from a range of identity-specific organizations (e.g., National Association of Black Journalists, Native American Journalists Association, The Association of LGBTQ Journalists, Trans Journalists Association, etc.).

CELJ also provides a Featured Journal section on its website in which we interview one of our member journal editors. As an Allied Organization of the Modern Language Association, CELJ’s membership is mostly humanities and humanistically oriented social science journal editors, and we welcome journal editors from any disciplinary background. At the annual MLA convention (not to be confused with the Michigan Library Association or the Music Library Association), CELJ sponsors several sessions that feature key topics on editorial work. This past year’s convention featured sessions on Graduate Student Labor and the Future of Editing, Mentoring New Editors into Scholarly Journal Publishing, How to Get Published in a Scholarly Journal, Inclusive Citation Practices in Research and Editing, and Making Digital Humanities Projects Public. Previous years have also featured sessions on inclusive editing practices, peer review, and editorial workflow issues. Some of these sessions have been recorded and posted on our members-only website and will be featured in virtual CELJ conferences, starting in 2024.

CELJ is a resource for library publishers or the journal editors they work with. Publishers and editors can access free resources mentioned above or join (individually or as a group through the library publisher, who then gets one free membership for themselves) to gain access to exclusive resources, such as the confidential discussion group and the annual journal and editorial awards CELJ offers. Many journals and press journal managers join for the awards and stay for the rich mentoring discussions.


CELJ collaborates with several organizations to produce knowledge-sharing about editorial processes and scholarly publishing. CELJ has shared several reading group meet-ups with LPC members to cover new documents and guidelines on diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in scholarly publishing (e.g., C4DISC Toolkit for Disability Equity; Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in APA Journals; Anti-Racist Scholarly Reviewing Practices heuristic, etc.).

As CELJ continues to create knowledge-sharing events on editorial processes, we will invite LPC members to its reading groups, webinars, and future conferences.

March 6, 2024

Affiliate Spotlight: Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)


LPC’s Strategic Affiliates Program connects our community with peer membership communities working in libraries, publishing, and scholarly communications. LPC’s leadership has regular touch base calls with each of our affiliates and occasionally invites their leadership to group discussions on topics of broad interest. This work helps us to support the ‘community of communities,’ to align our work and to avoid duplication of effort. However, it is largely invisible to LPC’s membership. To recognize our affiliates’ contributions to our community, and to connect our members to resources and opportunities in peer communities, we are publishing a series of Affiliate Spotlights on the blog in 2024.


Name: Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
X (Twitter): @cni_org
Strategic affiliate since: 2017

The Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) is a joint program of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and EDUCAUSE that promotes the use of information technology to advance scholarship and education. Over 200 organizations representing higher education, publishing, information technology, scholarly and professional organizations, foundations, and libraries and library organizations, make up CNI’s members. Learn more at


We asked our affiliates to identify some of their resources that may be of interest to the LPC community.


Our two communities haven’t undertaken any formal projects together, but we regularly share information and cross-promote items of interest. CNI staff have also contributed enormously to an ongoing series of discussions about event planning (hosted by LPC staff and attended by strategic affiliate representatives and other community managers), which have helped us to shape the Library Publishing Forum program going forward.

February 21, 2024

Affiliate Spotlight: Open Education Network (OEN)


LPC’s Strategic Affiliates Program connects our community with peer membership communities working in libraries, publishing, and scholarly communications. LPC’s leadership has regular touch base calls with each of our affiliates and occasionally invites their leadership to group discussions on topics of broad interest. This work helps us to support the ‘community of communities,’ to align our work and to avoid duplication of effort. However, it is largely invisible to LPC’s membership. To recognize our affiliates’ contributions to our community, and to connect our members to resources and opportunities in peer communities, we are publishing a series of Affiliate Spotlights on the blog in 2024. 


Name: Open Education Network (OEN)
Strategic affiliate since: 2018

The Open Education Network (OEN) is a vibrant, supportive community working to advance open educational practices. Our membership represents higher education institutions, consortia, and regional systems across the U.S., as well as international growth that’s broadening and enriching our understanding of open education from a global standpoint.

We achieve our goals locally and collectively by empowering faculty, removing educational barriers, and enhancing student success. Our decisions and efforts are consistently informed by our guiding principles which center on the common good, equity, inclusivity, action, humanity, integrity, and shared abundance.


We asked our affiliates to identify some of their resources that may be of interest to the LPC community.

