LPC News

November 2, 2022

Apply for a 2023 Publishing Practice Award


The Library Publishing Coalition is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the third annual Publishing Practice Awards. These awards are designed to recognize and raise awareness of effective and sustainable library publishing practices.

The Publishing Practice Awards will highlight library publishing programs that implement concepts advanced in the LPC’s An Ethical Framework for Library Publishing and/or in the LPC’s Values statement. While a representative publication must be submitted, the focus of these awards is not on publication content but on the process of publishing the piece. This year, award categories are:

  • Accessibility
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Privacy
  • Innovation

An award will be available in each category, though all categories may not be awarded each year. Each publisher may submit only one application per year, in a single category. Publishers applying for an award do not need to be affiliated with an LPC member institution. 

Award recipients will be publicly recognized by the Library Publishing Coalition and will receive a digital seal that they may place on their website and on the representative publication. Awardees will also share their publication process with the wider library publishing community through a post on the LPC blog, adapted from the essay accompanying their application.

The deadline for application is January 16, 2023.

Learn more and apply

Water with the word reflections in all caps with a horizontal line above and below
November 1, 2022

What LPC accomplished under our first strategic plan


LPC’s current 5-year strategic plan (PDF) is winding down. Published in summer 2018, it was our young community’s first concrete statement of our strategic goals. From LPC’s seed-funded project period (2013-14) through our first two years as a full-fledged membership association (2015-2017), we relied for guidance on our original scoping materials and focused much of our energy on getting the community’s infrastructure and ongoing programs on solid footing. By 2017, it had become apparent that we were ready to think more strategically about the future and put in the work to make sure we were pulling in the same directions across the community. The strategic planning process we undertook was a traditional one, involving a SWOT Analysis, an environmental scan, and community consultation. The outcome was a traditional 5-year strategic plan consisting of three goals, with nested objectives and action items. 

As we head into a new planning process, I wanted to reflect on what we accomplished under our current plan from my perspective as the LPC Community Facilitator. This isn’t meant to be a comprehensive listing of accomplishments. Instead, this post will share a high-level view from the staff perspective of how LPC has evolved in each of our strategic areas, where we’ve made significant progress, and where I see untapped potential.


November 1, 2022

Library Publishing Coalition Releases 2021-2022 Annual Report


The Library Publishing Coalition is pleased to announce the release of its 2021-2022 Annual Report.

In addition to outlining the LPC’s finances, assets, and membership, the Annual Report highlights several programmatic milestones, including: 

  • Deliverables from the Library Publishing Workflows project
  • A landscape scan undertaken by the Preservation Task Force
  • The launch of a joint project between LPC, ARL, and AUP to build connections between university-based publishing communities.

These initiatives, and LPC’s continued sustainability, are the result of the work undertaken by LPC members, staff, our partners, and affiliate organizations. All of the people involved in this work offered their time, energy, and expertise to fulfill our vision of a scholarly publishing landscape that is open, inclusive, and sustainable. We’re delighted for the opportunity to celebrate their shared success. 


October 6, 2022

Announcing the Canadian Community Development Working Group!


The Library Publishing Coalition is pleased to announce the formation of a Canadian Community Development Working Group. Initiated by Canadian LPC members, this 6-month working group will engage Canadian scholarly communications stakeholders to explore  strategies for developing a stronger Canadian library publisher community. This new group provides an opportunity for Canadian library publishers to grow and develop according to their unique national context. 

The LPC provides support for the working group to build upon existing Canadian community engagement efforts and to consult broadly with practitioners and organizations across Canada.  The group’s priority is to develop recommendations for supporting and strengthening the community of Canadian library publishers, both from within and outside the LPC. 

Members include:

  • Sonya Betz, University of Alberta (Chair)
  • Emily Carlisle-Johnston, Western University
  • Jessica Lange, McGill University
  • Michael Nason, University of New Brunswick
  • Tanja Niemann, Érudit
  • Kate Shuttleworth, Simon Fraser University
  • Kevin Stranack, PKP

Stay tuned for more information as the work of this group progresses. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to contact@librarypublishing.org.


version française

Annonce du groupe de travail sur le développement de la communauté canadienne !

La Library Publishing Coalition a le plaisir d’annoncer la création d’un groupe de travail sur le développement de la communauté canadienne. Mis sur pied par des membres canadiens de la LPC, ce groupe de travail d’une durée de six mois incitera les intervenants canadiens du secteur des communications savantes à explorer des stratégies visant à renforcer la communauté canadienne des bibliothèques qui offrent des services d’édition. Ce nouveau groupe offre aux bibliothèques canadiennes éditrices la possibilité de croître et de se développer dans un contexte national unique.

La LPC offre son soutien au groupe de travail afin qu’il s’appuie sur les efforts d’engagement existants dans la communauté canadienne, et qu’il consulte largement les praticien.ne.s et les organisations à travers le Canada. La priorité du groupe est d’élaborer des recommandations pour soutenir et renforcer la communauté des bibliothèques éditrices canadiennes, tant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur de la LPC. 

