April 17, 2019
Keynote: Community-driven infrastructures leveraged with Semantic Web and Linked Open Data: A strategy for sustainability, visibility and discoverability of scholarly publishing in Open Access
Thursday, May 9, 8:30-9:30am
Room: Joseph & Rosalie Segal Centre (1400-1430)
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Arianna Becerril-García, co-founder and Executive Director of Redalyc.org (Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal)
Description: Latin America, like other regions of the world -especially from the Global South-, has remained outside the so-called “mainstream-science” which has become the traditional and legitimated circulation channel of knowledge. This situation has limited the international visibility and recognition of Latin American research, particularly of Social Sciences and Humanities. At the same time, a very robust ecosystem of science communication has been built in this region, a system that is intrinsically open and scholarly-owned. Nevertheless, an inclusive and global scholarly communication has not been achieved.
So, it is strategic for the research community and libraries to join forces, as well as share and connect individual efforts to build a cooperative infrastructure that guarantees both, publishing is led by the scholarly community and its openness could be sustainable. This strategy must be leveraged with technology to find more effective methods of communication and deployment of the knowledge generated by different regions, disciplinary fields or languages.
On the other hand, scholarly contents’ full-text could be granulated into pieces and relations to compose a structure that expresses the inherent knowledge and to be linked to a wider and unrestricted knowledge cloud, an upper layer of linked knowledge. In order to attain it, a transition to Semantic Technologies needs to be made. The Semantic Web and Linked Open Data could become important instruments to not only achieve a greater dissemination but also a more equitable participation of knowledge generated globally.
The need that arose in Latin America, due to the lack of economic resources, to make science visible has led this region to create cooperative initiatives such as Redalyc, AmeliCA, Latindex or CLACSO. However, this experience can be transferred to other scientific communities that wish to take back control of the scholarly publishing and in this way, return to the research community the missing link of the scientific communication that has been given to commercial industries.