Forum Info

March 10, 2022

Panel: VW-245

Day/Time: Wednesday, May 18, 2:45pm – 3:45pm

Our first publishing project: Lessons learned about ourselves and our work


  • Donna Langille, Community Engagement and Open Education Librarian, University of British Columbia Okanagan
  • Amanda Brobbel, Senior Manager, Writing & Language Learning Services, University of British Columbia Okanagan


In summer 2021, while our campus was still fully remote, two library employees (one a writing center director, the other a community engagement and open education librarian) were asked to collaborate with a team of researchers (faculty, undergraduate, and graduate students), who were setting out to bring fresh life to an institutionally supported press. Building on the press’s previous focus on social justice, EDI, and community collaboration, the press sought new collaborations with community, the library, and the writing centre to centre Open Access and accessibility of multimodal materials.

Through this talk we would like to highlight some of our significant learning moments as partners in the iterative process of developing the press’s new Open Access directions/foundations. First, we would like to feature how the lead researcher established a working environment that centred care and support for the team. This process helped us, a librarian and writing centre director, feel included as partners on the editorial team rather than ancillary service providers.

A second lesson is largely a result of the first: both of us expanded our vision of our own work. The press, which is committed to supporting multiple modalities of knowledge creation and community engaged-research, caused us to consider aspects of our own intersected and supported non-traditional formats of scholarship including but not limited to podcasting, digital exhibits, ceremony, and graphic novels. As a result, taking the time to explore and collect information was integral to this project. The student editorial assistants, with support from the rest of the editorial team, were instrumental in writing environmental scans on many aspects of the project which informed the mission, values, and commitments of the press.

Finally, we experienced working on a project that centered social justice in its mission and values. From author agreements to open access licensing, the press centred Indigenous knowledges and consistently considered its relationality to the Indigenous peoples and their territory on which the press is situated.

Identifying Smaller Publishers with Values-Aligned Practices through Library Partnership Certification


  • Rachel Caldwell, Scholarly Communication Librarian, University of Tennessee
  • Robin N. Sinn, Director of Collections and Open Strategies, Iowa State University


Library presses and publishing programs have experts with skills and infrastructure to support discoverability and metadata creation that many smaller publishers lack. Many of these publishers, including both academic-owned publishers in low- and middle-income countries and many independent scholarly/learned society publishers, are at the same time concerned about visibility, transitioning to open access, and their future as an independent publishing organization. There is a definite need for technological expertise among smaller independent publishers. Library presses could reach out to such publishers and provide support with infrastructure, metadata, and other aspects of discoverability and preservation, but how can libraries and presses identify publishers with similar values who would be strong partners?

The Library Partnership (LP) certification is one approach; it updates and improves the former Publishers Acting as Partners with Public Institutions (PAPPI) evaluation system. LP certification includes a rubric that scores publishers’ practices in four areas: Access, Rights, Community, and Discoverability. Publishers earn credits or points for each practice that meets library values. Similar to LEED certification for architecture, LP certification determines how well a publisher’s practices align with professional values of librarianship. For library presses, LP certification scores can help identify strong potential publishing partners that need support with metadata, discoverability, preservation, and so on. Entering into such partnerships may help libraries meet goals related to supporting and maintaining a diverse publishing ecosystem and encouraging openness.

Presenters will introduce the LP certification rubric, discuss the scores earned by several publishers selected in a sample, and suggest potential next steps a library press might consider with each publisher in the sample. Presenters encourage and invite questions and ideas on the rubric criteria, the overall utility to library presses, the strengths and limitations of a scoring system, and the possibilities and challenges in actualizing such a certification.

Critique of “Transformative” Reasons


  • Brianne Selman, University of Winnipeg


This session will summarize some of the major categories of the critiques of “transformative” agreements. Perspectives that critique negotiation approaches, the continued bundling of costs into large agreements, market concentrations, decline in scholarly standards, analysis of whether OA goals are even being met by TAs, as well as major equity and diversity concerns will be summarized and discussed.

