March 19, 2021
Panel Mo1b
Day/Time: Monday, May 10, 1:15 PM to 2:15 PM
Growing Knowledge in Living Handbooks: The Open-Access Platform PUBLISSO
- Gregor Schumann, ZB MED – German National Library of Medicine
- Uta Woiwod, ZB MED – German National Library of Medicine
This presentation introduces the audience to the “Living Handbook” project, an open-access publishing format for academic research in medical science/life sciences. Operated by ZB MED (German National Library of Medicine), Germany’s prominent library for life sciences, the project was designed to provide evolving science with international visibility and a sustainable ‘home‘ within the world of open access: The Handbooks’ architecture allows their content to grow alongside the achievements of the scientific fields they cover – chapters can be continuously added, scratched or updated without much ado.
Thus, our way of open-access publishing enables a fast-track, professional, and long-term exchange of scientific knowledge. By providing individual PIDs and ensuring citability by an accessible version history, it functions as a living host that combines common values and standards for scientific publishing: Quality-management workflows were established on both sides of the publishing process, high-quality academic research is guaranteed by peer reviewing and accompanied by editorial quality assurance. Scientists from all over the world are invited to connect their knowledge to the Handbooks‘ contents, which can be accessed by Internet users without any paywall and at any chosen time.
Based on the Content Management System Drupal, the Living Handbook project was built into the online publication platform PUBLISSO, also hosting ZB MED’s very own repository. The platform has already been in use for more than four years and is subject to continuous development. Genuinely developed as an open-source application, other libraries or institutions are welcome to use the system for their own publishing ideas and even develop it according to their specific needs.
Developing a Press Approach to Omeka S with the Teams Module
- Alexander Dryden, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Daniel G. Tracy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This presentation explores user experience challenges faced by authors and library publishers when using Omeka S as a platform to publish digital exhibits curated by scholars, and a solution developed locally and available for reuse: the Omeka S Teams module. Omeka S offers a major advance over Omeka Classic in its ability to host multiple sites, making it possible to publish multiple scholar-created exhibits without maintaining multiple servers and installs. The Illinois Open Publishing Network at the University of Illinois Library began using Omeka S as part of a suite of platforms for long-form publications by authors, in this case for curated exhibits with analytical essays attached. However, a key challenge quickly became apparent: Omeka S assumes that the different sites will still maintain a shared pool of media assets, meaning all authors experience the assets of other authors as back-end “clutter” obstructing their work. Even more seriously it creates circumstances where one author may edit or even delete another author’s assets.
The Teams module addresses these concerns by introducing a new class of object into Omeka S, the Team, through which users, resources, and sites are linked. Various components of Omeka S then filter results based on a shared Team, eliminating clutter and reducing the chances of mistakes. Additionally, to address security concerns and provide greater flexibility, a supplemental access control setting allows administrators restrict user permissions on a Team-by-Team basis. This presentation will discuss the UX and operational challenges researchers and publishing staff face when using Omeka S as a long-form publishing platform, and describe how the Teams module can address those concerns.
State-of-the-art, non-commercial library publishing at TIB
- Xenia van Edig, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
- Dulip Withanage, Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
With TIB Open Publishing, the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology – is about to launch a new open-access service on which scientific journals and conference publications can be published. In doing so, it is underlining its orientation towards open science and adding a significant new pillar to its activities to support the transition to open access. As a research partner, TIB is committed to professional, optimally accessible, and widely visible publications. The service is aimed at editors of scientific journals and conference publications who want a library-supported, non-commercial, but at the same time sophisticated, sustainable, and completely open access publication option. Our service is aimed at existing conference publications and journals as well as at new launches and it is open to all scientific disciplines. The scientists who act as editors and reviewers of the individual publications are responsible for the quality assurance of the content of the published articles. On the part of TIB Open Publishing, however, we ensure that formal quality standards are met by the hosted publications. There must be compatibility with the funding criteria („Plan S“) of the research funding agencies that are members of the cOAlition S. Our quality standards are therefore based on the technical implementation guidelines of Plan S, but also on the DOAJ Seal, the OASPA membership criteria, and the COPE guidelines. Our technical services encompass the hosting of journals and conference publications and the distribution of metadata and content to indexing, archiving, and registration systems. We offer a continuously enhanced XML-based publication workflow and engage especially with the OJS developer community in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. We also develop OJS plugins for community use.