The Open Education Network community offers a variety of adaptable resources to both members and non-members. Our recently updated website features curricula, guides, slides and webinars on OER adoption, open pedagogy and open textbook publishing. These include the OER Publishing Toolkit, a collection of adaptable templates and resources organized chronologically by publishing phase; the Pub101 Curriculum, for people who support faculty authors; and the Adaptable OER Publishing Agreement, a starting point for higher education institutions that want to contract with their faculty to create OER.

The OEN Blog showcases our community’s open education initiatives and achievements, sharing helpful insights for readers considering open resources or interested in open practices. Monthly posts also feature OEN programming, leadership and learning opportunities, community member profiles, and collaborative projects. Our YouTube channel provides easy access to a multitude of OEN publishing case studies, webinars, information sessions, tool demonstrations, workshops, and discussions.

We also offer a range of leadership and collaboration opportunities, including the Colleague Connector Program, Pub101 Committee and Publishing Advisory Group. On a monthly basis, members of the Publishing Advisory Group host Tea Time, an informal OEN community conversation with time for “Tea and Sympathy”, when people can ask questions and get feedback from the group about any publishing topic.


The Open Education Network hosted two workshops about creating anti-racist publishing practices and programs in 2021 and 2022, which were co-sponsored by the Council of Editors of Learned Journals and the Library Publishing Coalition.

In 2019, OEN and LPC co-hosted a pre-conference to the Library Publishing Forum that focused on publishing open educational resources. This collaboration has evolved into the popular Pub101 series, offered annually to the OEN community. Pub101 is currently being adapted by the Pub101 Committee for a faculty author audience.

February 7, 2024

Affiliate Spotlight: Library Association of Ireland – Library Publishing Group (LAI)


LPC’s Strategic Affiliates Program connects our community with peer membership communities working in libraries, publishing, and scholarly communications. LPC’s leadership has regular touch base calls with each of our affiliates and occasionally invites their leadership to group discussions on topics of broad interest. This work helps us to support the ‘community of communities,’ to align our work and to avoid duplication of effort. However, it is largely invisible to LPC’s membership. To recognize our affiliates’ contributions to our community, and to connect our members to resources and opportunities in peer communities, we are publishing a series of Affiliate Spotlights on the blog in 2024. 


Name: The Library Association of Ireland (LAI)
X (Twitter): @LAI_LPG
Strategic affiliate since: 2021

The Library Publishing Group (LPG) of the Library Association of Ireland (LAI) supports all types of library publishing initiatives across the sector.

The LPG prioritises the following aims:

  • To raise awareness of the Library Publishing movement in Ireland
  • To disseminate information on the latest developments within the Library publishing sector nationally and internationally
  • To mentor new library publishers and to showcase library publishing initiatives and successes in Ireland
  • To forge links between open access and institutional publishing presses and libraries
  • To liaise with relevant agencies such as the Library Publishing Coalition, the  IFLA Library Publishing Special Interest Group, PKP and other key organisations.
  • To promote and teach the Library Publishing Curriculum to Group members and across the library sector


LAI and LPC have focused our work together on connecting Irish library publishers with LPC resources, including providing speakers for LAI webinars. LAI members also consulted with LPC during our most recent revision of the Library Publishing Directory, to ensure that the Directory survey is accessible and relevant to Irish library publishing programs.  

January 24, 2024

Affiliate Spotlight: Association of University Presses (AUPresses)


LPC’s Strategic Affiliates Program connects our community with peer membership communities working in libraries, publishing, and scholarly communications. LPC’s leadership has regular touch base calls with each of our affiliates and occasionally invites their leadership to group discussions on topics of broad interest. This work helps us to support the ‘community of communities,’ to align our work and to avoid duplication of effort. However, it is largely invisible to LPC’s membership. To recognize our affiliates’ contributions to our community, and to connect our members to resources and opportunities in peer communities, we are publishing a series of Affiliate Spotlights on the blog in 2024. 



Name: Association of University Presses (AUPresses)
X (Twitter): @aupresses
Strategic affiliate since: 2017

AUPresses is an organization of 160 international nonprofit scholarly publishers. Since 1937, the Association of University Presses advances the essential role of a global community of publishers whose mission is to ensure academic excellence and cultivate knowledge. The Association holds intellectual freedom, integrity, stewardship, and equity and inclusion as core values. AUPresses members are active across many scholarly disciplines, including the humanities, arts, and sciences, publish significant regional and literary work, and are innovators in the world of digital publishing.