March 10, 2022

Full Session: Where are all the books? Why OA ebook authors don’t get the recognition they deserve and how we can fix the situation

Day/Time: Wednesday, May 18, 2:45pm – 3:45pm


  • Rebecca Bryant, Senior Program Officer, OCLC Research Library Partnership
  • Terri Geitgey, Program Manager, Lever Press
  • Jeff Edmunds, Digital Access Coordinator, Penn State University Libraries


Research information management (RIM) systems support the aggregation of an institutional bibliography to support use cases as diverse as expertise discovery, strategic reporting, and faculty activity reviews. RIM is a rapidly growing investment area in North American research institutions, as documented in a recent OCLC Research report,

RIM systems take advantage of metadata harvesting at scale from sources like Web of Science and Scopus to collect this institutional bibliography. However, while the ability to harvest and reuse publications metadata is good for STEM journal articles, it is poor for scholarly monographs, disproportionately impacting humanities content. In fact, metadata about scholarly monographs and their chapters rarely makes it through the academic publishing supply chain to populate the RIM profiles of their creators, even at the same institution!

This presentation will examine the leaky pipeline from publisher to numerous other systems, and ultimately to readers, where metadata is lost, garbled, and sometimes added to in unpredictable and nonstandard ways. Using examples from library-based OA book publishers, the presenters will document the problems with the publishing supply chain. They will trace this from metadata creation in a title management system, to the assignment (or not!) of persistent identifiers, on to its distribution to vendors via ONIX, then on to its collection (or not!) in integrated library systems, publication indexes, and RIM systems.

We will also discuss the imperative for persistent identifiers in scholarly publishing, both for disambiguation and machine readability. We will also engage participants in reflection about the metadata journey within their own publishing operations and seek to collectively discuss solutions that will better serve libraries, universities, and, most importantly, scholars.

March 10, 2022

Full Session: Assessing Library Publishing Programs

Day/Time: Wednesday, May 18,  1:30pm – 2:30pm


  • Johanna Meetz, The Ohio State University
  • Ellen Dubinsky, University of Arizona


Assessment of library publishing programs can take many forms. It can be formal or informal, internally motivated or externally requested. In our presentation we share our experience with two different approaches to the assessment of library publishing programs at Ohio State University and the University of Arizona.

At Ohio State University, our assessment was internally motivated. In 2020, the department was fully staffed for the first time in many years, so it was a good time to gather information and reflect on our current practices in order to move forward in an informed and purposeful way. We talked with some of our journal editors, with our internal collaborators (IT department, subject librarians, and copyright services department), and internally among the staff of our department. This assessment enforced the importance of communication, highlighted the services stakeholders value the most, and allowed us to rethink our workflows to create more standardized and sustainable practices. It also resulted in additional collaboration and created new connections across the Libraries.

Library publishing at the University of Arizona had grown haphazardly over the years since the service began in 1994. The 2019 assessment was driven by an immediate need to identify alternative hosting options to replace a locally hosted, though out-of-date, version of OJS. However, as the service had never been formally evaluated, we took the opportunity to look at the history and scope of the service, with the intention to identify a sustainable service plan. The evaluation process resulted in a major restructuring of the service, migration of content to two hosting platforms, alignment of the publishing service goals with those of the Libraries, and an articulated plan of action to remedy gaps in best practices for library publishing.

March 10, 2022

Full Session: Inclusive Approaches to Open Access monograph funding: beyond the book processing charge

Day/Time: Wednesday, May 18,  1:30pm – 2:30pm


  • Professor Martin Paul Eve, COPIM Opening the Future lead, & Birkbeck (University of London)
  • Dr Judith Fathallah, COPIM Open Book Collective, & Lancaster University
  • Rupert Gatti, Open Book Publishers
  • Lidia Uziel, COPIM & Associate University Librarian for Research Resources and Scholarly Communication, UC Santa Barbara


This session explores alternative funding models for Open Access books that seek to maximise diversity and inclusion, by moving beyond the standard BPC-based approaches. Book Processing Charges favour wealthier institutions and academics and those whose research funding is already secure. This defeats the goal of Open Access to maximise access and contribution to academic research, and it stultifies academic fields. Alternative approaches are needed to broaden the ability of scholars from less privileged institutions to access research, and to publish books Open Access.

This session will showcase the COPIM Project’s work in making these alternative approaches a reality. Speakers will present on three strands of our work, beginning with an overview of the Open Book Collective (OBC) – a non-profit, community-governed platform and organisation that will facilitate the exchange of information and funding between OA book publishers, infrastructure providers, and libraries. The OBC embodies the benefits and values of collaboration over competition in OA publishing.