Les membres sont les suivants :

  • Sonya Betz, University of Alberta (Présidente)
  • Emily Carlisle-Johnston, Western University
  • Jessica Lange, McGill University
  • Michael Nason, University of New Brunswick
  • Tanja Niemann, Érudit
  • Kate Shuttleworth, Simon Fraser University
  • Kevin Stranack, PKP

Restez à l’affût, puisque de plus amples informations seront transmises au fur et à mesure que le travail de ce groupe progresse. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous à contact@librarypublishing.org

October 5, 2022

A Demographic Assessment of the 2022 Library Publishing Forum


The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee of the Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) is excited to share with the wider LPC community a summary of responses to our 2022 Library Publishing Forum (LPF) Demographic Survey. This survey was based on the LPC Roadmap for Anti-Racist Practice (bit.ly/2022LPCRoadmap), which charged the DEI Committee to conduct a brief demographic assessment of the 2022 Forum. The survey was distributed to all Forum attendees and presenters to help the LPC create a baseline understanding of who attends the annual LPF. The goal of the survey was to create a demographic assessment of our annual forum to ensure we are building DEI into existing structures, registration forms, and list of speakers.

As a follow up to this work, we share the report-out details of this assessment. Please see the report and contact the DEI committee (inclusion@librarypublishing.org)  with any questions or concerns.

Thank you

DEI Committee

September 13, 2022

LPC welcomes a new member: York University


Please join us in welcoming York University as a new member of the Library Publishing Coalition. The voting rep for York University is Sarah Coysh.

About York University Libraries:

York University Libraries (YUL) supports York’s diverse community as they engage in purposeful research that advances knowledge and creates positive change. YUL is comprised of libraries located on York’s main campus in Toronto – including Steacie Science and Engineering Library and Bronfman Business Library – as well as branches on our bilingual Glendon campus, La Casita Azul on our eco-campus in Costa Rica, and soon our new Markham Campus.

YUL is recognized for rich historical and community-engaged archives and special collections, progressive services for accessibility, innovative technologies, and robust services in support of research and open scholarship. Through its three primary divisions – Digital Engagement and Strategy, Research and Open Scholarship, and Teaching and Learning – YUL provides campus leadership on open access, open education, open data, and other scholarly communication priorities. YUL is also home to the institutional repository YorkSpace, a platform that enables York community members to organize and preserve their research online and showcases the scholarship of the York community.

July 25, 2022

LPC welcomes a new member: Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library


Please join us in welcoming the Atlanta University Center (AUC) Robert W. Woodruff Library as a new member of the Library Publishing Coalition. The voting rep for AUC is Vanesa Evers.

About the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library:

Incorporated in 2004, the AUC Woodruff Library partners with the nation’s largest consortium of historically Black colleges and universities which includes Clark Atlanta University, the Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse College, and Spelman College to provide information management, instruction, and access to a variety of global information resources acquired and organized in support of teaching and learning, scholarship, and cultural preservation of the Atlanta University Center. The Library’s Archives Research Center is known for its extensive holdings of materials on the African American experience. In addition to the aesthetic benefits of this state-of-the-art learning facility, the Library has evolved into a model repository of information resources and is a front-runner in the innovative delivery of digital resources.

The AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library is the winner of the 2016 Excellence in Academic Libraries Award in the university category from the Association of Collegiate and Research Libraries (ACRL). Library CEO Loretta Parham was named the ACRL 2017 Academic/Research Librarian of the Year. These top honors recognize academic libraries and librarians for delivering exemplary services and resources in support of their institutional missions.  In May 2022, the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) announced the AUC Woodruff Library as its 127th member, the AUC Woodruff Library becoming the second HBCU to achieve the honor. For more information, visit www.auctr.edu.

July 14, 2022

Publishing Practice Awards Committee Update


For the 2021-2022 academic year, the Library Publishing Coalition’s Publishing Practice Awards Committee enjoyed reviewing a handful of very exciting applications for the categories of Accessibility; Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion; and Privacy. During the review process, the Committee was given the opportunity to clarify criteria and consider the challenges of offering this unique award, which seeks to highlight the often invisible process work involved in library publishing.

The Committee greatly appreciates the expertise of guest judge Prof. Jay Dolmage, of the University of Waterloo, who offered great insight into applications regarding the Accessibility category. With an extensive background in social justice and accessibility issues, Dr. Dolmage was an integral part of the Committee’s assessment process.

While no awards will be granted for the 2022 academic year, the Committee will be seeking award nominations for the 2023 academic year in a continued effort to draw attention to the exemplary work being done by library publishers.

July 2, 2022

LPC welcomes a new member: Rice University


Please join us in welcoming a new member of the LPC community: Rice University. Their voting rep is Shannon Kipphut-Smith.

About Rice University, Fondren Library:

As a campus crossroads, Fondren Library brings together faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, staff, alumni and the general public, offering welcoming spaces, excellent collections, and strong services in support of teaching, research and creative expression. Publishing services at Fondren Library align with the library’s efforts to deepen the impact and visibility of Rice research. Services and resources have been developed to support the creation of scholarly publications created by members of the Rice community. Library staff provide consultations on a wide range of scholarly publishing topics, facilitate the assignment of digital object identifiers (DOIs), and manage several digital publishing platforms.


June 30, 2022

Kudos to the 2021-2022 Directory Task Force!


The Kudos program recognizes impactful work done by community members on behalf of the Library Publishing Coalition community.

This Kudos recognizes members of the 2021-2022 Directory Task Force for their work to evaluate and revise the Directory Survey:

Many thanks to the members of the Directory Task Force (including Perry Collins, Karen Stoll Farrell, Nicholas Wojcik, Rachel Lee, Liz Scarpelli, and Emily Stenberg) for their work to evaluate and revise the directory survey. As a group they tackled several major components: streamlining and reducing workload for participants throughout (e.g., removing/adapting several questions that required counting or tracking down data); rethinking an approach that often artificially separated the work of university presses from that of library publishers; and incorporating a new, short section focused on identifying policies.

The revised survey is a thing of beauty!

This Kudos was submitted by Karen Bjork.