We asked our affiliates to identify some of their resources that may be of interest to the LPC community.


AUPresses and LPC regularly work together on envisioning the future of university-based publishing. The AUPresses Library Relations Committee frequently proposes Library Publishing Forum panels. We collaborate to support diversity and inclusion initiatives as members of C4DISC.

January 11, 2024

Affiliate Spotlight: Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)


LPC’s Strategic Affiliates Program connects our community with peer membership communities working in libraries, publishing, and scholarly communications. LPC’s leadership has regular touch base calls with each of our affiliates and occasionally invites their leadership to group discussions on topics of broad interest. This work helps us to support the ‘community of communities,’ to align our work and to avoid duplication of effort. However, it is largely invisible to LPC’s membership. To recognize our affiliates’ contributions to our community, and to connect our members to resources and opportunities in peer communities, we are publishing a series of Affiliate Spotlights on the blog in 2024. 


Name: Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)
X (Twitter): @scholarlypub
Strategic affiliate since: 2017

The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), founded in 1978, is a nonprofit organization formed to promote and advance communication among all sectors of the scholarly publication community through networking, information dissemination, and facilitation of new developments in the field.

SSP members represent all aspects of scholarly publishing — including publishers, printers, e-products developers, technical service providers, librarians, and editors. SSP members come from a wide range of large and small commercial and nonprofit organizations. They meet at SSP’s annual meetings, educational seminars, and regional events to hear the latest trends from respected colleagues and to discuss common and mutual (and sometimes divergent) goals and viewpoints.


We asked our affiliates to identify some of their resources that may be of interest to the LPC community.

SSP has a wealth of resources available to the scholarly communications community for both members and non-members alike. Our informative and influential blog, The Scholarly Kitchen, serves all segments involved in the scholarly publishing community with daily posts about the latest industry topics. The OnDemand library hosts hundreds of recorded webinars and conference sessions, many of which are freely available (newer content available for purchase). We offer a variety of free webinars throughout the year on DEIA topics (via C4DISC), early career professional topics, and our Innovation Showcase which highlights the newest innovations in the industry.

Our job board lists a variety of open positions (including free internship listings) and our interactive Professional Skills Map presents the most frequently reported personal characteristics and interpersonal and technical skills that are essential to success for a variety of roles. On our website, we offer a roundup of publishing ethics resources and a list of publishing and library programs. We currently have three Communities of Interest open to non-members, the Early Career Professionals Networks, the Humanities and Social Science Publishers Network, and the AI in Scholarly Publishing Network.

We welcome a diverse group of scholarly communications professionals including publishers, librarians, funders, researchers, and industry suppliers to our Annual Meeting each year at the end of May/early June. In the fall, we offer the more intimate New Directions Seminar in Washington DC; and monthly webinars connect professionals to latest information on a variety of topics throughout the year.


SSP has been a regular sponsor of the Library Publishing Forum for many years (thanks, SSP!), but otherwise, our most significant collaboration has been through the Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC). C4DISC was started by Melanie Dolechek in her role as SSP Executive Director. LPC has been involved since its founding, but had the opportunity to work most closely with the group during its community formation period, when we contributed Educopia consulting hours to the effort.

August 22, 2023

Celebrating 10 years of the Library Publishing Coalition!


This program year (July 2023 – June 2024), the Library Publishing Coalition is celebrating 10 full years as a membership community! Want to get in on the fun? Here are some opportunities!

Join us at the Library Publishing Forum

The next in-person Library Publishing Forum will take place May 15 & 16, 2024, at the McNamara Alumni Center on the campus of University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN). As always, the Forum will be welcoming and affordable, but we are working overtime this year to make sure it’s also full of the kinds of experiences you can only have at an in-person event. Join us to learn, to connect, and to celebrate! Save the date for now, and keep an eye out for the call for proposals this fall.

Sign the LPC Yearbook

Sure, we have (super cool) annual programs and (amazingly effective) committees and (fabulous) staff, but at its heart, LPC is made up of connections – between colleagues, between publishing programs, between people and ideas, and between professional communities. To celebrate that fact, we invite you to contribute to the LPC Yearbook! Will it have awkward, posed photos of every community member and ‘most likely to’ lists? Absolutely not. Will it serve as a space to reminisce, to recognize colleagues, and to say ‘I was there’? Yes! The Yearbook will be a low-key publication that anyone can contribute to by filling out this brief form. Submit as many entries as you like, just make sure they are in by the end of December.