We’ll also highlight Thoth, an open metadata management and dissemination system tailored to tackle the problems of getting Open Access works into the (closed) book supply chain and library catalogues.

Finally, we’ll discuss our innovative funding model Opening the Future as an example of how mutually supportive collaborations between publishers and libraries can unlock OA for books to the benefit of all.

The presentations will be followed by audience discussion of the different funding models that libraries and library publishers have explored, collective or otherwise, including benefits and drawbacks. As more schemes and partnerships emerge, libraries will increasingly need to be able to navigate and assess OA options more simply, and with policy changes on the horizon, publishers will need to explore their OA choices. Our session promises to tease out these important discussions from all stakeholders in the library and publishing communities.

October 4, 2021

Registration, Travel & Venue Information 2022


There are separate rates and registrations for each of the two 2022 Forum events. Please check back; registration will be opening soon.

Registration rates for the 2022 virtual preconference on May 18 and 19

You decide! There is no set fee for the virtual preconference; it’s a pay-what-you-can registration.
Register for the virtual preconference

Registration rates for the 2022 in-person Forum in Pittsburgh on May 25 and 26

    • Standard: US$300
    • LPC member (limit two per member institution): US$200
    • Students (limited quantity available): US $50
    • Low- and middle-income countries (limited quantity available): US$50

Register for the in-person Forum

Presenters should register as soon as possible; we recommend by March 31 to ensure a spot. General registration is open through May 2 or whenever our maximum capacity is met.

Meals: Registration includes breakfast, lunch, and morning and afternoon coffee/snack breaks on May 25 and 26, as well as an evening reception (heavy hors d’oeuvres) on May 25.

Cancellation and Refund Policies

  • Registrations canceled more than 60 days before the event will be refunded 80% of the registration fees.
  • Registrations canceled less than 60 but more than 30 days before the event will be refunded 50% of the registration fees.
  • Registrations canceled less than 30 days before the event will not be eligible for a refund.
  • No-shows will not be refunded conference fees.


The in-person Forum will be held at the William Pitt Union, 3959 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh PA. (See Google map.)

COVID-19 and the Library Publishing Forum in Pittsburgh

(Section updated April 20, 2022)

Attending a large gathering or event increases your chance of being in close contact with people outside your household and being exposed to COVID-19. To make our in-person Library Publishing Forum as safe and welcoming as possible for all members of our community, we are instituting some additional health guidelines. All attendees must adhere to the guidelines outlined below while attending the Forum, along with any relevant University of Pittsburgh, City of Pittsburgh and national health guidance in effect at the time. Violations of the health guidelines will be addressed as a violation of the LPC Code of Conduct. Note: Local and national guidelines are likely to change, please revisit sites for the most up-to-date information.

For this year’s in-person Forum, the Library Publishing Coalition is requiring all attendees to wear masks when indoors at all Forum events and venues. Attendees can remove masks when eating and drinking and when presenting at the Forum. A small supply of N95 masks will be available at the Forum registration table each day for those who do not have their own masks. We strongly encourage all attendees who are eligible and able to be fully vaccinated and boosted. We also encourage attendees to test before and after the Forum. Attendees should contact Forum organizers at if they test positive during or after the Forum. In the event that an attendee tests positive, notifications will be sent to all registered attendees of possible exposure.

Our venue, the William Pitt Union at the University of Pittsburgh, is currently closed to the public. LPF attendees and speakers will be registered as guests, and will be required to present a photo ID each time they enter the venue. All guests must agree to follow the health rules that the University has in place at the time of the Forum and confirm that they are not experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. 

Not all forum spaces make physical distancing possible. Attendees are welcome to make adjustments as able. Please respect attendees who choose not to engage in close proximity.

Information about domestic and international travel requirements can be found on the CDC’s COVID-19 Travel pages. Information about COVID-19 in Pennsylvania can be found on the Responding to COVID-19 in Pennsylvania guide from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Please do NOT attend the event if you have recently tested positive or experienced symptoms of COVID-19.


The Forum has room blocks reserved at the following Pittsburgh hotels:

    • Hilton Garden Inn, Pittsburgh University Place – $149 per night

Reserve a room at the Hilton

    • Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center – $149 per night

Reserve a room at the Wyndham


Pittsburgh International Airport – PIT
Pittsburgh is served by the Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT), 17 miles from downtown Pittsburgh and 20 miles from Oakland. 

