LPForum 2020

The Library Publishing Forum is an annual conference bringing together representatives from libraries engaged in (or considering) publishing initiatives to define and address major questions and challenges; to identify and document collaborative opportunities; and to strengthen and promote this community of practice.

For the first time in 2020, we will hold the Forum virtually. We are excited to be able to share Forum programming with the library publishing community at a time when travel and large gatherings are impossible, while extending our ongoing thanks to the University of Massachusetts Medical School for their work as the host of our planned in-person conference.

May 4-8 | noon to 5 PM Eastern Time

Program and Registration

All sessions will be held via Zoom and hosted by the Library Publishing Coalition. We will use Sched.com to organize the program, to allow attendees to sign up and register for sessions, and to communicate with attendees and others during the virtual event. Registration is free and open to all, although workshops and experimental sessions will have a limited number of participants.

Registration through Eventbrite is required to obtain access to the Forum’s Sched.com site. You will be prompted to set up a Sched account upon completing registration in Eventbrite. Full information about the program and links to sessions will be available only through your Sched account.

For session abstracts, check the 2020 Forum on Sched. Videos, slides, and other materials from many sessions will be made available below.

Note also that when we changed the 2020 Library Publishing Forum to a virtual conference format, we gave presenters the option of converting their presentations into blog posts. Read posts in that series.

Schedule at a Glance

Monday, May 4

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM | Keynote address
OASPA and open access: Guiding a diverse community to a shared end goal [video] [slides]
Claire Redhead, OASPA

1:15 PM to 2: 15 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | Next Generation Library Publishing Infrastructure
Catherine Mitchell, Katherine Skinner, Kristen Rattan

PANEL: Discovering Best Practices Through Research and Assessment
Documenting labour in Canadian, independent scholarly journal publishing: Phase 1 results and discussion [video]
Sarah Severson, Jessica Lange

How are we doing? Annual survey of University of Florida journal publishing program serves to educate and assess DEI practices [video & slides]
Suzanne Stapleton, Chelsea Johnston

What is the Future of APCs? The Case at Dartmouth [video]
Shawn Martin

2:45 PM to 3:45 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | Creative Staffing Solutions for Library Publishing: Layout, Graphic Design, Copyediting, Project Management, and More [slides]
Marianne Reed, Johanna Meetz, Chelsea Johnston

2:45 PM to 3:45 PM
FULL SESSION | Focus Group: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Charge
Michelle Wilson, Harrison Inefuku, Hanni Nabahe, Joshua Neds-Fox, Willa Tavernier

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | Managing Pressbooks: Developing and Maintaining a Library Publishing Program With Open Source Software
Jeremy Smith

FULL SESSION | Ask the Editors: Expanded Uses for Faculty Needs Assessments [video] [slides]
Matthew Hunter, Laura Miller, Camille Thomas, Devin Soper, Liz Dunne

Tuesday, May 5

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
FULL SESSION | Diversity Initiatives in Libraries and Publishing: What Can We Learn from Each Other? [video][slides] [Work-Study: slides, blog post assignment, image manipulation assignment]
Liz Hamilton, Lanell White, Stephanie Elliott Prieto, Kyle Gipson, María García

1:15 PM to 2:15 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | The OER Starter Kit Workbook [slides + notes]
Stacy Katz, Abbey Elder, Jojo Karlin

FULL SESSION | Helping a journal apply to PMC when you’ve never done it before: Case study and indexing best practices discussion [video]  [slides]  [blog post]
Brian Cody

2:45 PM to 3:45 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | Decoding the Directory: Library Publishing Directory Focus Group Session
Jessica Kirschner, Robert Browder, Ellen Dubinsky, Janet Swatscheno, Amanda Wentworth

FULL SESSION | Sustaining Open-Source Community Publishing Platforms: Strategies and Practices [video][slides: Gold-Doerr-Davis; Fitzpatrick; Maxwell]
Matthew K. Gold, Zach Davis, Susan Doerr, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, John W. Maxwell

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Michelle Wilson

FULL SESSION | How Instructional Design & OER Can Redefine What’s Possible for Library Publishing [video]
Hugh McGuire, Jessica Egan, Tim Clarke