You can also contribute pictures from LPC events! Just follow the prompts in the form.

Contribute to the Yearbook

Write a blog post

The LPC Blog isn’t just a news platform – it’s also a publication venue for some pretty great original writing on library publishing-related topics. You can browse the whole Reflections category to get an overview, or dive into themed series like Transitions or Intersections. This year we will launch a new series in honor of the 10th anniversary. In it, community members who have been involved in LPC or the field of library publishing throughout the last 10 years will reflect on what’s changed, what’s stayed the same, and where they think things are headed. Are you a veteran library publisher or longtime LPC community participant? Would you enjoy an opportunity to take a step back from the daily grind and think about the long view and the big picture? Email Melanie Schlosser (LPC Community Facilitator) to learn more about writing a guest post!

Want to stay in the loop?

We will announce additional 10th anniversary activities throughout the year, in addition to all the usual LPC- and Forum-related news; if you don’t want to keep checking the blog, you can head over to our home page and sign up for our public news list.

Join LPC!

And finally, if your library isn’t already a member of LPC, now is a great time to join! Learn more on our membership page.

Here’s to 10 more years!

June 26, 2023

The state of the field: An excerpt from the 2023 Library Publishing Directory


As much as we love the searchable online interface for the Library Publishing Directory, it doesn’t include the introduction found in the print, PDF, and EPUB versions. Each year, the Directory‘s introduction includes a ‘state of the field’ based on that year’s data that highlights trends and new developments in library publishing as reported by the programs that contribute their information. To make it easier to find, we are republishing that portion of the introduction here.


The yearly Library Publishing Directory provides insights into library publishing activities, allowing us to consider how the field has evolved, prevalent current practice, and possible future directions. While we discuss trends below – often in comparison to prior years – please note that the number and composition of the data set of Directory listings changes yearly, thus a strict comparison year to year is not possible. Further complicating any analysis of the data are changes to the survey itself. We do try to update the survey as changes in technology and publishing platforms emerge. The Directory Committee routinely evaluates the data model to ensure that it best reflects the library publishing field. Many of the survey questions remain the same year to year and new questions are periodically added.


As in previous years, the overwhelming majority of respondents are from academic libraries, with 92% reporting this institution type. This year, 73% of respondents reported that their program is established, a slight increase over last year’s 68%, while 23% report their program as early. Just over half of respondents (n = 80) report that their program was established before 2010; similar to the 2022 survey, 68% of respondents report that their programs have been in operation for at least a decade.

Open access remains a priority for most reporting library publishers, as 85% defined open access as central to their mission, with 58% of respondents reporting that all of their publications are open access and 31% reporting that most of their publications are open access.


February 20, 2023

LPC is raising our membership dues for the first time ever


This year, for the first time in our almost 10 years of existence, LPC is raising our membership dues. This blog post is a deep dive into the reasons for the raise, the process we went through to decide on it, and what, exactly, it will look like. If you just want a quick overview that you can share with your library administration or business office, don’t worry – we’re working on it! In the meantime, this post will hopefully answer many of your initial questions. We will also be hosting a membership meeting on March 2, 2023 at 12pm ET, followed by office hours where LPC Board members and staff will be available to answer any remaining questions. 


Water with the word reflections in all caps with a horizontal line above and below
November 1, 2022

What LPC accomplished under our first strategic plan


LPC’s current 5-year strategic plan (PDF) is winding down. Published in summer 2018, it was our young community’s first concrete statement of our strategic goals. From LPC’s seed-funded project period (2013-14) through our first two years as a full-fledged membership association (2015-2017), we relied for guidance on our original scoping materials and focused much of our energy on getting the community’s infrastructure and ongoing programs on solid footing. By 2017, it had become apparent that we were ready to think more strategically about the future and put in the work to make sure we were pulling in the same directions across the community. The strategic planning process we undertook was a traditional one, involving a SWOT Analysis, an environmental scan, and community consultation. The outcome was a traditional 5-year strategic plan consisting of three goals, with nested objectives and action items. 

As we head into a new planning process, I wanted to reflect on what we accomplished under our current plan from my perspective as the LPC Community Facilitator. This isn’t meant to be a comprehensive listing of accomplishments. Instead, this post will share a high-level view from the staff perspective of how LPC has evolved in each of our strategic areas, where we’ve made significant progress, and where I see untapped potential.