Public Transportation
Pittsburgh’s Port Authority provides public transit including buses, light rail, and funicular (called “inclines” in Pittsburgh). 

The 28X bus connects the airport to both the downtown and Oakland areas. Customers paying cash will be charged $2.75 at the farebox on the bus. ConnectCards can be purchased in Baggage Claim, next to Door 6, where the 28X bus picks up passengers to Downtown Pittsburgh, and can be loaded with funds to cover a round trip.

Many people would not recommend driving in Pittsburgh, but if you choose to do it, we are home to a Google office so our Google Map directions are excellent. Pittsburgh is connected to the world by major interstates nearby, including I-79, I-80, and the Pennsylvania turnpike. Parking is not exactly abundant in Pittsburgh, so we usually recommend that those driving in to the conference find a spot and then walk or use transit to navigate the city.

Walking, Cycling
If you’re not used to hills, make sure to get in some extra conditioning before you come to Pittsburgh. We are actually serious! Pittsburgh is a very walkable city, especially in downtown and Oakland. In terms of cycling, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto is sometimes called “Mayor Bike Lane” for his campaigns to create bike infrastructure in the city. HealthyRidePGH provides our bikeshare service with stations all over downtown and Oakland. 


All University spaces, hotels, and historical sites/museums are required to be ADA compliant and accessible. 

The University of Pittsburgh embraces the “different-abilities” of it’s students, faculty and staff. The University of Pittsburgh is having an ongoing discussion about improvements to accessibility beyond ADA compliance. Gender neutral bathrooms have already been added to most campus buildings, including our libraries and the William Pitt Union, and lactation rooms are available across the campus. A full list of resources available for members of different populations is available from the University’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Carnegie Mellon University welcomes guests, visitors and alumni with disabilities to participate and attend campus programs and events, and welcomes the opportunity to accommodate requests for support. A list of services one can request through the Office of Disability Resources can be found by contacting the CMU Office for Disability Resources

The City of Pittsburgh and surrounding areas have several accessibility resources available and the city-wide ADA coordinator is available for inquiries. The ACCESS Paratransit service provides transportation, including from the airport. For an extensive list of resources available in the city, we recommend the Pittsburgh Accessibility Guide from Visit Pittsburgh.

Local Information

Our local hosts have put together some information that may be of interest to Forum attendees. Check back later for additions to this content!
View the local information doc

October 4, 2021

Program and Call for Proposals 2022

The Call for Proposals is closed. Below are tentative schedules for the virtual Forum event on May 18 and 19 and the in-person Forum in Pittsburgh on May 25 and 26.

Virtual Preconference, Online, May 18

12:00pm – 12:15pm | Welcome and Opening Remarks

12:15pm – 1:15pm | Keynote address by Janne Pölönen, Secretary General, Publication Forum, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies [video]

1:15pm – 1:30pm | Break

1:30pm – 2:30pm | Concurrent Sessions

Inclusive Approaches to Open Access monograph funding: beyond the book processing charge [video]
Professor Martin Paul Eve, COPIM Opening the Future lead, & Birkbeck (University of London); Dr Judith Fathallah, COPIM Open Book Collective, & Lancaster University; Rupert Gatti, Open Book Publishers; Lidia Uziel, COPIM & Associate University Librarian for Research Resources and Scholarly Communication, UC Santa Barbara

Assessing Library Publishing Programs
Johanna Meetz, The Ohio State University; Ellen Dubinsky, University of Arizona

2:30pm – 2:45pm | Break

2:45pm – 3:45pm | Concurrent Sessions

Where are all the books? Why OA ebook authors don’t get the recognition they deserve and how we can fix the situation [video] [slides]
Rebecca Bryant, Senior Program Officer, OCLC Research Library Partnership; Terri Geitgey, Program Manager, Lever Press; Jeff Edmunds, Digital Access Coordinator, Penn State University Libraries

Our first publishing project: Lessons learned about ourselves and our work [video]
Donna Langille, Community Engagement and Open Education Librarian, University of British Columbia Okanagan; Amanda Brobbel, Senior Manager, Writing & Language Learning Services, University of British Columbia Okanagan