Wednesday, May 6

12:00 PM TO 1:00 PM | Poster Session
Developing OER Publishing Support: A Case Study [video] [poster]
Ariana Santiago

Driving more Green OA: the Advancing Hyku project [video/poster]
Brian Hole

Library Publishing Workflows Preliminary Findings [video] [poster]
Brandon Locke

Mapping Libraries and Open Access Publishing in the Liberal Arts at Amherst College [video] [poster/slides]
Hannah Brooks-Motl, Este Pope

How to “Publish Online…”: Web-Based Outputs Beyond PDF and EPUB  [video] [poster]
Race MoChridhe

1:15 PM to 2:15 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | LPC Community in Conversation: Let’s Discuss Publishing Platforms [slides] [notes]
Ally Laird, Amanda Hurford, Race MoChridhe

FULL SESSION | Round Peg in a Square Hole? Positioning the University Press and its Personnel for Success Within a Library Organization [video]
John D. Morgenstern, Lisa Quinn, Charles Thomas Watkinson

2:45 PM to 3:45 PM
PANEL | Creativity at the Forefront: User-oriented and Shared Infrastructure Services
A user-centric and qualitative approach to development of university press editorial services
Sofie Wennström

That’s a pretty big job, eh? Supporting Open Infrastructure in Canada – Lessons from Coalition Publica [video] [slides]
Jessica Clark, James MacGregor

University Journals: An open access publishing platform owned by universities and linked to repositories [video]
Dr. Max Haring

WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | Editorial Control in Library Publishing: Who Does What and Why? [video] [slides]
Robert Browder, Aaron Mccollough, Andrew Lockett, Lara Speicher

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | Cultivating Community with the Library Publishing Research Agenda
Ian Harmon, Jason Boczar, Corinne Guimont, Sarah Wipperman, Liz Bedford, Talea Anderson

PANEL | Models for Success: Customizing the Library Publishing Experience
Lessons Learned from Teaching Scholarly Communication Alongside a Student-Run Journal  [video] [slides]
Melissa Seelye

Make it a win-win: Managing student employee experience in library publishing efforts [video] [slides]
Rebecca Nelson, Becky Thoms

Migrating Journals: Working with Editors
Johanna Meetz

Thursday, May 7

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | Peer Review Party: Your Invitation to Equitable, Inclusive, & Thoughtful Peer Review
Jennifer Solomon, Lynnee Argabright, Anne Gilliland, Rebekah Kati, Jessica Kirschner [toolkit]

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | Managing Pressbooks: Developing and Maintaining a Library Publishing Program With Open Source Software
Jeremy Smith

1:15 PM to 2:15 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | Building a Foundation for Sustainable Library Publishing: Quantitative Tools & Practical Methods [slides] [resources]
Jenny Hoops, Willa Tavernier

FULL SESSION | Making Digital Monographs: Rethinking Relationships and Collaborative Models  [video] [slides: Levy; McKee]
Allison Levy, Sarah McKee, Sara Sikes

2:45 PM to 3:45 PM
PANEL | Build Better Infrastructure with Machine-Readable Data
All Your Book Are Belong to Us: How Computational Research Access is Getting Lost in Translation [video]
Darby Orcutt

Building connections in Crossref metadata records [video]
Patricia Feeney

WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | OER and Open Access Textbooks Review Standards and Approval Rubric [review/rubric doc]
Rebel Cummings-Sauls

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | To Have or Not to Have? Open Discussion about Library Publishing Advisory Boards
Ally Laird, Lauren Collister, Christine Fruin

Friday, May 8

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
FULL SESSION | Sharing, Learning, and Supporting Across Institutions: Experiences from the Pilot Year of the LPC Mentorship Program [video] [slides] [other resources]
Chelsea Johnston, Sarah Wipperman, Ian Harmon, Jody Bailey, Ally Laird

1:15 PM to 2:15 PM
PANEL | The Medium Matters: Publishing Innovations
Pieces of Publications: Exploring New Ideas for Sharing Digital Projects  [video] [slides]
Corinne Guimont

Print Pathways in OER Publishing [video][slides] [transcript]
Amanda Wentworth

From University Press to eScholarship Publishing: Differences and Similarities  [video] [slides]
Rachel Lee