Identifying Smaller Publishers with Values-Aligned Practices through Library Partnership Certification [video]
Rachel Caldwell, Scholarly Communication Librarian, University of Tennessee; Robin N. Sinn, Director of Collections and Open Strategies, Iowa State University

Critique of “Transformative” Reasons [video]
Brianne Selman, University of Winnipeg

3:45pm – 4:00pm | Break

4:00pm – 5:00pm | Concurrent Sessions

NGLP: Pilot implementations have launched! [video]
Kate Herman, NGLP; Dave Pcolar, NGLP; Andy Byers, Janeway; Catherine Mitchell, CDL; Clay Farr, Longleaf Services

Houghton St Press: Student-led publishing at the London School of Economics [video]
Lucy Lambe, Scholarly Communications Officer, LSE Library, London School of Economics and Political Science

Leveraging the flexibility of library publishing to deliver an accessible, media-rich ultrasound field guide to the world [video]
Michael Schick DO, UC Davis Health; Rebecca Stein-Wexler MD, UC Davis Health; Yamilé Blain, University of Miami Health System; Justin Gonder California Digital Library

Can THAT have an ISSN? A guide to the wide range of resources covered by ISSN [video]
Regina Romano Reynolds, director of the U.S. ISSN Center, Library of Congress

Virtual Preconference, Online, May 19

12:00pm – 1:00pm | Keynote address by Dr. Jane Anderson, NYU, co-director, Local Contexts [video]

1:00pm – 1:15pm | Break

1:15pm – 2:15pm | Concurrent Sessions

Openness is not enough: Dismantling structural inequities on our quest for public knowledge
Kate Shuttleworth, Public Knowledge Project and Simon Fraser University; Amanda Stevens, Public Knowledge Project; Patricia Mangahis, Public Knowledge Project

Out in the Open: Launching a Diamond Open Access Book Hosting Service [video]
Rebecca Wojturska, University of Edinburgh

Swift: A Case Study in Publishing Fiction [video]
Maria Aghazarian, Scholarly Communications Librarian, Swarthmore College (she/her); Braulio Muñoz, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Swarthmore College (he/him)

Book Publishing by University Libraries in Brazil [video] [slides]
Lucas dos Santos Souza da Silva, Bachelor’s degree on Library Science, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO); Dayanne da Silva Prudencio. Professor of the Library Science Department, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro

2:15pm – 2:30pm | Break

2:30pm – 3:30pm | Concurrent Sessions

Inclusion and Representation in the Scholarly Ecosystem
Caitlin Tyler-Richards, Michigan State; Lea Johnston, Editorial, Getty Research Institute (GRI) Publications; Elizabeth Scarpelli, University of Cincinnati Press (Moderator)

The BCcampus Open Publishing Suite: Guides for Your Open Publishing Initiative [video]
Arianna Cheveldave, BCcampus; Kaitlyn Zheng, BCcampus

Introducing Lantern: A Multiformat OER Publishing Toolkit [video]
Chris Diaz, Digital Publishing Librarian, Northwestern University; Lauren McKeen McDonald, Open Education Librarian, Northwestern University

Lightning Talks

  • Can a Monthly Newsletter Increase Journal Publishing Best Practices? [video] | Kate Cawthorn, Digital Projects Librarian, University of Calgary Libraries and Cultural Resources
  • Success, Failures, and the In-Between: Reflecting on a medical-student operated open access journal as it passes its third year in operation  [video] | Benjamin Saracco, Research and Digital Services Faculty Librarian, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University; Amanda Adams MLS, Reference & Instruction Faculty Librarian, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University
  • Synchronizing the Asynchronous: Working through the Library Publishing Workshop as a Cohort [video] [slides] | Jill Cirasella, The Graduate Center, City University of New York; Gail Steinhart, Cornell University
  • Inclusive Language in NIST Technical Series Publications [video] [slides] | Kathryn Miller, National Institute of Standards and Technology

3:30pm – 3:45pm | Break

3:45pm – 4:45pm | Concurrent Sessions

A library publisher, library consortium and library journal walk into a bar: A case study of adopting collaborative funding infrastructure to support library publishing [video]
Curtis Brundy, Iowa State University; Harrison W. Inefuku, Iowa State University; Sharla Lair, LYRASIS

The scoop on XML article-level metadata and why it’s critical to equitable research dissemination [video]
Alice Meadows, Director of Community Engagement at NISO; Brian Cody, Co-Founder and CEO of Scholastica

4:45pm – 5:00pm | Closing Remarks

In-person Library Publishing Forum, Pittsburgh, May 25

7:30am – 5:00pm | Registration 

7:30am – 8:30am | Breakfast [Ballroom]

8:30am – 9:00am | Welcome and Opening Remarks [Ballroom]

9:00am – 10:00am | Keynote address by Christen Smith, Associate Professor of African and African Diaspora Studies and Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin [Ballroom] [video] [slides]

10:00am – 10:30am | Break

10:30am – 11:30am | Concurrent Sessions

Let’s Talk! Building Library Support for Scholarly Societies Publications
Emma Molls, University of Minnesota; Lauren Collister, University of Pittsburgh; Harrison W. Inefuku, Iowa State University

PANEL [Dining Room A]
Let’s talk about academic labour: Changes in the academy and independent scholarly publishing
Jessica Lange, McGill University; Sarah Severson, University of Alberta

Should library publishers offer plagiarism screening? A pilot project at York University Libraries
Tomasz Mrozewski, Digital Publishing Librarian, York University

11:30am – 11:45am | Break

11:45am – 12:45pm | Concurrent Sessions

Strategic Career Management [slides and other materials]
John W. Warren, Director and Associate Professor MPS in Publishing, George Washington University; Additional speakers TBD

FULL SESSION [Dining Room A]
Multimodal Monographs: Content, Collaboration, Community [video] [slides]
Allison Levy, Digital Scholarship Editor, Brown University; Sarah McKee, Senior Associate Director for Publishing, Emory University

12:45pm – 1:45pm | Lunch [Ballroom]

1:45pm – 2:30pm | Tours/Unscheduled networking time

2:30pm – 3:30pm | Concurrent Sessions (part 1)

WORKSHOP 1: A Focus Group on In-Progress Revisions to the Library Publishing Curriculum [Ballroom]
Cheryl E. Ball, moderator. Other Curriculum Board members TBA

WORKSHOP 2: Getting Started with Library Publishing Workflow Documentation [Dining Room A]
Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute; Brandon Locke, Educopia Institute

WORKSHOP 3: Your Input Needed – An Interactive Session to Improve Usability and Findability of OJS Documentation [Dining Room B]
Mariya Maistrovskaya, Digital Publishing Librarian, University of Toronto Libraries; Amanda Stevens, Associate Director of Publishing Services and Support, Public Knowledge Project

3:30pm – 4:00pm | Break

4:00pm – 5:00pm | Concurrent Sessions (part 2)

WORKSHOP 1 (continued): A Focus Group on In-Progress Revisions to the Library Publishing Curriculum 

WORKSHOP 2 (continued): Getting Started with Library Publishing Workflow Documentation 

WORKSHOP 3 (continued): Your Input Needed – An Interactive Session to Improve Usability and Findability of OJS Documentation 

6:00pm – 7:30pm | Reception [William Pitt Union Lower Lounge]

In-person Library Publishing Forum, Pittsburgh, May 26

7:30am – 5:00pm | Registration 

7:30am – 8:30am | Breakfast [Ballroom]

8:30am – 8:45am | Welcome and Opening Remarks [Ballroom]

8:45am – 9:45am | Labor Panel | Marcia Rapchak, University of Pittsburgh; Chloe Mills, Robert Morris University; Rachel Masilamani, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh; Lauren B. Collister, University of Pittsburgh (moderator) [Ballroom]

9:45am – 10:15am | Break

10:15am – 11:15am | Concurrent Sessions

PANEL [Ballroom]
What it takes: Successful Open Publishing Programs [video] [slides]
Amy Song, Pressbooks

Conversations with OER Creators: Advice for Accessibility [video] [slides]
Elena Azadbakht, Health Sciences Librarian, University of Nevada Reno; Teresa Schultz, Social Sciences Librarian, University of Nevada, Reno

FULL SESSION [Dining Room A]
Discussion of University-based Publishing Infrastructure Virtual Convening
Ally Laird, Penn State University