2:45 PM to 3:45 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIMENTAL SESSION | Library Publishing Curriculum: Users, Uses, & Updates [video]
Cheryl E. Ball, Kaycee White

FULL SESSION | XML Publishing Workflows: Tools, Practices, and the Future [video] [slides]
James MacGregor, Dulip Withanage, Vitaliy Bezsheiko

4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
WORKSHOP/EXPERIEMENTAL SESSION | Career Development Lab: Professional Development and Transferable Skills in Scholarly Publishing
John Warren, Laurie Taylor, Liz Scarpelli, Hanni Nabahe, Kyle Gipson


Claire Redhead

Our keynote speaker for the 2020 Library Publishing Forum is Claire Redhead, Executive Director of OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association).

Claire has an editorial background and 20 years experience of the scholarly publishing industry, beginning with a series of positions in UK publishing houses covering all aspects of academic journal and book publishing. Claire joined the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) in 2012, initially responsible for managing membership and communications for the organisation. Quickly taking the lead to develop and grow OASPA during this time, Claire was appointed Executive Director in 2016. Claire is responsible for overseeing OASPA’s annual conference and program of webinars, works closely with the OASPA board and its members, and sits on a number of industry working groups and committees to represent the views of the open access publishing community. OASPA is an international association with over 140 member organisations that focus on open access publishing or provide supporting services and infrastructure in this space.

The Library Publishing Coalition seeks to collaboratively approach major scholarly communications challenges and implement solutions for the community. OASPA is a strategic affiliate of the LPC in this work, and we welcome the opportunity to learn from Claire about the mission of the association and new policy developments in scholarly publishing and open access. The international perspective and diversity of views represented by OASPA will be critical to our conversations and our goals for the 2020 Forum.


May 8, 2024:

2024 Forum Sponsor Highlight: Manifold

This year we invited our Forum Sponsors ($1k and above) to answer some questions for the blog so we can get to know them a bit better! Sponsor name: Manifold … Continue reading 2024 Forum Sponsor Highlight: Manifold

May 7, 2024:

2024 Forum Sponsor Highlight: Pressbooks

This year we invited our Forum Sponsors ($1k and above) to answer some questions for the blog so we can get to know them a bit better! Sponsor name: Pressbooks  … Continue reading 2024 Forum Sponsor Highlight: Pressbooks

May 2, 2024:

2024 Forum Sponsor Highlight: Janeway + Fulcrum

This year we invited our Forum Sponsors ($1k and above) to answer some questions for the blog so we can get to know them a bit better! Sponsor name: Janeway … Continue reading 2024 Forum Sponsor Highlight: Janeway + Fulcrum

See All Forum News »

Code of Conduct

All participation in the Virtual Library Publishing Forum is subject to the Library Publishing Coalition’s Code of Conduct.


Program Committee

  • Laureen Boutang, University of Minnesota (chair)
  • Sonya Betz, University of Alberta
  • Matt Ruen, Grand Valley State University
  • Elizabeth Scarpelli, University of Cincinnati
  • Robin Bedenbaugh, University of Tennessee
  • Justin Gonder, California Digital Library
  • Johanna Meetz, Pacific University
  • Regina Raboin, University of Massachusetts Medical School (Host Liaison)
  • A.J. Boston, Murray State University (2019-21 LPC Fellow)
  • Sarah Hare, Indiana University (Board Liaison)

Library Publishing Forum Award Committee

  • Michelle Wilson, Columbia University (chair)
  • Harrison Inefuku, Iowa State University
  • Hanni Nabahe, University of Virginia
  • Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University
  • Willa Tavernier, Indiana University
  • Jody Bailey, Emory University (Board Liaison)

Local Arrangements Committee (UMMS)

  • Sally Gore, Manager, Research and Scholarly Communications Services
  • Morgan Kolinski, Financial Assistant
  • Patricia Levenson, Administrative Coordinator
  • Lisa Palmer, Institutional Repository Librarian
  • Mary Piorun, Director, Lamar Soutter Library
  • Regina Raboin, Associate Director (Host Liaison, LP Forum 2020 Planning Committee)
  • Marianne Siener, Library Accountant