11:15am – 11:30am | Break

11:30am – 12:30pm | Concurrent Sessions

Maturing Our Program: Criteria for Selection, Content Advisories, and Celebrating Great Work [slides]
Laurie Taylor, University of Florida; Perry Collins, University of Florida; Chelsea Johnston, University of Florida; Tracy MacKay-Ratliff, University of Florida

FULL SESSION [Dining Room A]
Stepping Onto the Platform: Reflections on Michigan Publishing’s Switch to Janeway for OA Journal Publishing
Andy Byers, Senior Publishing Technologies Developer, Birkbeck, University of London/Open Library of Humanities; Jason Colman, Director, Michigan Publishing Services, University of Michigan Library; Mauro Sanchez, Senior Publishing Technologies Developer, Birkbeck, University of London/Open Library of Humanities; Lauren Stachew, Senior Digital Publishing Coordinator, Michigan Publishing Services, University of Michigan Library

12:30pm – 1:30pm | Lunch/LPC Members Meet-up [Ballroom]

1:30pm – 2:15pm | Birds of a Feather/Table Topics TBD [Ballroom]

2:15pm – 2:30pm | Break

2:30pm – 3:30pm | Concurrent Sessions

PANEL [Ballroom]
Student Journal Forum: From a local event to a Canada-wide movement [video] [slides]
Mariya Maistrovskaya, University of Toronto Libraries; Sarah Severson, University of Alberta Library

Using Open Access Publishing to Promote Undergraduate Research [video] [slides]
Brett Say, Director of Honor Research Programs, University of Pittsburgh Honors College; Angel Zheng, Undergraduate Student, University of Pittsburgh Honors College; Corey Schultz, Undergraduate Student, University of Pittsburgh Honors College; Samantha Kirschman, Undergraduate Student, University of Pittsburgh Honors College

PANEL [Dining Room A]
Making Open Access Books Work: A Library-Press Partnership Perspective [video] [slides]
Emma Vecellio, Library Relations Manager, Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

The Challenge of Disseminating Metadata on Library Published, Open-Access Books  [video][slides]
Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei, co-director, punctum books; COPIM (Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs)

3:30pm – 4:00pm | Break

4:00pm – 5:00pm

NGLP: Building in the Open, Building Together
Katherine Skinner, NGLP; Dave Pcolar, NGLP; Kate Herman, NGLP

5:00pm – 5:15pm | Closing Remarks [Ballroom]

March 11, 2020

Full Session: Making Digital Monographs: Rethinking Relationships and Collaborative Models

Day: Wednesday, May 6, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Room: TBD

Presenters: Allison Levy, Brown University; Sarah McKee, Emory University; Sara Sikes, University of Connecticut

Description: Over the past decade, the scholarly community has created a remarkable, and often overwhelming, array of digital tools, publishing platforms, and models for open access funding and distribution. Humanities and social sciences scholars are increasingly eager to take advantage of these developments to explore new digital expressions, and potentially new audiences, for their monographs. But the production of digital monographs presents a unique challenge, as workflows, peer review standards, and even basic vocabulary are just beginning to evolve. Moreover, authors often require new kinds of support from their home institutions, particularly through libraries and digital scholarship centers, to realize their project visions. This session brings together authors and digital scholarship professionals to share their stories of collaboration in publishing digital monographs of all stripes—from enhanced open access editions of conventional print books to born-digital interactive scholarly works. How did these works come into being? Why were the authors committed to digital publication? What support did their home institutions provide? When and how did publishers enter the picture? What challenges emerged during the editorial and production processes, and how were they resolved? How can we encourage a shared vocabulary for these digital publications among the wider scholarly communications community? The session focuses less on demonstrating the case studies themselves and more on the ways in which various stakeholders collaborated to fully realize the project/author’s vision. Audience members will be invited to share their own stories, including challenges and questions arising with their own digital publications or works in progress.

LPC Forum 2020
March 10, 2020

Panel: The Learning Curve: Scholarly Communication and Student Journals

Day: Tuesday, May 5, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Room: TBD

Leveraging Library Expertise for Student Journal Success: A project to increase the impact and value of UBC undergraduate student journals

Presenters: Stephanie Savage, University of British Columbia; Gavin Hayes, University of British Columbia

Description: At the University of British Columbia undergraduate research is a growing area of interest both for students and the institution. While UBC is actively supporting increased opportunities for undergraduate research, this interest has yet to extend to student publications. Despite the value of undergraduate journals and the central role they can play in the research process, there is little formalized support available to them and most rely on varying levels of financial and mentoring support from their affiliated departments. This presentation will outline a small grant-funded project to provide services and support for undergraduate student journals on campus as one initiative to engage undergraduates in the research process.

To begin we will summarize the four main objectives that we entered into the project with:

  1. To conduct an environmental scan of the student journal landscape
  2. To manage and grow a community of practice for student journal editorial staff
  3. To provide targeted professional development opportunities for student journal staff
  4. To encourage journals to adopt practices and policies that will enhance sustainability in the face of high turnover rates among journal staff

We will then outline how we operationalized each of these objectives throughout the course of the project. Specifically, we will speak to the identification and outreach strategies we employed when contacting journals and will share the results of the data we collected, including the results of a survey we distributed to student journal editors asking them to share their workflows and potential areas for professional development opportunities. Additionally we will point participants to the resources we have created for the student journals and our plans to facilitate better communication and knowledge sharing among them.

We will also speak to some of the challenges of doing this work, including the difficulty of engaging students, who are often busy and hard to schedule in-person events with, and the impact of high turnover on a sustained outreach campaign.

LPC Forum 2020
March 10, 2020

Full Session: Ask the Editors: Expanded Uses for Faculty Needs Assessments

Day: Tuesday, May 5, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Room: TBD

Presenters: Matthew Hunter, Florida State University; Laura Miller, Florida State University; Camille Thomas, Florida State University; Devin Soper, Florida State University

Description: The first portion of this presentation will share initial findings from a survey of faculty members engaged in editorial tasks (n = 44), conducted at the Florida State University Libraries in the Spring semester of 2018, and discuss how FSU Libraries utilized the survey to accomplish growth in our own library services. The research questions we sought to answer included the perceived values of commercial publishing services and publishing platform functionality as well as faculty perceptions of library-based open access publishing initiatives. In addition to providing data that informed the development of our services, the survey also served as a valuable marketing device to promote existing services and begin building relationships with supportive faculty members.

This presentation will describe the survey itself, including the research design, methodology, and results, and will also report on the initiatives that followed the survey. For example, our team used the results to inform the development of a library publishing strategic plan, a series of forums for faculty editors, and a number of publishing projects, including two open textbooks and two new journal publications. In order to make the session as engaging as possible for attendees, an interactive component will be provided to help participants get started on their own research design, including identification of key research questions and methodological considerations. They will also create a strategy to use the survey as a marketing tool at their own institution.

LPC Forum 2020
March 10, 2020

Full Session: The Brave New World of Open Text Adaptation: Scholarly Issues and Beyond

Day: Tuesday, May 5, 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM
Room: TBD

Presenters: Anita Walz, Virginia Tech; Mark Konecny, University of Cincinnati

Description: As more open texts become available, educators have become more interested in modifying and enhancing existing works. Modifications are often aimed at creating specific classroom experiences and enhancing student participation. Modifications can also capture critical reflections in context of scholarly discourse. As institutions begin to support adaptation of open texts, a number of challenges arise: authors concerned for originality of their contributions often choose CC BY-NC-ND, which precludes future adaptation. And some formerly open publishers have requested removal of publisher and author identifiers from CC-licensed works, causing difficulties in attribution and citation.

How do we begin to address open license concerns and retain the advantages of text adaptation and reuse? How do we evaluate a work’s authority and contribution without knowing who wrote which text? What issues does this raise for promotion and tenure? Do we need to implement new ways for open, adapted texts to be evaluated and cited?

And, as a result, the following concerns for operations arise. Can we flag authorial contributions in the metadata? Are there platforms or technologies which could make iterative texts comparable and referential? In this presentation, we will address five specific areas of concern that we, as a community, should engage:

  1. Are adapted works problematic? A discussion of authority, reliability, and the classroom.
  2. Peer review and reliability in an iterative work. Can open peer review add authority to the adapted work?
  3. Evaluating an author’s contribution to a work for promotion and tenure. How can we make individual contributions more transparent?
  4. Metadata, file types, and online platforms. Creation of community standards (or a standard) to allow faculty to feel more secure in adapting, remix, and reuse.
  5. Funding adapted works to ensure currency and continued use? How to use peer review and post production review to support contributions.